Call me stupid


Sep 7, 2004
Fellow Heels fans, I have drunk the kool-aid again and I feel like an idiot.

I love the hire of Gean Chizik and John Papuchis and it has gotten me excited again for Carolina football. Chizik brings a credibility with him that we lost when Butch was let go. He is a big time name that wanted to coach with Fedora at Chapel Hill. I loved how he spoke about what makes a great defense, the big uglies up front. Now I hope he can get busy on the recruiting trail and get us some beef in the next class.

I don't know much about Papuchis other than his son has a lucky UNC toy football helmet.

I watched the interview Rick had with both men and it was impressive.

Go Heels.
I also refuse to call you stupid because I know by the time Spring Ball comes around, I'll be drinking the kool-aid again too. That being said........this is how it will probably shake out once again:

Average preseason prediction: 9 wins (+/- 1)
Actual regular season record: 7 wins
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I also refuse to call you stupid because I know by the time Spring Ball comes around, I'll be drinking the kool-aid again too. That being said........this is how it will probably shake out once again:

Average preseason prediction: 9 wins (+/- 1)
Actual regular season record: 7 wins
Sorry Nation, I am going to predict at least a 9 win season. I think we will see a vastly improved defense. There is no doubt in my mind that coaching was a huge issue. Coach C hit the nail on the head when he stated "it all starts with the line". Carolina has always maintained a good to great dline. I think you will see Coach C place players on the field that buys into his D philosophy from day one. I think he will weed out the malcontents and if you produce, you play. I think the competition on the defensive side of the ball will have a ripple effect and you will see the O line develop out of true necessity. With an improved O line, the offense will take off as well and MW will not be running for his life and trying to do too much. I think we are going to see the Fed spread but I don't think it will be ran like Oregon's offense. For the season, I am going with an eleven game winning regular season.

Chickens (W)
A&T (W)
Illini (W)
Blue Hens (W)
GT (L)
Weak (W), LF runs the score up big time due to the disrespect from the idiot TE's coach. 60+ points put on the scoreboard
Cavs (W)
Pitt (W)
Dook (W)
da U (W)
VT (W)
Pound puppies (W)
We lack the size, experience, and depth on the DL to win more than 9 games in regualr season. As our secondary sucked even worse than our DL, the problems of the two groups mean that we cannot win more than 8 games regular season and may again be stuck with 7.

Unless Chizik can reel in a grad student player at DT, able to start and make a positive differene for us, and grad student DB also able to make a positive difference, 8 games shoukld be our ceiling for 2015.

But, then I wonder how much it would help our D if the offense were more productive per plays run. In that category, we were middle of the ACC. Save for the blind and those deternined not to see the weaknesses our of offense last year, we know the yards and points left on the table: becuase our offense is QB run after QB run, our RBs remain terribly under-utilized and undeveloped, and our WRs are poorly used.

If we can develop a passing game worthy of a spread and an RB running game worth having, our offense will be considerably more productive per play and possessionm, which will relieve the D some.

Hopefully, it all comes together by 2016.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
We lack the size, experience, and depth on the DL to win more than 9 games in regualr season. As our secondary sucked even worse than our DL, the problems of the two groups mean that we cannot win more than 8 games regular season and may again be stuck with 7.

Unless Chizik can reel in a grad student player at DT, able to start and make a positive differene for us, and grad student DB also able to make a positive difference, 8 games shoukld be our ceiling for 2015.

But, then I wonder how much it would help our D if the offense were more productive per plays run. In that category, we were middle of the ACC. Save for the blind and those deternined not to see the weaknesses our of offense last year, we know the yards and points left on the table: becuase our offense is QB run after QB run, our RBs remain terribly under-utilized and undeveloped, and our WRs are poorly used.

If we can develop a passing game worthy of a spread and an RB running game worth having, our offense will be considerably more productive per play and possessionm, which will relieve the D some.

Hopefully, it all comes together by 2016.
I think we now have a DC who knows how to fit his scheme with the players we already have. Like he said, "it all starts with the line". Do we have a space eater up front, no. But we do have some talent there and we have a proven DC that know how to use what he has. It maybe foolish to be that optimistic but I just have the feeling that a huge jump is about to take place this season. I think you will see players flying to the ball and making plays or they will not play. Green was a ball hawk and all of a sudden, he couldn't defend ish. Same with Lawrence. I believe part was coaching and the other part was no pressure up front. It think all of that changes.

