Plan proposed to stop early NBA draft entries

The NBA really needs to adopt the MLB model - players can turn pro after high school, but once they commit to college, they are bound for three years. Would keep players not ready in school longer where they could further develop their games AND get close enough to earning a degree that they'd be more likely to actually do it in the off season or after retirement.

Plus, it would likely be a good thing for the D-League.

Not likely, but the best option, IMO.
MLB rule would work better than anything else, in my view. However, the Nba would need to stay away from kids who go to college and then attempt to leave after on or two short seasons. MLB rule works because ALL parties involved are interested in keeping yound athletes around until they are ready for the "Big League". The current one semester and more than a couple of Kentucky's basketball players already finishing their college experience, is a sham to anyone paying attention, in my humble opinion...
last year and this year are a sham for the players. If they make the final four they have like 10 days to make a major life decision with ZERO input from the nba directly. Atleast it is a step in the right direction, with giving time and info to these kids so they can make a sound choice.
Need to let the kids go straight out of high school if they are good enough.
0 or 2. Not that hard to understand. Wonder what kind of rocks are churning in the big wigs' head in the NCAA.

This post was edited on 3/12 3:08 PM by RoseHeel
Let em go out of high school. If anyone on this board had an 18 yr old stud who could go make millions but was basically forced to attend school you couldn't convince me that anybody here in that situation would agree with that. You can vote, you can die for your country but you can't make a living that would set your family up maybe for generations. One and done needs to be abolished, yesterday! Sorry kitties!
And before anybody says the money will be there down the road.... Just how do we know that for sure? A lot of things can happen in 1-3 years.
Originally posted by mikeirbyusa:
Need to let the kids go straight out of high school if they are good enough.
Agree 100% Mike, but the problem has always been whether the kids are good enough!

At least with this initiative there'll be some honesty to the process - if a player doesn't get an invite they don't go to the combine. The message should be loud and clear: if you're not invited we don't think you're good enough, so get out of the draft.

I reckon the league should go one step further: invite players to the combine and ONLY those players CAN be drafted, cutting out the declare and hope mentality that so many young kids have.

Based on that there should be a system where a high school player can declare, be honestly evaluated and then either invited to the combine or told to hit the books!
I just don't understand why they can't enter the draft and if they aren't chosen, return to school. As long as they don't hire an agent or do anything to compromise their amateur status, what does it matter. Baseball players get selected all the time and decide to go or stay in college. I have no problem with kids going early if they are drafted. It is the kids that get bad information, go early and don't get drafted that the system needs to protect. This way, if a kid gets bad info, he can return with no penalty.
I think they shouldn't have to declare for the draft period. Let the NBA draft anyone they want whenever they feel they are ready. If a kid likes his draft spot and wants to go, then go. If he doesn't then he doesn't have to. NBA team can keep their rights until they graduate or decide to go to the league. The kid should be the focus and not some imaginary amateurism standard that changes yearly.