Cole Anthony

Greg Anthony is in Portland... DSPN just showed him in the stands

I'm generally an optimist, but not enamored with this situation at the moment. I fully expect soon, that Clint or someone else in the know will inform us maybe some concern is warranted.
For all those who are so unhappy, what should Roy do differently?

Rose, nobody has their head in the sand. Roy cant make them come and he will not lie to them. Wouldnt have it any other way.
I am not unhappy I am one of the biggest supporters of Roy I think he is the best. I am just concern when we have a wide open roster with starting spots and this is UNC so why are we struggling to get people?
I am not unhappy I am one of the biggest supporters of Roy I think he is the best. I am just concern when we have a wide open roster with starting spots and this is UNC so why are we struggling to get people?
What do you think is the reason?
What do you think is the reason?
I really don't know that is one reason I have asked people's opinions here it really is a head scratcher. No dark cloud anymore Roy works his tail off showing interest heck he can point to a success story in Coby Cam and even Nas all 3 look like either first round to lottery in this draft. Roy doesn't really have upperclassmen that would start over big talented kids this coming year as oppose to say last year this time. K is recruiting 5 star bench sitters and gets no flack over that and they line up to come in for him. If Cole doesn't come then that means we lost a recruit to Oregon not dook UK KU but freaking Oregon I just would like to know WHY is all heck Roy should be worrying about hitting a daggum golf ball right now instead of fielding a competitive basketball team for next year.
Yeah. I’m not saying he is or isn’t cuz I don’t know him. What I’m saying is he comes off that way quite often.
No more than you do.

I consider both of you to be thoughtful and informed posters. Sometimes that means seeing the glass half empty. And you both say that when you see it, rather than hiding your concerns behind "trust in Roy" or other platitudes.

It's commentary from guys like Rose and you and a few others that keep me coming back here.
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And why do you think that is?
I said this in another thread but I don’t think the assistants are collectively a good group of recruiters. I think the main issue is targeting a small number of top tier guys initially and sticking with them far too long when it’s inevitable they are going elsewhere. I’ve always said that Roy’s sweet spot could be those 20 - 50 range kids.
My opinion; until nike gets the same treatment adidas is getting you will continue to see schools that dont cheat like unc not get the top 25-35 talent
The 2019 top 25 who have committed have gone to 14 schools, 2 or more players to each of 5 schools.

I don't know which teams are Nike or Adidas and I'm not sure if it matters. Sounds like plenty of money moving around in both corporate arenas.

How many of those schools do you think are dirty?

Here's the list:

Duke (2)
Kentucky (3)
Arizona (2)
Villanova (2)
USC (2)
IDK, something just does not feel right....

EVERYTHING seems to point to us getting Cole Anthony, we seem to check every single box compared to the other 3 teams still on his list. Every "expert" seems to feel we have him, and yet the 3 ton elephant in the room exists, he is still uncommitted.

All of our "advantages" in this one have really not changed since he was offered, with the exception that Coby and Naz entered the draft, which depending on who you talk to can be either a positive or negative.

Now I do think we can all agree, based on his very few statements, he wants to be in the spotlight (stated better the team he goes to is in the spot light) and on the big stage (wants to win a natty per his statements). NOT a single one of the other programs come close to the spotlight that shines on UNC, just the UNC vs duke games insure that.

Now I can understand a kid wanting to wait and see how things shake out, who stays, who goes but really, what we know right now about the UNC team make up has been know for a good while, easily since Jan those 2 freshmen leaving has been all but a certainty. Bacot has been committed to us forever, I don't see what Hurt and or Precious do as any factor, I really don't think Anthony's decision hinges on where some other freshman goes. Even if it did, would you not think that he would have committed prior to the Micky D & Hoop Summit all star games so he could work other uncommitted players to consider UNC more? He didn't do that...

So the 3 ton elephant is still occupying the room and he does not seem to be going away until the end.. And why are ND and GTown still in the mix? Yeah, something just does not feel right folks and that damn elephant is still here?
And why do you think that is?

Roy averaged 5-6 McDonald's All-American's on his rosters at UNC for most of his career, until the last couple. This year we had 2, next year we will have 1 at this point. I think it is a combination of a number of reasons.

