Big Tech companies


Hall of Famer
Aug 5, 2009
The Old North State
I think this list shows the inherit bias of Big Tech companies. This shows employee political donations of the biggest tech companies, as released by CNN. I knew the bias was pronounced, but this shows just how prevalent it is in the Tech industry.

Netflix: Democrats – $340,485 (98%), Republicans – $7,124 (2%)
Nvidia: Democrats – $154,466 (93%), Republicans – $11,673 (7%)
Adobe: Democrats – $401,937 (93%), Republicans – $28,137 (7%)
IBM: Democrats – $1,496,234 (90%), Republicans – $163,804 (10%)
Salesforce: Democrats – $457,119 (89%), Republicans – $59,181 (11%)
Alphabet (Google): Democrats – $5,437,048 (88%), Republicans – $766,920 (12%)
Microsoft: Democrats – $3,969,072 (85%), Republicans – $690,953 (15%)
Apple: Democrats – $1,243,825 (84%), Republicans – $228,653 (16%)
PayPal: Democrats – $145,483 (84%) Republicans – $27,529 (16%)
Cisco: Democrats – $798,586 (80%), Republicans – $204,400 (20%)
Amazon: Democrats – $2,677,112 (77%), Republicans – $783,349 (23%)
Facebook: Democrats – $1,634,153 (77%), Republicans – $480,133 (23%)
Intel: Democrats – $790,769 (68%), Republicans – $372,667 (32%)
Broadcom: Democrats – $326,616 (68%), Republicans – $154,058 (32%)
Oracle: Democrats – $785,882 (67%), Republicans – $380,240 (33%)
Texas Instruments: Democrats – $123,543 (60%), Republicans – $82,571 (40%)
Qualcomm: Democrats – $289,336 (50%), Republicans – $284,119 (50%)
I think this list shows the inherit bias of Big Tech companies. This shows employee political donations of the biggest tech companies, as released by CNN. I knew the bias was pronounced, but this shows just how prevalent it is in the Tech industry.

Netflix: Democrats – $340,485 (98%), Republicans – $7,124 (2%)
Nvidia: Democrats – $154,466 (93%), Republicans – $11,673 (7%)
Adobe: Democrats – $401,937 (93%), Republicans – $28,137 (7%)
IBM: Democrats – $1,496,234 (90%), Republicans – $163,804 (10%)
Salesforce: Democrats – $457,119 (89%), Republicans – $59,181 (11%)
Alphabet (Google): Democrats – $5,437,048 (88%), Republicans – $766,920 (12%)
Microsoft: Democrats – $3,969,072 (85%), Republicans – $690,953 (15%)
Apple: Democrats – $1,243,825 (84%), Republicans – $228,653 (16%)
PayPal: Democrats – $145,483 (84%) Republicans – $27,529 (16%)
Cisco: Democrats – $798,586 (80%), Republicans – $204,400 (20%)
Amazon: Democrats – $2,677,112 (77%), Republicans – $783,349 (23%)
Facebook: Democrats – $1,634,153 (77%), Republicans – $480,133 (23%)
Intel: Democrats – $790,769 (68%), Republicans – $372,667 (32%)
Broadcom: Democrats – $326,616 (68%), Republicans – $154,058 (32%)
Oracle: Democrats – $785,882 (67%), Republicans – $380,240 (33%)
Texas Instruments: Democrats – $123,543 (60%), Republicans – $82,571 (40%)
Qualcomm: Democrats – $289,336 (50%), Republicans – $284,119 (50%)
You should look at what the company donates, not the employees. But it's pretty simple to understand why the individual contributions are so tilted. Technology is full of young people. Younger people tend to support democrats.
I would assume more conservative based companies would slant in the opposite direction. I wonder how many shun these services. Personally, life for me isn't based by political affiliation. Everything doest have to be dem or pub. @Archer2 , does this info stop you from using any of these services? I count at least 10 I use from time to time. If those companies land in a blue state then naturally it will lean heavy. By far cities tend to be blue. Big companies tend to not thrive in rural areas.
Who cares and why does this surprise anyone? Tech companies are mostly based in cities with their employees being young city dwellers, obviously they are going to skew democratic.

