Again with Vanilla Whip?...

Wow - that's a Draymond Green Special to the man zone right there. In no way was that a natural basketball move, or a follow through on falling down. Who of us hasn't fallen playing basketball. Whose legs lurch up at a 90 degree angle to kick a guy in te crotch? Waiting for the day he gets what's coming. Hope he doesn't cheap shot us tomorrow. Or if he does, gets tossed for rest of the year (without injuring anyone).
Unless the zebras get some guts and call a T like the rules imply, this sort of shit will go on and on. Not defending Trip, but if they keep calling it why not keeping dropping like a dog shot with a cannon? And please don't get me started on his head whipping action.
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Agree '75, gutless no-call by the refs.
Simultaneous BS moves by Whip/trip:
1. The collapse like a house of cards back-flop.
2. The bush-league kick to the 'crown jewels'

Double technical, get your ass to the locker room.
Ridiculous. You should have seen this flop Giles had in the game Gary. About as absurd as you can get. Clearly being coached.
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I watched the entire game and somehow missed this act. I saw the flop and wondered why the Refs keep falling for this obvious move, but I missed the kick on the follow through! Giles is a very poor actor, but he will develop his flop move even if no other part of his game gets developed by the LOM!

I can't wait to see Jack the Tripper in the pros!
I hope he either kicks or trips Draymond Greene! (Karma is a B!)
The Heels need to beat Duke tonight. Tripper is beyond help.
I watched the entire game and somehow missed this act. I saw the flop and wondered why the Refs keep falling for this obvious move, but I missed the kick on the follow through! Giles is a very poor actor, but he will develop his flop move even if no other part of his game gets developed by the LOM!

I can't wait to see Jack the Tripper in the pros!
I hope he either kicks or trips Draymond Greene! (Karma is a B!)
Yeah apparent the creator of the YouTube video did us a favor and zoomed in on his shenanigans.
I watched the entire game and somehow missed this act. I saw the flop and wondered why the Refs keep falling for this obvious move, but I missed the kick on the follow through! Giles is a very poor actor, but he will develop his flop move even if no other part of his game gets developed by the LOM!
No doubt about this.
The boy needs professional help.

I am actually starting to feel sorry for his family.
I mean, he didn't intentionally kick him but he did intentionally flop which this is a byproduct of.

That said, if you had watched the game like I did, you would know that sequence right there is what flipped the script on the entire game. They in like 30 seconds called 3 fouls against louisville players defending Grayson Allen. The 1st was the 4th foul on ULs best player which was marginal. The second was legitly a foul against the white guy they brought in to defend him kevitch? And the third was the flop right there on the 3 pointer. Literally put ULs best player on the bench and his backup on the bench within 30 seconds on very questionable calls all on one possession.

UL went from up 6 to down within moments and the game was effectively flipped aroubd at that point.
I mean, he didn't intentionally kick him but he did intentionally flop which this is a byproduct of.

That said, if you had watched the game like I did, you would know that sequence right there is what flipped the script on the entire game. They in like 30 seconds called 3 fouls against louisville players defending Grayson Allen. The 1st was the 4th foul on ULs best player which was marginal. The second was legitly a foul against the white guy they brought in to defend him kevitch? And the third was the flop right there on the 3 pointer. Literally put ULs best player on the bench and his backup on the bench within 30 seconds on very questionable calls all on one possession.

UL went from up 6 to down within moments and the game was effectively flipped aroubd at that point.
Yeah, that's what I heard from others as well --- that dook got some major help in a key spurt.

But as for the vid, go back and watch it all the way through --- the second time the play is shown it is zoomed in and you'll see the kick was quite intentional. In fact there's no way it couldn't be.
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