Yep, if we lose then I will pull hard for them to win it all. Never understood some of the vitriol towards Clemson by some UNC folks. I know there were some harsh words during the Danny Ford days, but aside from that and the basketball "streak", the two schools really don't have much to hate each other over. Besides, I have friends with kids at Clemson (2 there now and one on the way in 2 years) who make every home game and LOVE the atmosphere on game day. They invite folks to join them all the time (yes, I have been invited, but my schedule hasn't allowed me to go - YET) and all who go come back with the same feelings. The place and the people are great no matter who you pull for. Well, unless you are a little carolina fan, that is.
Anyway, I want us to win more than anything if for no other reason than to have us mentioned as contenders for a national championship. If we happen to lose, then I will definitely pull for Clemson to win it all.