Brian Williams Story


Hall of Famer
Aug 19, 2006
What is everybody's thoughts on this. Will be survive as the NBC anchor?
He needs to resign or be fired TODAY.He has ZERO credibility and his carrying on with this lie for 12 years is pathetic.

See his interview on Letterman in 2013 for loads of laughs. I doubt he will go though this IS NBC ,an arm of the democrat party and Obama shill factory
His story about being attacked in his hotel by some gang members during Katrina is as fishy as this story! ZERO credibilty!
He misremembered . . . nothing to see here, just move along now.

He is not going anywhere although he clearly deserves to .Has no cred going forward but hey what does that matter??

Hillary is going to getthe Demo pres nomination and she has lied thru her teeth about being shot at while landing in an aircraft over Bosnia or Afghan not sure which but hey SHE is still(sadly) leading the way and her lie er LIES that she and her husband spew everyday have not hurt her at all least to some.
Sounds like he went to the school of Hilary Clinton Lies Involving Aviation Rememberances ... or Hilary Clinton LIAR for short.
Originally posted by keysersosay#1:

ah Raising no the actual pilot that flew Lyin Williams totally refutes his story.... but what does HE know??/
I was simply relaying a development in the story. That account has since been retracted. But thanks for acting like a condescending ass about it...I wouldn't have expected any less.
Hmm looks like they are trying to split the difference here. There is a group at NBC that wanted him GONE for GOOD...another that wanted him to stay on .The 6 month hiatus allows for the thing to die down and potentially for him to come back. The problem is if MORE stuff comes out like his repotting on Katrina that finds he was lying about that stuff ,then he is a goner.
I don't think I have watched network news once since the 80s.

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