Trouble in derm?

I was only 16 when that happened so wasn't paying as much attention to stuff like that. Remembered him and Avery both making the jump and people scratch their heads some about leaving early. Even though they were both late lottery picks.

Maggette had a nice NBA career. Avery was never to be heard from after his brief tryout in the league. K knew what he was talking about when he tried to get Avery to stay. I’ll give him that. But duke fans believe he was against it because he was looking out for Avery. Everyone else knows it’s because K is a self-serving, egotistical jerk.
Maggette had a nice NBA career. Avery was never to be heard from after his brief tryout in the league. K knew what he was talking about when he tried to get Avery to stay. I’ll give him that. But duke fans believe he was against it because he was looking out for Avery. Everyone else knows it’s because K is a self-serving, egotistical jerk.
He had a strong career in Europe too.
I was only 16 when that happened so wasn't paying as much attention to stuff like that. Remembered him and Avery both making the jump and people scratch their heads some about leaving early. Even though they were both late lottery picks.

I remember thinking why is Magette (sp) leaving early also. I hate Duke, but love college bball, and thought he would be a top 5 pick had he come back.

I'm not into 20 year old allegations. How many times do you have to be raped until you finally tell. If it's true he should pay for it!
The posts made by crazyheel are pathetic. To dismiss these accusations because of timeline is ignorant.

I would suggest you go to a womans shelter before you continue to expose yourself. There are plenty of reasons rape victims dont out the perpetrator... a couple outside of fear are embarassment and vilification whcih come in the form of the very statements you made.

Whether it is Cosby, Kavanaugh, Weinstein... shit is real. We should let this play out for both the accused and the accuser before we butcher either party.
Why don't you give us details of your last visit to a battered women's shelter?
statute has run on this so the police won't be involved which makes it a problem money can make go away.
dook has the money.
WRONG. The statute of limitations in the State of North Carolina on a felony is unlimited. One can be charged 20, 30, 40, 50 years later, if evidence is provided for the DA to bring legitimate felony charges with a good possibility of conviction.
Where is that on record?
"Ms. Watson was raped by a basketball player during her sophomore year at Duke. She went to the Dean, who provided no help and discouraged her from pursuing the claim further. Ms. Watson also told friends, including Justin Fairfax. Mr. Fairfax then used this prior assault against Ms. Watson, as he explained to her during the only encounter she had with him after the rape. She left a campus party when he arrived, and he followed her out. She turned and asked: “Why did you do it?” Mr. Fairfax answered: “I knew that because of what happened to you last year, you’d be too afraid to say anything.” "
I remember thinking why is Magette (sp) leaving early also. I hate Duke, but love college bball, and thought he would be a top 5 pick had he come back.

I'm not into 20 year old allegations. How many times do you have to be raped until you finally tell. If it's true he should pay for it!
It's a dicey subject. I can see reluctancy in coming out if someone was sexually abused by someone in a position of power or notoriety (Ie. The Catholic Church). But someone coming out 20 years later on separate guys all of a sudden seems odd. Especially considering the political angle of the initial accusation.
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"Ms. Watson was raped by a basketball player during her sophomore year at Duke. She went to the Dean, who provided no help and discouraged her from pursuing the claim further. Ms. Watson also told friends, including Justin Fairfax. Mr. Fairfax then used this prior assault against Ms. Watson, as he explained to her during the only encounter she had with him after the rape. She left a campus party when he arrived, and he followed her out. She turned and asked: “Why did you do it?” Mr. Fairfax answered: “I knew that because of what happened to you last year, you’d be too afraid to say anything.” "

From what I read there, she told a couple friends. I didn’t see her go on record though, did I miss it? Her lawyer claims she told the Dean. If she did and he covered it up, he’s gonna be in trouble. I guess it remains to be proven if she told him or not.

Either way, Fairfax seems to be a pretty shitty friend.
"Ms. Watson was raped by a basketball player during her sophomore year at Duke. She went to the Dean, who provided no help and discouraged her from pursuing the claim further. Ms. Watson also told friends, including Justin Fairfax. Mr. Fairfax then used this prior assault against Ms. Watson, as he explained to her during the only encounter she had with him after the rape. She left a campus party when he arrived, and he followed her out. She turned and asked: “Why did you do it?” Mr. Fairfax answered: “I knew that because of what happened to you last year, you’d be too afraid to say anything.” "

Yes, I understand she is making that claim. But it seems like it could be substantiated by a subpoena of the Dean’s calendar or that an admin could substantiate that the woman did come into the office.

Right now it’s just a credible sounding accusation without any supporting facts. I don’t consider those types of accusations when forming an opinion as to whether or not someone is a rapist.

Look at it from another angle- if the same unsubstantiated accusation were being made against Roy and CAROLINA, would you believe it?
Yes, I understand she is making that claim. But it seems like it could be substantiated by a subpoena of the Dean’s calendar or that an admin could substantiate that the woman did come into the office.

Right now it’s just a credible sounding accusation without any supporting facts. I don’t consider those types of accusations when forming an opinion as to whether or not someone is a rapist.

Look at it from another angle- if the same unsubstantiated accusation were being made against Roy and CAROLINA, would you believe it?
I don't have access to any formal, legal documentation. I just tried to provide something that was accessible online that indicates that there was at least an effort to "report it" when it happened. So far, that's all we have... I think.
I don't have access to any formal, legal documentation. I just tried to provide something that was accessible online that indicates that there was at least an effort to "report it" when it happened. So far, that's all we have... I think.

All this indicates is that she said there was an effort. I neither believe nor disbelieve her but if she wants me to believe her, then the accusation needs to be substantiated.
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Thats fine, it's just what happens when we use our opinion rather than looking up the facts, as they were. Glad to be of help :)
i thought the only crime without a statute of limitations was murder.
glad you didn't call me out on biography vs autobiography.
i got away with that one.