1) I think the biggest reason is the perception of how Roy plays Freshmen. It is perceived that he holds them back and doesn't play them as much as other schools. Many will use Coby as an example and yes, he started and played a lot. There are also more examples of FR playing behind older guys who may not be as talented. I'm not saying I disagree with Roy on this, but he doesn't have a great record of having FR who are a big focus. Despite how we may feel, this does impact perception of recruits and thus, recruiting wins.

2) Roy plays a lot of guys. We go 9-11 deep and everyone's minutes are lower. This could be great for kids that aren't top rated...not so much for others. Although Roy has done this his entire career (tightens the rotation late in the year), many kids coming up now down want to come to a place and play 15-20 minutes where they can go elsewhere and play 25-35 mins. Roy plays a system and doesn't really showcase anyone. I actually like that, but recruits may not.

3) NBA level talent from UNC isn't really front and center. For years we had big time guys playing in the NBA. We don't now and recruits that are top level aspire to be in the NBA. They see other programs having guys cashing big checks. UNC does have some guys, but not really super star level guys.

4) A lot of top guys aren't planning on being in college long, so "relationships" that are so important to Roy and UNC...aren't drivers for these kids. Some of the core strengths of being a player at UNC don't resonate with these guys.

5) Roy often goes all in on a smaller group of guys, because relationships are so important to him. He doesn't offer based on talent alone. I think that's great. But, he spends so much time on a fewer number of kids (that the previously mentioned issues negatively impact) that when he misses it leaves a huge void that jumping in late can't make up. He's a relationship guy so if he doesn't have the time to build that then he can't connect at the level he needs to to differentiate him and UNC...which means the negatives above weigh more.

6) The "cloud" impacted kids, but not as much as we made it out to be. The other items impact results more in my opinion...although it did have some level of impact. Why I don't think it's as big as others make it out to be is look at the results other programs are having despite clouds they are under.

There are more, but these were top of mind.
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I really don't know that is one reason I have asked people's opinions here it really is a head scratcher. No dark cloud anymore Roy works his tail off showing interest heck he can point to a success story in Coby Cam and even Nas all 3 look like either first round to lottery in this draft. Roy doesn't really have upperclassmen that would start over big talented kids this coming year as oppose to say last year this time. K is recruiting 5 star bench sitters and gets no flack over that and they line up to come in for him. If Cole doesn't come then that means we lost a recruit to Oregon not dook UK KU but freaking Oregon I just would like to know WHY is all heck Roy should be worrying about hitting a daggum golf ball right now instead of fielding a competitive basketball team for next year.

Nice response.
What would you have Roy do differently if anything?

I know 2020 is shaping up much better.
What would you have Roy do differently if anything?

I know 2020 is shaping up much better.

I don't gripe about Roy and recruiting much bc he's in the hof and I'm not, but one thing I think that has hurt us with wings this year is his recruitment of Wendell Moore! We stayed on him wayyyy too long! As soon as he reopened his recruitment I would have moved on! The writing was on the wall in that one. I would have offered josh green and precious much sooner! I don't think he needs to totally change his ways, but I think he could tweek them some! Sometimes you have to evolve to the times..that doesn't mean you have to totally change things!
Roy averaged 5-6 McDonald's All-American's on his rosters at UNC for most of his career, until the last couple. This year we had 2, next year we will have 1 at this point. I think it is a combination of a number of reasons.

1) I think the biggest reason is the perception of how Roy plays Freshmen. It is perceived that he holds them back and doesn't play them as much as other schools. Many will use Coby as an example and yes, he started and played a lot. There are also more examples of FR playing behind older guys who may not be as talented. I'm not saying I disagree with Roy on this, but he doesn't have a great record of having FR who are a big focus. Despite how we may feel, this does impact perception of recruits and thus, recruiting wins.

2) Roy plays a lot of guys. We go 9-11 deep and everyone's minutes are lower. This could be great for kids that aren't top rated...not so much for others. Although Roy has done this his entire career (tightens the rotation late in the year), many kids coming up now down want to come to a place and play 15-20 minutes where they can go elsewhere and play 25-35 mins. Roy plays a system and doesn't really showcase anyone. I actually like that, but recruits may not.

3) NBA level talent from UNC isn't really front and center. For years we had big time guys playing in the NBA. We don't now and recruits that are top level aspire to be in the NBA. They see other programs having guys cashing big checks. UNC does have some guys, but not really super star level guys.

4) A lot of top guys aren't planning on being in college long, so "relationships" that are so important to Roy and UNC...aren't drivers for these kids. Some of the core strengths of being a player at UNC don't resonate with these guys.

