Bo Hines transferring

Well, he did say that the other school would offer the law degree (IIRC) that he wanted to pursue. Smart young man... he realizes that MooU degree won't get him very far when football is over for him....
Bo was an excellent student in high school but was unable to secure financial award to cover tuition at Yale or Harvard.

Ivy League schools do not offer scholarships to athletes, but can help with financial aid.... or athletes seek academic scholarships.

He has made grades and his dad has been working to get football coaches at Yale to help secure a spot at Yale and a means to pay for school there.

Bo Hines also had the flu during the bowl game and STILL played knowing he was going to transfer.

I think it is pretty awesome that he is taking this opportunity.

I have a friend I work with at UM who played football at Yale and said they also picked up a transfer QB from Nebraska.
First of all some of the degrees from N.C. State are among the highest paying in the whole UNC system. That is not the issue, but who could blame a young person to not pursue their dream of attending an Ivy League school if that is what they wanted. It is very doubtful that Bo would play in the NFL. While he had a good year, he mostly stood out as the best of a very bad receiving corp that State put on the field this year. I like most State fans are very happy for him and wish him well.
Originally posted by Raleigh2Miami:
Bo was an excellent student in high school but was unable to secure financial award to cover tuition at Yale or Harvard.

Ivy League schools do not offer scholarships to athletes, but can help with financial aid.... or athletes seek academic scholarships.

He has made grades and his dad has been working to get football coaches at Yale to help secure a spot at Yale and a means to pay for school there.

Bo Hines also had the flu during the bowl game and STILL played knowing he was going to transfer.

I think it is pretty awesome that he is taking this opportunity.

I have a friend I work with at UM who played football at Yale and said they also picked up a transfer QB from Nebraska.
If an Ivy League school offers an "academic" scholarship to an athlete who is not the most qualified for the academic scholarship, then is it really and academic scholarship? Do you think the athletes would still get the financial aid of they were not athletes? NOT a chance!!!
An academic scholarship is typically contingent on academic performance (maintain certain GPA or class rank) while an athletic one is typically contingent on being a member of a team.

I don't think there is a whole lot of overlap...
i always thought that academic scholarships and need based grants were readily available for athletes at ivy league schools.
am i off base?
Could've still gotten his undergrad at moo...but I don't blame him for wanting out.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

Originally posted by heelbent:

Could've still gotten his undergrad at moo...but I don't blame him for wanting out.
Are you insinuating that Moo isn't up to Ivy League standards??
Well...maybe everyone just isn't cut out for arteefishal insemuhnatin'...

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