But again, who cares?
I would assume more conservative based companies would slant in the opposite direction. I wonder how many shun these services. Personally, life for me isn't based by political affiliation. Everything doest have to be dem or pub. @Archer2 , does this info stop you from using any of these services? I count at least 10 I use from time to time. If those companies land in a blue state then naturally it will lean heavy. By far cities tend to be blue. Big companies tend to not thrive in rural areas.
I try to use as few of those companies as possible, especially the ones that have such a huge influence on our political landscape like Google and Facebook. IMO, politics affects almost every aspect of our lives. When companies like Google/Facebook/Twitter use their “supposedly” unbiased platforms to influence our elections and shape our country politically, it’s a very dangerous thing. Shadow banning, censoring Conservatives, etc… is becoming commonplace. As if the mainstream media weren’t biased enough, now these social platforms are piling on.
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You should look at what the company donates, not the employees. But it's pretty simple to understand why the individual contributions are so tilted. Technology is full of young people. Younger people tend to support democrats.
I’d be willing to bet company donations pretty much follow the same pattern. And we all know younger people are not very informed or smart politically. They’ve largely been brainwashed by our education system. Thank goodness some of them grow out of it as they navigate their way through the real world.
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I try to use as few of those companies as possible, especially the ones that have such a huge influence on our political landscape like Google and Facebook. IMO, politics affects almost every aspect of our lives. When companies like Google/Facebook/Twitter use their “supposedly” unbiased platforms to influence our elections and shape our country politically, it’s a very dangerous thing. Shadow banning, censoring Conservatives, etc… is becoming commonplace. As if the mainstream media weren’t biased enough, now these social platforms are piling on.
But how you flash here is a sign that politics dominates your life. If you owed a Facebook like site, would you not skew the populace for dems as FB does far right pubs? Would you not try and influence media? As it shows, young people are heavily dem. So work to influence them. They are most definitely the future of this country. Many of those companies you listed help keep the US on the world map. So they are needed.
But how you flash here is a sign that politics dominates your life. If you owed a Facebook like site, would you not skew the populace for dems as FB does far right pubs? Would you not try and influence media? As it shows, young people are heavily dem. So work to influence them. They are most definitely the future of this country. Many of those companies you listed help keep the US on the world map. So they are needed.
Facebook, Twitter, and Google are working to push our county farther and farther to the left. If you’re a Progressive, that’s great. If you’re a Conservative, it’s not. When these companies censor Conservative opinions, they are no longer a platform for free discussion. They are a political entity. As such, they should be subject to lawsuits. They currently aren’t. When Al-Qaeda is allowed to post but Trump is banned, there is no free exchange of ideas. Most young people get their news from sites like this. That’s why the bias of these sites is so dangerous. They have a tremendous impact on public opinion.

As for politics dominating my life, it dominates all of our lives. Many are just apathetic and don’t pay attention until election time.
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I’d be willing to bet company donations pretty much follow the same pattern. And we all know younger people are not very informed or smart politically. They’ve largely been brainwashed by our education system. Thank goodness some of them grow out of it as they navigate their way through the real world.
Yeah, you’re not brainwashed at all. 🙄
Facebook, Twitter, and Google are working to push our county farther and farther to the left. If you’re a Progressive, that’s great. If you’re a Conservative, it’s not. When these companies censor Conservative opinions, they are no longer a platform for free discussion. They are a political entity. As such, they should be subject to lawsuits. They currently aren’t. When Al-Qaeda is allowed to post but Trump is banned, there is no free exchange of ideas. Most young people get their news from sites like this. That’s why the bias of these sites is so dangerous. They have a tremendous impact on public opinion.

As for politics dominating my life, it dominates all of our lives. Many are just apathetic and don’t pay attention until election time.
I live with the understanding that a slant happens with any news outlet. I also try not to get in the business of telling other companies how to run their platforms. That's why I posed the example of you shutting out dems if you had such a platform. Do you have Facebook, Twitter, insta? I have a Facebook account. I see far right people constantly in attack mode. I see them in jail often. But they are the ones whose main goal is to antagonize anyone who opposes their views. How that platform is managed is up to the owner. Given that I share some of your views, I also understand you can't bulldog someone into political submission. This is how our society have developed. It is now the world we live in. I have learned to take care of those within my reach. That's all that I can do.
Finding common ground should not be a mountain to either side.
I try to use as few of those companies as possible, especially the ones that have such a huge influence on our political landscape like Google and Facebook. IMO, politics affects almost every aspect of our lives. When companies like Google/Facebook/Twitter use their “supposedly” unbiased platforms to influence our elections and shape our country politically, it’s a very dangerous thing. Shadow banning, censoring Conservatives, etc… is becoming commonplace. As if the mainstream media weren’t biased enough, now these social platforms are piling on.
what in the world?…are you sure you’re okay?
I’d be willing to bet company donations pretty much follow the same pattern.
We've already been over this and I've shown you that companies play it pretty even. Big companies only care about profits. You can't max out profits by just donating to one party.
IMO, politics affects almost every aspect of our lives.
It certainly affects every aspect of yours, based on your presence on this board.

