Well, this thread blew up since I last posted.
Justified: Loved it, way underrated. Walton Goggins was so great as Boyd, I was thrilled he got to shine in Hateful Eight. This show had a little bit of everything, could make you laugh while having great action. Some of the best dialogue ever on tv.
Breaking Bad: In my personal top 3 shows ever along Sopranos & The Wire. Just a masterpiece of television, Bryan Cranston was so good on that show, as was Aaron Paul.
Better Call Saul: I know some Breaking Bad fans who haven't gotten into this show, but I think it's really good. It took a little while to get going, but by the time of the "Five-O" episode in season 1, I realized that this show was gonna be pretty great. This season has let Jimmy really start to tap into Saul, and I think it's just gonna get better from here.
Simpsons/South Park/Family Guy/Futurama: All shows that I like, but to varying degrees. South Park is still one where I watch every new episode, Family Guy was like that for a while, I fell off it a few seasons ago, but I still watch some of the older ones now and then. I don't watch Simpsons religiously anymore, but I've seen more than enough that if it's on, I can catch an episode and know who all the players are. Some of the old ones are sheer genius though. Futurama has some episodes that are great, and some that are kinda "meh" but I liked it overall.
Game of Thrones: Said it before, but I think this show is great. I also really enjoy the books. I have been so impressed with Peter Dinklage in this series. Plus, dragons and boobs.
Entourage: I watched this leading up to the movie, and I have to say, I think this show would have been so much better if it focused on Ari, and how he is left to deal with Vince and his crazy people. Basically, like an R-rated 30 Rock. Not to say the show we got was bad (well, not for the most part, some of it hasn't particularly aged well, and the season where Vince dates the porn star is kind of weird), but I just felt like Ari was clearly the most interesting character, so I'd rather follow him.
The Americans: I started it and liked it, then fell way behind, need to catch up.
Always Sunny: Love it. Can't believe Charlie Day or Danny Devito still haven't received Emmy nominations for this show.
Walking Dead: I am in the group that think this show really hit its stride in the past 2 seasons or so. I enjoyed it before, but now that it has stability behind the scenes, I think it's really become the show it wants to be. I am eagerly awaiting Negan's arrival this weekend, but at the same time, very curious/worried about who will have to depart as a result.
I think that's every show mentioned that I have watched since my last post.