No doubt the O must improve and again I think that had everything to do with o line play and MW trying to do too much. Looking at the schedule, I have to believe 9 + wins is not out of question and very real.
Originally posted by 94tarheel:

For the season, I am going with an eleven game winning regular season.
I like you, but you're crazy.


This post was edited on 2/6 11:42 AM by Raising Heel
First of all, excellent meme placement RH. We're going tit for tat right now. My move now, I guess.

Ok back to the thread, I love the optimism, I really do. But I'm going to try my hardest (but still probably fail) to take a "wait and see" approach to this season. I'm setting my expectations at 7 wins. I mean....we already know these things two right off the bat:

- a loss in Atlanta. Playing there is a code we just can't crack. Haven't won there against Tech since 1997 (!!!), and also tack on a loss against LSU in the "Pianalto was interfered with" game. We beat Auburn in the Peach Bowl in 2001, but other than that, Atlanta > Tar Heel Football. So there's one loss.

- we won't beat SCar. We just won't. Just accept it. You, and I, and all of Tar Heel Nation will be hoping/expecting a win by the time kickoff rolls around (after all, we've got Chizik now! And SCar is on the decline! etc etc), but we will lose. I've said this before on this board. This is one of those, what I call "Typical Carolina" games where we'll have a great chance to make a name for ourselves and really get momentum going, but we'll fall short. I'm telling you, just prepare yourself now and it will soften the sting a bit. (I would love, love, love, love to eat crow on this, believe me).

And here are a couple things we are fairly sure of, though it isn't set in stone;

- one of Duke or Moo will beat us. Precedence shows that this staff struggles to get the guys motivated for both rivals. One? Yes. The other? No. Now, our staff will be different this year, so hopefully this trend changes.

- one of Miami or VT will beat us. Miami and VT have played in the ACC for 11 seasons, and we've played both in all of those 11 seasons. Only TWO of those eleven times have we beaten both teams in the same season (2009 and 2012). History shows that one will beat us.

So.....that's 4 losses right there. You're already down to 8 wins at best. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just trying to be realistic.
Ok, I'll bite. Since the OP asked: You're stupid!!

But seriously, if the 11-1 season that 94 predicted happens, we'll be in the playoff (assuming we win the ACCCG over a decent FSU or Clemson team, beating SCar and having the 1 loss come on the road pretty early in the season, against the previous conference runner up should get us in over non-SEC one loss teams - provided there aren't too many of those). Now think to yourself, is there any chance UNC is in the playoff this year after what we saw last year? I have a hard time believing that. Like I said in another thread, I'm setting my expectations low low low this year (no bowl birth) so that for once I can't be disappointed.

Now, the hiring of Chizik and Papuchis is making it really tough to keep my expecations tempered, and obviously I would love to be pleasantly surprised. But has THN noted, the upside for this season is 8-9 wins at the absolute most.

BTW, love the meme drops y'all are doing. I'll try to get involved myself if I can figure out how to post one
This post was edited on 2/6 11:25 AM by Hark_The_Sound_2010
We're not USC. We're not even Penn State. There's simply no way we're coming off three years of scholarship reductions and challenging for an ACC title, much less a playoff berth.

THN pretty much nailed it in terms of the likely losses. Even if we beat South Carolina, we'd probably follow that up by losing to both Miami and Virginia Tech. Or we split with them and lose to both dook and moo. That's what we do until proven otherwise.

I'm going to start a list of everyone's preseason predictions. Should've done it years ago, actually. Folks need to learn to temper their expectations a bit. I'm sticking with 8 wins +/- 1 win depending on injuries and luck.
Originally posted by 94tarheel:

Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I also refuse to call you stupid because I know by the time Spring Ball comes around, I'll be drinking the kool-aid again too. That being said........this is how it will probably shake out once again:

Average preseason prediction: 9 wins (+/- 1)
Actual regular season record: 7 wins
Sorry Nation, I am going to predict at least a 9 win season. I think we will see a vastly improved defense. There is no doubt in my mind that coaching was a huge issue. Coach C hit the nail on the head when he stated "it all starts with the line". Carolina has always maintained a good to great dline. I think you will see Coach C place players on the field that buys into his D philosophy from day one. I think he will weed out the malcontents and if you produce, you play. I think the competition on the defensive side of the ball will have a ripple effect and you will see the O line develop out of true necessity. With an improved O line, the offense will take off as well and MW will not be running for his life and trying to do too much. I think we are going to see the Fed spread but I don't think it will be ran like Oregon's offense. For the season, I am going with an eleven game winning regular season.