And we all know younger people are not very informed or smart politically.
Well, they aren't wise enough to absorb as much confirmation bias- like Fox News and Newsmax, in your case- which would allow them to be "informed."

They’ve largely been brainwashed by our education system. Thank goodness some of them grow out of it as they navigate their way through the real world.
Thank goodness you haven't been brainwashed.

As for politics dominating my life, it dominates all of our lives.
No... it doesn't dominate all our lives. In my "real world", we realize that politicians don't give a shit about average people. They never have, and they never will. Unless it requires some pandering to keep people voting for them, against their own best interests, politicians have no interest at all in the American people (or whatever country is pretending to be a democracy). So, indulging in politics is a choice to be miserable, at least part of the time.
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I'm not surprised by this at all. These companies for the most part are located in large cities in Silicon Valley, Washington, etc. in the PNW. While those areas have booming homeless tent city shitholes, the types of people working for these tech giants will be of a bit higher class than that riff raff, and they'll have money. I'd suspect their donations to roughly match the breakdown of Dem/Rep in those areas, which they appear to do.
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Facebook, Twitter, and Google are working to push our county farther and farther to the left. If you’re a Progressive, that’s great. If you’re a Conservative, it’s not. When these companies censor Conservative opinions, they are no longer a platform for free discussion. They are a political entity. As such, they should be subject to lawsuits. They currently aren’t. When Al-Qaeda is allowed to post but Trump is banned, there is no free exchange of ideas. Most young people get their news from sites like this. That’s why the bias of these sites is so dangerous. They have a tremendous impact on public opinion.
I agree 100%. Censorship is ALMOST always a dangerous thing.
I'm not surprised by this at all. These companies for the most part are located in large cities in Silicon Valley, Washington, etc. in the PNW. While those areas have booming homeless tent city shitholes, the types of people working for these tech giants will be of a bit higher class than that riff raff, and they'll have money. I'd suspect their donations to roughly match the breakdown of Dem/Rep in those areas, which they appear to do.
I guess we can finally rule-out the threat of "Communism", since every last bit of this is profit-driven and to eliminate discourse and, most of all, competition. Big business and big government is a road to Fascism, unless I was brainwashed incorrectly.
I don’t have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account. I don’t use Google.
Just as well throw in you tube as well, oh and Yahoo. You may have a hard time surfing the net. By the way, both android and iphone platforms are held by those companies. Good luck finding another phone to use. Probably covers most computer platforms as well. If you are proving a point, get rid of everything that has lib stink on it. BTY, you need to disassociate with the Heels, they are an absolute liberal hotbed as well. Make sure to ask your doctors where they got their degrees. PS, Ford and Gm backed Biden. May want to rethink your vehicle choice.
Also, many drug manufacturing companies lean left, so check that out while you are at it. Food service, grocery stores, restaurants, may need a peek as well.

If you believe it, then by all means live it
Just as well throw in you tube as well, oh and Yahoo. You may have a hard time surfing the net. By the way, both android and iphone platforms are held by those companies. Good luck finding another phone to use. Probably covers most computer platforms as well. If you are proving a point, get rid of everything that has lib stink on it. BTY, you need to disassociate with the Heels, they are an absolute liberal hotbed as well. Make sure to ask your doctors where they got their degrees. PS, Ford and Gm backed Biden. May want to rethink your vehicle choice.
Also, many drug manufacturing companies lean left, so check that out while you are at it. Food service, grocery stores, restaurants, may need a peek as well.

