$hillary Claims She Can't RECALL Key E-mail Details...

Nuk'EM Heels

Hall of Famer
Jan 1, 2010
...26 TIMES!!!!!

Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview:

  • When she received security clearance
  • Being briefed on how to handle classified material
  • How many times she used her authority to designate items classified
  • Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret "Special Access Program" material
  • How to select a target for a drone strike
  • How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices
  • The number of times her staff was given a secure phone
  • Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry
  • Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system
  • Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account
  • Getting guidance from state on email policy
  • Who had access to her Blackberry account
  • The process for deleting her emails
  • Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full
  • Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server
  • Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked
  • Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts
  • Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server
  • Using an iPad mini
  • An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal
  • Jacob Sullivan using personal email
  • State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports
  • Every briefing she received after suffering concussions
  • Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012
  • Being read out of her clearance
  • Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her account
It is a "time-honored tradition in Washington scandals" to claim one doesn't recall as they were busy being busy Washington officials, The Associated Press said in a 2005 report on common criminal defenses inside the Beltway.
Soooooo... We KNOW she lied to the American people about her emails... We KNOW she lied to Congress about her emails (referred to the Obama FBI for investigation... they'll fly high-cover for the $hill again...)... And, we KNOW she either lied to the State Department or the FBI about being briefed on the handling of classified information and maintenance of government records... And, she's lying about recalling these key details concerning her emails. There are valid reasons less than 10% of Americans believe she is honest or trustworthy.
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She may have a legit memory problem. You know symptoms like the crazy head bobbing and inappropriate laughter could be signs of something. The other issue is she is just very OLD for her age.
In addition to being a complete liar, fraud and corrupt to her core, this woman is not well physically.

But hey her sycophants in the media and slavish followers do NOT care one bit. She is HILLARY... she is a CLINTON.... what a cancer these two POS have inflicted on America for the last thirty years.
13 of her blackberries and 4 of her IPads were intentionally smashed with a hammer by one of her aides.

I don't understand how anyone can vote for her.