Brian Walker didn't travel

Hughes did play actually. He was in on defensive for a couple of snaps
Hughes is not listed on the participation report. Khris Francis, who also wears number one and was in on kick offs and possibly a couple other plays, was listed. He may have played and I missed it, but the report doesn't show that he did.
Come on @TarHeelNation11 , tell us your feelings.
I do not know his situation, nor do I pretend to. He's posted on Twitter positive things about his time at UNC, which is good.

If he wants to seek greener pastures then I understand that completely. But to do it NOW, in the middle of the season, specifically THIS season, I don't know....if I was his teammate, personally I wouldn't be happy. But that's just me.

That being said though, I wish him well (not that he cares what I have to say lol)
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Says that the wants more playing time but I don't believe that. You don't leave the program in mid season because of playing time. I smell something else...
Says that the wants more playing time but I don't believe that. You don't leave the program in mid season because of playing time. I smell something else...
I believe it. I also believe that Charlton Warren won't let his guys see the field if their heart isn't 100% into it and they're showing maximum effort. Not saying BW wasn't, but that's the type of coach Warren is.
Bottom line the kid wants to play more and feels he should be playing more....He was a starter and now his snaps are being cut down...Young guns are putting the heat on and he sees the future...He was a 4 star DB and now things are different...If you don't want to compete for a job then oh well...I wish him the best....
Like THN11 stated, I have no idea what the issue is but I fully believe someone people just could not adjust to being demoted. I love the fact that this coaching staff is basically challenging these young men. If you want to play, prove it in practice... it is not something that will be given to you. I suspect he couldn't handle it. I look at the young LB who is extremely talented but has a hard time getting the start because he is not demonstrating it during practice. Initially, he felt slighted; however, he understood that it is up to him. Anyway, best of luck to Walker.
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I love the fact that this coaching staff is basically challenging these young men. If you want to play, prove it in practice... it is not something that will be given to you.
I've shared this before but it bears repeating, given this BW situation. I heard Charlton Warren (our new DB's coach this year) speak at a Rams Club function in Atlanta back in May. Warren said the first thing he did once he got to campus was call all of the defensive backs on the roster into his office and said something like the following (I'm paraphrasing): "Men, we are going to play hard and give 100% and we are going to love playing the game of football. If you don't absolutely love the game of football, get out of my office and don't come back." He then smiled and joked that "luckily, no one walked out!"

But yeah, basically he said that no matter what, his DB's would play hard, physical, and would give their all, or else they wouldn't see the field. He also spoke a lot both at that event and during interviews even in to fall practice about it taking awhile for the DB's to "buy in" to what he was trying to teach them. Thus why the Spring Ball secondary depth chart was so crazy looking. So who knows what went down with BW.

One final thing. I do distinctly remember Warren saying at that Rams Club event that he couldn't promise immediate results, but what he could promise is that the new defensive coaching staff would coach the players up and provide a defense that plays with max effort that we [the fans] would be proud of. Dang it, if he wasn't right!
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In my opinion, it's very selfish for ANY player to want to leave a team in the middle of the season especially if that team has a realistic chance to do what NO other Tar Heel team has done in the modern era of the ACC, and that's play for a Conference Championship as a Division winner....

Makes no sense in another regard as well as players get hurt all the time which means Walker is only a play away from getting more playing time that he may have NOT actually earned on the practice field?....I mean we are not at practice, and have no idea why the decision to replace him as as starter was made, or why he might have gotten reduced playing time?....

I personally believe in Coach Warren...Afterall, the last I heard, or read was that the Tar Heels are either at the top or near the top of Pass Defense in the entire ACC, and who would have even thought that possible when the season first began?

Also glad to hear that his departure doesn't seem to reflect bad feelings toward the team, but rather just a need, and desire to play more?

A "Team-First" mentality is what's needed by all the players if the Tar Heels are going to accomplish all their preseason goals!

Good luck to B-Dub wherever he chooses to go, but still believe this is the wrong time of year to be making a decision of this magnitude, based on how well the team is playing at the moment....
Look some of you need to understand when you got family issues. That comes first. Hard having distance between love ones when they need you. Makes you look at life completely different when new events happen. Hard to stay focus on football when family needs you. I'll leave it at that. B. Walk is a good guy and he's being an adult about his situation. Best of luck Brian
Makes no sense in another regard as well as players get hurt all the time which means Walker is only a play away from getting more playing time....
Good point.

Look some of you need to understand when you got family issues. That comes first.
Fedora quoted playing time as the reason ("I think [Brian]'s interested in finding a place where maybe he can get more playing time."). Hadn't heard any mention of family issues before.
Look some of you need to understand when you got family issues. That comes first. Hard having distance between love ones when they need you. Makes you look at life completely different when new events happen. Hard to stay focus on football when family needs you. I'll leave it at that. B. Walk is a good guy and he's being an adult about his situation. Best of luck Brian
Haven't heard about any "family issues". If he had family issues, why not just say so? people would be a lot more understanding. If more PT was the issue, as I suspect it was after hearing Fed's comments, he should be ashamed for walking out on his team mid season.
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I am not going to bash the guy for leaving mid season for whatever reason; his decision, next man up. If it is family issues and he needs to be closer to home, good for him and I hope all is well and he gets the chance to play closer to home. So, I would expect to see a transfer to JC Smith, Wofford or Charlotte in the near future. If it is anything other than that, his mistake.