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  1. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Call it butt ball!!!
  2. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    ND plsyin' over their headswhile oir heads zre in oir butts .... onlynway fof ND!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Vlme ojt smokin' Heels!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Make empay, Heels!!! I
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Come on, Heels .... you can beat these guys!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Chicken zhit!!!
  7. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Give em2!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Got to Play Better!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Playball, Heels!!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

  12. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Hit him again, Theo!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    You can count on dspn to stack em up and wind up delaying our game! FESPN!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    BTW, TIR ... you still around?
  15. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Focus ... 7 P" s leads to PH, PS, PT!!!
  16. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    but, the smart team will expectthe unexpected ... keep your head in the game, Heels!!!
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    We should but ...?
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    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Rough 'em up, Heels ... and EAT THEIR LUNCH!!!!
  19. H

    White Men Can't Jump - But They Used To

    You have got to inclide Lenny, TH, Joe Quigg, O'Koren, Eric, T Kearns, of course Billy C, Mitch ..... my O my ... there are so many ... havdn' we been blessed ... ???
  20. H

    UNC vs Notre Dame GAME THREAD

    Remember the7 Ps ... Prior Proper Preparation Prevents ........... !