Chizik Named Carolina's Defensive Coordinator

Sorry, where are my manners?

Welcome to Chapel Hill, coach! Glad to have you. You and your family are going to love it here.

Now please hit this "sleeping giant" with a baseball bat.
Art Chansky and BobLee are not happy and have made a pact to work tirelesly, with any and all allies, to get Gene Chizik removed ASAP.

Just as they did with Butch Davis.
This is my 'OFFICIAL' welcome to Coach Chizik . . and thank you for joining the Tar Heel family, good sir.

Hopefully his initial greeting with the def will go something like this:

" Well, well, well, well. I'm here to tell you that life as you knew it has ended. You all may as well go into town tonight. You may as well laugh and make fools out of yourselves. Rub your pathetic little peckers against your honies or stick it in a knothole in the fence but whatever it is, get rid of it. Because at 0600 tomorrow your ass is mine."
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Just so we can all get familiar with it, here is Chizik's "displeased face":


Yeah . . . he no look real happy.
Originally posted by heelmanwilm:
Hopefully his initial greeting with the def will go something like this:

" Well, well, well, well. I'm here to tell you that life as you knew it has ended. You all may as well go into town tonight. You may as well laugh and make fools out of yourselves. Rub your pathetic little peckers against your honies or stick it in a knothole in the fence but whatever it is, get rid of it. Because at 0600 tomorrow your ass is mine."
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Heartbreak Ridge
Originally posted by BillyL:

Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Just so we can all get familiar with it, here is Chizik's "displeased face":


Yeah . . . he no look real happy.
looking at game film and seeing daughter off with some d-bag, same look of disgust.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Art Chansky and BobLee are not happy and have made a pact to work tirelesly, with any and all allies, to get Gene Chizik removed ASAP.

Just as they did with Butch Davis.
Thankfully, they don't have Thorp and Baddour to influence.
Welcome Coach Chizik. I guess you have an easy job. Just tell the defense to do the opposite of
what our defense did in most of the
Games this past year. Easy, huh?
Hey insiders, I thought this was going to happen after the BoT met...

Anyways, I'm seriously pumped about the next three years of Carolina football.
Originally posted by uncboy10:

Anyways, I'm seriously pumped about the next three years of Carolina football.
Don't drink the KoolAid yet, or else you will find yourself agreeing that this is the year that UNC wins the ACC Championship and plays Alabama for a a natty.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by uncboy10:

Anyways, I'm seriously pumped about the next three years of Carolina football.
Don't drink the KoolAid yet, or else you will find yourself agreeing that this is the year that UNC wins the ACC Championship and plays Alabama for a a natty.
Surely we all know how small and inexperienced our DL will be and that that alone means we likely can't do better than 8-4.

But 2016 may be another matter entirely.
I visited Crack Ride this AM. My favorite post is by PretzelPack. He is responding to Fourthepack asserting that the hiring of Chizik is trying to prove that we are above the law, which means the NCAA is failing to help the schools doing it 'the right way.'

PretzelPack's wisdom: "The "Right Way" would be to nail their Tar Holes to the cross. Being weak kneed and going along to get along is only acting as enablers for their crooked ways. ACC teams should get together and put the penalties on them and say, "You either agree to this or you are out."

Anything else is just being your own worst enemy... being their lap dog. So, here after four years, schools like NC State have no one to blame but themselves. We certainly know how it was when the shoe was on the other foot, even though State has never done anything close to what we have seen uncch get away with thus far."

Is there anybody here who wouldn't LOVE [/I]it if MooU were to stamp down its foot and demand that the ACC make us pay? If the ACC booted us, we could join the SEC and leave the Wufs behind forever.

And the other possibility? The ACC agree with the Wufs that it cannot have both UNC and MooU, and so boots Moo.

As the average Wuffie makes the average ECU Pirate look reasonable, Moo deserves to be in CUSA.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:

PretzelPack's wisdom: "........ACC teams should get together and put the penalties on them and say, 'You either agree to this or you are out.'"
Please PLEASE do this

Slive would be on the phone to Folt/Bubba before afforementioned ACC meeting even ended.
Sorry, I couldn't get past this part:

Originally posted by WoadBlue:

We certainly know how it was when the shoe was on the other foot, even though State has never done anything close to what we have seen uncch get away with thus far."
I always like to remind them that only one of our fine universities has ever been cited for Lack of Institutional Control.

(At least as of today....)
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by uncboy10:

Anyways, I'm seriously pumped about the next three years of Carolina football.
Don't drink the KoolAid yet, or else you will find yourself agreeing that this is the year that UNC wins the ACC Championship and plays Alabama for a a natty.
I'm taking shots of the kool-aid. Alabama doesn't stand a chance.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Sorry, I couldn't get past this part:

Originally posted by WoadBlue:

We certainly know how it was when the shoe was on the other foot, even though State has never done anything close to what we have seen uncch get away with thus far."
I always like to remind them that only one of our fine universities has ever been cited for Lack of Institutional Control.

(At least as of today....)
It wouldn't do any good to remind them of anything. They know that everything bad that ever happened to them is because a UNC conspiracy acts all day every day to hurt poor innocent MooU.
chizik was mack brown's defensive coordinator at texas in 2005 this is what mack had to say about him: "Gene was upbeat, he was positive. At that time, we had guys at linebacker who weren't pro prospects. They were good players, maybe not great players. We had great players around him-a great defensive line and one of the best secondaries ever. Gene's guys weren't quite the caliber of the other guys, and he didn't care. He said, 'They'll be great, we'll get 'em coached up.' He was simple enough with his schemes but at the same time was complicated enough on third down, when he really needed to be. He's a very sound teacher."

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