All aboard the "Like" train

(Right to Left)

@coryfly : "This train might be totally awesome, but it's probably pretty lame."
@gunslingerdick : "Haha! Look at that kid's stupid clothes! I'm rocking the same outfit I bought back in 1982."
@JuleZ '02 HEEL : "Trains suck. Boats rule."
Some Lady : [To herself] "What the hell am I doing with these losers?"


Love the cory quote. Nailed it.
This was a good laugh to get my day started.
I've heard plenty of people trash it, maybe because of the "overrated" issue, but I enjoyed it. Pretty bizarre plot and who doesn't love a good dystopia movie?

Its weird in a lot of ways but then again so are a lot of movies that are considered great. There's definitely worse movies you could spend your evening watching. I didn't love it, but I wouldn't mind watching it again either to pick up more details

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