Chickens (W)
A&T (W)
Illini (W)
Blue Hens (W)
GT (L)
Weak (W), LF runs the score up big time due to the disrespect from the idiot TE's coach. 60+ points put on the scoreboard
Cavs (W)
Pitt (W)
Dook (W)
da U (W)
VT (W)
Pound puppies (W)
I too would have to agree with others that it's hard to build quality depth when you've lost 15 schlorships in the past 3 years....We do have some very good talent on the defensive line, but like Woad said, it may take another year on the field and in the weightroom for all those guys to realize their potential, and make a difference in 2016?....

Also agree that offensive production will have to be significantly better this year as opposed to last year if we want to have any chance at a 9- win season... I really like our experience on offensive line, and the fact that we return all of our skill players with the exception of TE Jack Tabb, but our staff has got to find some way of better utilizing both Logan and Hood, and take the pressure off Marquis Williams, so he won't have to run the ball as much as he did last year....Make No mistake, he's a weapon that we need to use, but he needs to be used as part of the preparation and not as a part of desparation as was the case this year.....Sure, I too would love to see an 11-1 season and an ACC Championship game appearance, but I think we all know that's a reach with our recent past....

Considering we have to travel to Va Tech and Ga. Tech this year, it's hard at the moment to believe that we can make it two wins in a row against the Yellowjackets, especially given our recent history in the "ATL"?....The game in Blacksburg is winnable, but we'll have to play a whole lot better against the Hokies this year than we did last year for that to happen, and that's ditto for Miami?...We absolutely need to beat Miami this year at home, and we in fact need to go unbeaten at home this year to have any chance at a 9 win season....

I also agree that hiring Chizik will be a coop for UNC in a lot of different ways, and agree that he adds a classy, knowledgeable presence on the sidelines whose impact should not, and cannot be under estimated?

Go Tarheels!
I'm absolutely down for a prediction tracker -- whether it's a straight W/L prediction or an in-depth, game-by-game breakdown. I'd like to officially submit my prediction as 7-5, with losses to VT (gag), GT (duh), SCar, Pitt (WTF), and Moo (ugh). God, I hope the season doesn't come to pass that way


You post a meme (whether it's a jpeg [still image] or a gif [short video clip, like RH's above]) the same way you post a picture. Copy the URL and paste it in the "Insert Image" dialog box (the icon to the left of the smiley that looks like a landscape scene). By the way, are you trying to make it down this season for any home games? I know Boston to Chapel Hill is a hike.
I go into every season being optimistic and then the usual UNC football season occurs. I like the hires, but let's be honest you can hire the best DC ever and isn't going to matter if you don't have the depth and talent on D. The D will continue to stink until they get some recruits in. The Offense was so inconsistent. We got outstanding running backs, but hardly use them. I think the offensive coaches out think themselves, kind of like Seattle did in the super bowl. UNC relies on MW's legs too much and by the end of the year he is beat up and the offense sucks. He improved this year, but his throwing is still average. Fedora has zero discipline (he is UNC's version of Chuck Amato). This program will just be average over the next few years if not forever.
While I would definitely say that 11-1 would be extremely optimistic, there is absolutely no way 8 wins is the ceiling for 2015. There isn't a single game on the schedule that isn't winnable.

The defense will be way better. Coaching was a huge part of the problem there, and we've got one of the best D coordinators in all of college football now. If the defense can keep teams under 30, UNC can beat anyone

The o-line was the biggest problem with the O last year. All 5 starters will return, and it was the strongest position group for this years recruiting class. Better o-line means our RB's can be more effective, one of which I still believe is good enough to be a Heisman candidate. Running game opens up the passing game and vice versa. Also, the offense should improve with Fed giving the reins on D to Chizik entirely. This means he can focus on things like play calling and eliminating stupid penalties.