If you believe it, then by all means live it
Now you’re taking it to the level of absurdity. I do limit my exposure on several of those sites. I agree it’s nigh impossible to completely divorce yourself from all of them and function in today’s society.
Now you’re taking it to the level of absurdity. I do limit my exposure on several of those sites. I agree it’s nigh impossible to completely divorce yourself from all of them and function in today’s society.
But you need to be a true believer. No more absurd than some stances you take. You basically poast with no gray area when it comes to pubs and dems. You poasted examples of companies whose employees donate to dem campaigns. You said you try and use as few of those companies as you can, solely on political reasoning. So cut them all out.

Ever hear of nessisary evils? If it's black and white, then live black and white.
Now you’re taking it to the level of absurdity. I do limit my exposure on several of those sites. I agree it’s nigh impossible to completely divorce yourself from all of them and function in today’s society.
how do you get your porn?…are you just into chat rooms?…holla here about your favs, just sayin. #nttawwt
But you need to be a true believer. No more absurd than some stances you take. You basically poast with no gray area when it comes to pubs and dems. You poasted examples of companies whose employees donate to dem campaigns. You said you try and use as few of those companies as you can, solely on political reasoning. So cut them all out.

Ever hear of nessisary evils? If it's black and white, then live black and white.
We’ll agree to disagree. When @strummingram and @uncboy10 agree with you, you’re on the wrong side of the argument. BTW, what are nessisary evils?

As for “pubs and dems”, I trust Republican politicians only slightly more than Democrats. My general rule is not to believe much of anything said by politicians. I think 80% of them are corrupt to some extent. I also believe the mainstream media is corrupt, and complicit in allowing Progressive administrations to get away with literally anything. I don’t like the Marxist path the Progressives are leading us down. Maybe you do. That’s your prerogative.
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We’ll agree to disagree. When @strummingram and @uncboy10 agree with you, you’re on the wrong side of the argument. BTW, what are nessisary evils?

As for “pubs and dems”, I trust Republican politicians only slightly more than Democrats. My general rule is not to believe much of anything said by politicians. I think 80% of them are corrupt to some extent. I also believe the mainstream media is corrupt, and complicit in allowing Progressive administrations to get away with literally anything. I don’t like the Marxist path the Progressives are leading us down. Maybe you do. That’s your prerogative.
It should be a good thing for @strummingram and @uncboy10 to like something of mine concerning politics. Being a conservative, it shows I don't have my head shoved completely up the elephant rear. We all differ in opinions naturally. But you come here barking about these companies and how you don't support them, and I just show you how hard/ignorant that can be
Something else that hasn't been mentioned. I'm guessing that if you subtract the donations from the top executives, then the numbers start to get a lot closer. Those few people skew the data.
I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone be such a tribalistic clown when it comes to politics. But I guess that's his prerogative.

Complaining about the 'leftist' or 'Marxist' intentions of massive multi-national corporations is some of the most misguided silliness that has ever been poasted on OOTB. And the competition is fierce.
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I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone be such a tribalistic clown when it comes to politics. But I guess that's his prerogative.

Complaining about the 'leftist' or 'Marxist' intentions of massive multi-national corporations is some of the most misguided silliness that has ever been poasted on OOTB. And the competition is fierce.
Those CEO's only read the Cliff's Notes versions of Das Kapital and the Manifesto.

If the handful of people here that aren't lockstep "conservatives" sat out of the dialogue, it would be fun to see the remaining ones divide into sides.
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It should be a good thing for @strummingram and @uncboy10 to like something of mine concerning politics. Being a conservative, it shows I don't have my head shoved completely up the elephant rear. We all differ in opinions naturally. But you come here barking about these companies and how you don't support them, and I just show you how hard/ignorant that can be
I can unlike that post, if it will help. I'll purposely not like this one, so you don't lose any ribbons.
Well, good for you. It’s a shame you feel the need to trumpet that. You can’t just agree to disagree.

Agree to disagree? You mean like when you go around calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot or a brainwashed communist?...
Well, good for you. It’s a shame you feel the need to trumpet that. You can’t just agree to disagree.
Agree to disagree? That's funny. You would be surprised at how. Close we are in political beliefs. Our difference is I dont live with my head in the sand. Like it or not, we all have to coexist with political oppents. You spout this stuff, but yet allow it in other portions of your life. My UNC example is spot on. You say facebook is youth false news outlets. You think they teach right side conservatism at UNC? As I said, our country is a mixture. Same as it was when we came here.

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