"Trust the Process"


Feb 16, 2006

"Trust the Process" from Adam Lucas. Great insights on Marcus Paige and how HARD he works. Words fail to express how fortunate we are to have him for 4 years.

I'm hoping Blacksburg suffers the beat-down that will ensue when the slump is broken!!

After every day of his Tar Heel career, Paige shoots. The “easy workout” is five three-pointers from five different spots on the floor. Doesn’t sound too difficult, right?

Except that he has to make five in a row at each spot.

This takes him virtually no time at all. That's why it's the "easy workout."

The longer workout, the one he’s done most often during his illustrious career, is to take a dozen shots from seven different spots around the three-point line. He has to make 10-of-12 three-pointers from each spot before he can move to the next one.

That’s 83 percent.

From seven different spots.

It takes him a mere matter of minutes.​
A year ago we would've been in major trouble because we relied on Paige so much.
This year,I'm not worried at all about his slump unless he's got a injury he's hiding.
Wow, just wow!

Just when you think you can't love a player any more, Lucas takes it to another level.
MP is on my short list of favorite Tar Heels ever! (I've been watching for 46+years)

This article made me relax and now I expect him to break out against VT. In any case, I love how he continues to really lead this team and stuff the stat sheet! We are so lucky to have been able to cheer for a great player who is also a great person, again!

The Tar Heel Family seems to attract this type of individual!
I think Marcus and Justin will be back to their games soon, it would be nice to see both contribute in Blacksburg, beyond some assists, rebounds, screens or a few points...agree also with most that Theo needs to get back to Theo as well. Get in lanes and drive it or dish...Go Tar Heels! :cool:
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High praise indeed from Roy when he says he has never coached a player in whom he had more confidence than he does in Marcus Paige.
We're playing pretty decent ball right now, and that's with Marcus and Jackson in slumps. You know, the two guys that were supposed to carry the team this year. Marcus can take his time getting out of the slump, as long as he's good for March we'll be fine. Those two not being there to "save the day" is giving others the opportunity to put the team on their back (Hicks, Brice, and Berry all have stepped up to the challenge). That way anyone will be ready to be the man in March, by which time I'm sure Marcus will be good to go as well.
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Marcus reminds me of a time when I was in a bit of a funk regarding my golf game. I went to the range, short game range, putting green and worked at basic fundamentals and what I had always done...and eventually I worked out of it.
The toughest nut Roy has had will be okay.
Good stuff as always.
Believe it or not if I was advising him right now, I'd tell him to take a couple of days off from that routine going into the BC game and just let his mind reset. It's amazing how that can work sometimes.
Bad "muscle memory" can sneak in during a slump, much like a subtle unnoticed little hitch a baseball player might pick up that exacerbates a slump... sometimes extra batting practice helps, sometimes it's better to just put the bat down for a day or two.
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Good stuff as always.
Believe it or not if I was advising him right now, I'd tell him to take a couple of days off from that routine going into the BC game and just let his mind reset. It's amazing how that can work sometimes.
Bad "muscle memory" can sneak in during a slump, much like a subtle unnoticed little hitch a baseball player might pick up that exacerbates a slump... sometimes extra batting practice helps, sometimes it's better to just put the bat down for a day or two.

or a year off like the last time the game of golf really got into my head - in MP's case indeed i hope he takes a couple of days off max from the "routine" until sunday then lights it up
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or a year off like the last time the game of golf really got into my head - in MP's case indeed i hope he takes a couple of days off max from the "routine" until sunday then lights it up

So true. I play my best golf when I haven't practiced in awhile. Of course, my best golf is still pretty bad.
Excellent read by Adam Lucas! Paige is going to break that slump sooner rather than later! When he does, look out.....whoever the opponent is will be in for a LOOOOONNNNGGGG night!
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!!!!!!!!!!!! GO MARCUS !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!! GO MARCUS !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!! GO MARCUS !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!