I think anywhere between 8-10 wins regular season is realistic, but even 11 could be possible. The ACC coastal just isn't that good right now, and neither is our OOC schedule.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

You post a meme (whether it's a jpeg [still image] or a gif [short video clip, like RH's above]) the same way you post a picture. Copy the URL and paste it in the "Insert Image" dialog box (the icon to the left of the smiley that looks like a landscape scene). By the way, are you trying to make it down this season for any home games? I know Boston to Chapel Hill is a hike.
Thanks THN. You'd think I'd know that by now. I'll probably make it down for a game this season, but don't have anything definitively in the works yet. I'd imagine the UVA and Miami games would be the two prime candidates based on other stuff I have going on. I was actually in Chapel Hill a couple weeks ago for the FSU bball game.

Now, I'll obviously have to be more clever - or at least on topic - with future meme posts, but I figured I'd let my first one give a shout out to my NFL team, just to make sure I'm doing it right

Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:


You post a meme (whether it's a jpeg [still image] or a gif [short video clip, like RH's above]) the same way you post a picture. Copy the URL and paste it in the "Insert Image" dialog box (the icon to the left of the smiley that looks like a landscape scene).
The other option is to simply right click on the image, select "copy image", and paste it in the message you're writing (h/t mikeirby).
If I may.... Not trying to be a negative Nancy here, just playing devil's advocate:

Originally posted by uncboy10:
There isn't a single game on the schedule that isn't winnable.
Agreed, but IMO that says more about the competition on our schedule than it does about our team.

Originally posted by uncboy10:
The defense will be way better. Coaching was a huge part of the problem there, and we've got one of the best D coordinators in all of college football now. If the defense can keep teams under 30, UNC can beat anyone
This is completely unknowable. I have literally no idea what to expect when we take the field on September 3. The results could be exactly like last year and I wouldn't be surprised. We could hold teams under 24 ppg and that wouldn't surprise me either. No idea, and there's no way to know until they get out there and show us.

Originally posted by uncboy10:
The o-line was the biggest problem with the O last year. All 5 starters will return, and it was the strongest position group for this years recruiting class.
Again, I agree. But, our O line experience isn't very talented and our O line talent isn't very experienced. Ferranto is a serviceable left tackle but isn't the answer (I probably just pissed off his dad again). Peterson, Turner, and Heck will all be third year starters but I don't feel like we saw tremendous improvement from any of them between their first year and last year. IMHO our best hope is to see younger guys challenge or topple the incumbents: Spain and Sweet at LT, Cohen and Veal at LG, Hatton at C, and Prince at RT. The good news is that we're finally set up for some serious battles on the 2-deep for the first time since Larry inherited Hurst, Bond, Bodine, Bond, and Williams -- 5 future NFLers.

Originally posted by uncboy10:
I think anywhere between 8-10 wins regular season is realistic.
I think 8-10 wins regular season is optimistic. The season could just as easily go south and we finish with 5-6 wins. The reasons I'm more bullish, despite what I've posted above, is the returning experience on offense and the arrival of Chizik. It's almost impossible for the defense to be worse than last season. Almost.
I hope the players on D buy into the new staff. If the effort is there I do think we can win or should win 9 games. Our schedule does appear on paper to be soft.
It's not stupid to believe in your team and expect the best for it. The question is if you are a betting person and not blessed with an abundance of $$$$ would you bet on winning 10 or more games in 2015? IF the answer is NO, then you must consider how much Kool Aid you been drinking and what additives are in it.

This won't sound like Woad and some others and I'll duck after, but as coaches I don't think the LY's individual defensive coaches are bad and certainly expect all to land elsewhere or stay with Chizik. It was the wrong type of defense for some and others were promoted above their ability. I believe that the defensive schemes were questionable and the defensive philosophy did not mesh with the various coaching styles. Furthermore, the massive amount of points allowed lead to a lack of buy-in by the coaches and players. Then combine that with Fedora's my way or highway to not adjust the offensive philosophy of how many plays can we run and you are left with a defensive catastophy in 2014.

I also, am unwilling to annouce Chizik as savior of the defense. I believe he has had success as a DC, but I don't crown him or anyone else the king of defense. I'll let him earn my trust. I do think it was time for a change from last years defensive staff and hope for significant improvement . . . I'm tired of drinking the Kool Aid and ready for some Champagne.

I smell a 6-6 (+/- 1) record in 2015 because I don't know if Fedora will coach to win instead of run more plays. The HC must consider the team strengths/weaknesses and coach all 3 phases of the game . . . not just 1 or 2. I'm also not sure how quickly the defense will gel with Chizik's style/game planning or how quickly the young DL will mature. This could be a break out year on defense, if it all comes together. I hope Fedora and Chizik work well together, but have some concerns that if Fedora is unwilling to reach some compromise on offense he and Chizik (both strong presonalities) could have some serious issues by mid season. Time will tell and hope all goes well.

To get from 6-6 to 10+ wins (on paper it certainly looks possible) in order of importance
1) we must fix the QB problems (by improvement or change)
- to eager to run, making us 1 diminsional
- not getting skill players involved and making teammates better
- recognition of defenses. correctly helping/communicating with OL to make it better
- passing accuracy, especially on longer passes
- must get better results from offense before we are down by 14+ points
2) defensive improvement
- coach and player buy-in to the system and doing your job
- putting all this talent we have in positions to be successful
- calling the right plays and understanding other teams tendencies
- DL is young, but has talent. needs to be tough, smart, develop depth and mature quickly
3) We must balance our offense and get the tremendous amount of talent at the skill positions to become playmakers. Gotta get them the ball. Too many frustrated WR's and RB's. They must believe they can be involved.
4) Special Teams must become a force again and help us with the field position battles and score some points.

We can be very good, but it will not be easy. If these things don't happen then 2015 will look a lot like 2014.

Here's to drinking Chapagne!
Originally posted by ball4me2:

It's not stupid to believe in your team and expect the best for it. The question is if you are a betting person and not blessed with an abundance of $$$$ would you bet on winning 10 or more games in 2015? IF the answer is NO, then you must consider how much Kool Aid you been drinking and what additives are in it.

This won't sound like Woad and some others and I'll duck after, but as coaches I don't think the LY's individual defensive coaches are bad and certainly expect all to land elsewhere or stay with Chizik. It was the wrong type of defense for some and others were promoted above their ability. I believe that the defensive schemes were questionable and the defensive philosophy did not mesh with the various coaching styles. Furthermore, the massive amount of points allowed lead to a lack of buy-in by the coaches and players. Then combine that with Fedora's my way or highway to not adjust the offensive philosophy of how many plays can we run and you are left with a defensive catastophy in 2014.

I also, am unwilling to annouce Chizik as savior of the defense. I believe he has had success as a DC, but I don't crown him or anyone else the king of defense. I'll let him earn my trust. I do think it was time for a change from last years defensive staff and hope for significant improvement . . . I'm tired of drinking the Kool Aid and ready for some Champagne.

I smell a 6-6 (+/- 1) record in 2015 because I don't know if Fedora will coach to win instead of run more plays. The HC must consider the team strengths/weaknesses and coach all 3 phases of the game . . . not just 1 or 2. I'm also not sure how quickly the defense will gel with Chizik's style/game planning or how quickly the young DL will mature. This could be a break out year on defense, if it all comes together. I hope Fedora and Chizik work well together, but have some concerns that if Fedora is unwilling to reach some compromise on offense he and Chizik (both strong presonalities) could have some serious issues by mid season. Time will tell and hope all goes well.

To get from 6-6 to 10+ wins (on paper it certainly looks possible) in order of importance
1) we must fix the QB problems (by improvement or change)
- to eager to run, making us 1 diminsional
- not getting skill players involved and making teammates better
- recognition of defenses. correctly helping/communicating with OL to make it better
- passing accuracy, especially on longer passes
- must get better results from offense before we are down by 14+ points
2) defensive improvement
- coach and player buy-in to the system and doing your job
- putting all this talent we have in positions to be successful
- calling the right plays and understanding other teams tendencies
- DL is young, but has talent. needs to be tough, smart, develop depth and mature quickly
3) We must balance our offense and get the tremendous amount of talent at the skill positions to become playmakers. Gotta get them the ball. Too many frustrated WR's and RB's. They must believe they can be involved.
4) Special Teams must become a force again and help us with the field position battles and score some points.

We can be very good, but it will not be easy. If these things don't happen then 2015 will look a lot like 2014.

Here's to drinking Chapagne!
If you think QB play improvement is more of a priority than the D improving then you must not have watched many games last year.
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by ball4me2:

It's not stupid to believe in your team and expect the best for it. The question is if you are a betting person and not blessed with an abundance of $$$$ would you bet on winning 10 or more games in 2015? IF the answer is NO, then you must consider how much Kool Aid you been drinking and what additives are in it.

This won't sound like Woad and some others and I'll duck after, but as coaches I don't think the LY's individual defensive coaches are bad and certainly expect all to land elsewhere or stay with Chizik. It was the wrong type of defense for some and others were promoted above their ability. I believe that the defensive schemes were questionable and the defensive philosophy did not mesh with the various coaching styles. Furthermore, the massive amount of points allowed lead to a lack of buy-in by the coaches and players. Then combine that with Fedora's my way or highway to not adjust the offensive philosophy of how many plays can we run and you are left with a defensive catastophy in 2014.

I also, am unwilling to annouce Chizik as savior of the defense. I believe he has had success as a DC, but I don't crown him or anyone else the king of defense. I'll let him earn my trust. I do think it was time for a change from last years defensive staff and hope for significant improvement . . . I'm tired of drinking the Kool Aid and ready for some Champagne.

I smell a 6-6 (+/- 1) record in 2015 because I don't know if Fedora will coach to win instead of run more plays. The HC must consider the team strengths/weaknesses and coach all 3 phases of the game . . . not just 1 or 2. I'm also not sure how quickly the defense will gel with Chizik's style/game planning or how quickly the young DL will mature. This could be a break out year on defense, if it all comes together. I hope Fedora and Chizik work well together, but have some concerns that if Fedora is unwilling to reach some compromise on offense he and Chizik (both strong presonalities) could have some serious issues by mid season. Time will tell and hope all goes well.

To get from 6-6 to 10+ wins (on paper it certainly looks possible) in order of importance
1) we must fix the QB problems (by improvement or change)
- to eager to run, making us 1 diminsional
- not getting skill players involved and making teammates better
- recognition of defenses. correctly helping/communicating with OL to make it better
- passing accuracy, especially on longer passes
- must get better results from offense before we are down by 14+ points
2) defensive improvement
- coach and player buy-in to the system and doing your job
- putting all this talent we have in positions to be successful
- calling the right plays and understanding other teams tendencies
- DL is young, but has talent. needs to be tough, smart, develop depth and mature quickly
3) We must balance our offense and get the tremendous amount of talent at the skill positions to become playmakers. Gotta get them the ball. Too many frustrated WR's and RB's. They must believe they can be involved.
4) Special Teams must become a force again and help us with the field position battles and score some points.

We can be very good, but it will not be easy. If these things don't happen then 2015 will look a lot like 2014.

Here's to drinking Chapagne!
If you think QB play improvement is more of a priority than the D improving then you must not have watched many games last year.
It is not more important than improving the D, but it is next in line. Williams as QB means our offense is backyard football: the QB is going to run and run until he passes, and then run again and again. It means our RBs and Wrs are both terribly under-used and under-developed. It means any decent DC knows hwo to slow and contain our 1 dimensional offense.

It means that if our D gets better, we still won't crack 8 Ws because the 1 dimensional offense is too easily slowed when a team wants to slow it to win.
The last couple games last yr really worry me. There was def a locker room issue going on. Without knowing if or how thats been addressed then i just cant get real excited about our prospects.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Agreed Woad. Inconsistent and poor qb's can make good defenses look bad and bad defenses look terrible because of poor field position, turnovers and lack of rest for the defense. Just look at time of possession discrepancy LY. For me improving qd is a little more important because of how it affects the entire game.
I do love the passion Williams plays with, but on offense it is very simple. If he becomes an accurate passer we will be fine, if not it could be a repeat of last season.

I know he is not Cam Newton, but I see of lot of the samethings between the two. All the potential in the world and if he can ever become more accurate the Panthers will be a force, if not they will stay the same.
Originally posted by Realfreedom:

I do love the passion Williams plays with, but on offense it is very simple. If he becomes an accurate passer we will be fine, if not it could be a repeat of last season.

I know he is not Cam Newton, but I see of lot of the samethings between the two. All the potential in the world and if he can ever become more accurate the Panthers will be a force, if not they will stay the same.
It's not just accuracy. It is also that he makes reads slowly and at times erroneously. Only very l;ate in the year, and most in the bowl, did annoucers do their job and not how many times on pass plays Williams missed seeing the open receiver. I think certain to his problem making the reads is that his natural instanct is to run, whenever possible. He is a natural backyard QB. He likely was honed to be the best he could be that way back to PeeWee football. It is ground into him - a decade or more.
Originally posted by Realfreedom:

I do love the passion Williams plays with, but on offense it is very simple. If he becomes an accurate passer we will be fine, if not it could be a repeat of last season.

I know he is not Cam Newton, but I see of lot of the samethings between the two. All the potential in the world and if he can ever become more accurate the Panthers will be a force, if not they will stay the same.
I love the fire and competitiveness MW plays with but come on.....Cam Newton is head and shoulders better than Marquise. Dude is a starting NFL QB.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

Originally posted by Realfreedom:

I do love the passion Williams plays with, but on offense it is very simple. If he becomes an accurate passer we will be fine, if not it could be a repeat of last season.

I know he is not Cam Newton, but I see of lot of the samethings between the two. All the potential in the world and if he can ever become more accurate the Panthers will be a force, if not they will stay the same.
I love the fire and competitiveness MW plays with but come on.....Cam Newton is head and shoulders better than Marquise. Dude is a starting NFL QB.
THN11 you are correct. I'm not a Scam fan because of the Auburn fiasco, but he is head and shoulders better. MW does have physical ability and I'm of the opinion that if he wants to get to the NFL he needs to do it as a TE.
Originally posted by ball4me2:
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

Originally posted by Realfreedom:

I do love the passion Williams plays with, but on offense it is very simple. If he becomes an accurate passer we will be fine, if not it could be a repeat of last season.

I know he is not Cam Newton, but I see of lot of the samethings between the two. All the potential in the world and if he can ever become more accurate the Panthers will be a force, if not they will stay the same.
I love the fire and competitiveness MW plays with but come on.....Cam Newton is head and shoulders better than Marquise. Dude is a starting NFL QB.
THN11 you are correct. I'm not a Scam fan because of the Auburn fiasco, but he is head and shoulders better. MW does have physical ability and I'm of the opinion that if he wants to get to the NFL he needs to do it as a TE.
Who is the top receiver on the Super Bowl champs? Justin Edelman, who started at QB for 3 years at Kent St.

Williams is no more likely to be an NFL QB than Edelman was. Unlike Edelman, Williams is large enough and powerful enough to play H-Back or RB.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
...Williams is large enough and powerful enough to play H-Back or RB.
williams is more of an RB than a QB. his passing is not very impressive -- short easy passes any QB could make. but his runs show a lot of ability and often draw praise from the announcers. marquise is a run-first QB for a reason: that's what he does best.

Are you a Tampa Bay Bucs fan? For your sake, I hope I'm missing the point of your avatar. I wouldn't wish the Bucs on anyone.
Originally posted by Hark_The_Sound_2010:

Originally posted by Raleigh2Miami:

Are you a Tampa Bay Bucs fan? For your sake, I hope I'm missing the point of your avatar. I wouldn't wish the Bucs on anyone.
R2M - and what would your pro team be?
I grew up a Steelers fan because my old man worked up there, I even named my beagle dog "Bubby" after Bubby Brister, greatest beer-swilling duck hunter to throw a football. I stayed loyal through the pain of the Brister and O'Donnell and Kordell years....

The Carolina Panthers came when I was starting middle school and after I was following the Steelers. But i followed the Panthers.

I do like the Dolphins as well, given I live here and all and even had season tickets... but my first two teams are the Steelers and Panthers.

But the Bucs.... LOL. Sorry. Greg Schiano. Raheem Morris. Mark Dominik... getting rid of Steve Young in the 80's... a comedy of errors and the luckiest Super Bowl team ever in 2002. And that stadium is more bare than Mons Venus. Makes Dolphins games look packed.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by Raleigh2Miami:

Are you a Tampa Bay Bucs fan? For your sake, I hope I'm missing the point of your avatar. I wouldn't wish the Bucs on anyone.
He is. The avatar is self-flagellation.
Brutal. That franchise has had it rough the last few years and its not looking any brighter ahead.

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