5) Roy often goes all in on a smaller group of guys, because relationships are so important to him. He doesn't offer based on talent alone. I think that's great. But, he spends so much time on a fewer number of kids (that the previously mentioned issues negatively impact) that we he misses it leaves a huge void that jumping in late can't make up. He's a relationship guy so if he doesn't have the time to build that then he can't connect at the level he needs to which means the negatives above weigh more.

6) The "cloud" impacted kids, but not as much as we made it out to be. The other items impact results more in my opinion...although it did have some level of impact. Why I don't think it's as big as others make it out to be is look at the results other programs are having despite clouds they are under.

There are more, but these were top of mind.
Good post.
What would you have Roy do differently if anything?

I know 2020 is shaping up much better.
Give more offers early in the process, and give additional offers if guys are wavering (Moore). Don't stick to top 25 guys, instead fill out much of the roster with #25-75 types.
Roy averaged 5-6 McDonald's All-American's on his rosters at UNC for most of his career, until the last couple. This year we had 2, next year we will have 1 at this point. I think it is a combination of a number of reasons.

1) I think the biggest reason is the perception of how Roy plays Freshmen. It is perceived that he holds them back and doesn't play them as much as other schools. Many will use Coby as an example and yes, he started and played a lot. There are also more examples of FR playing behind older guys who may not be as talented. I'm not saying I disagree with Roy on this, but he doesn't have a great record of having FR who are a big focus. Despite how we may feel, this does impact perception of recruits and thus, recruiting wins.

2) Roy plays a lot of guys. We go 9-11 deep and everyone's minutes are lower. This could be great for kids that aren't top rated...not so much for others. Although Roy has done this his entire career (tightens the rotation late in the year), many kids coming up now down want to come to a place and play 15-20 minutes where they can go elsewhere and play 25-35 mins. Roy plays a system and doesn't really showcase anyone. I actually like that, but recruits may not.

3) NBA level talent from UNC isn't really front and center. For years we had big time guys playing in the NBA. We don't now and recruits that are top level aspire to be in the NBA. They see other programs having guys cashing big checks. UNC does have some guys, but not really super star level guys.

4) A lot of top guys aren't planning on being in college long, so "relationships" that are so important to Roy and UNC...aren't drivers for these kids. Some of the core strengths of being a player at UNC don't resonate with these guys.

5) Roy often goes all in on a smaller group of guys, because relationships are so important to him. He doesn't offer based on talent alone. I think that's great. But, he spends so much time on a fewer number of kids (that the previously mentioned issues negatively impact) that when he misses it leaves a huge void that jumping in late can't make up. He's a relationship guy so if he doesn't have the time to build that then he can't connect at the level he needs to to differentiate him and UNC...which means the negatives above weigh more.

6) The "cloud" impacted kids, but not as much as we made it out to be. The other items impact results more in my opinion...although it did have some level of impact. Why I don't think it's as big as others make it out to be is look at the results other programs are having despite clouds they are under.

There are more, but these were top of mind.
Good Points and I hope folks don't take what I am saying wrong I support Roy and he is a heck of a coach and hope he is around for the next 10 or so years he never gets the credit he so deserves for what he does!! If I was 18 and talented and he called me and offered I commit before he hung up the phone!!! I just hate seeing so many turn us away for what kind of man and program we are privileged to cheer for!!
Coach hit the nail on the head... and what he stated is fact based... see Durants statement about wanting to come to UNC, but picking UT instead due to minute splitting with upperclassmen in CH. Then see what Chauncy Billups said about what Roy told him when he was considering KU. It wouldnt have mattered to Roy if Chauncey earned a starters spot, Roy was still going to start Vaughn. He is a relationship coach and believes in LOYALTY to his kids... and there appears to be a pecking order with Roy. Some like that, some dont.

To address the question why 2019 recruits are flocking to UNC since the cupboard is empty... well, we should ask ourselves what kind of relationship has been established between roy and these kids vs the relationships they may have established with other coaches/schools?
The 2019 top 25 who have committed have gone to 14 schools, 2 or more players to each of 5 schools.

I don't know which teams are Nike or Adidas and I'm not sure if it matters. Sounds like plenty of money moving around in both corporate arenas.

How many of those schools do you think are dirty?

Here's the list:

Duke (2)
Kentucky (3)
Arizona (2)
Villanova (2)
USC (2)
I count at least 8 that are dirty all nike schools except for 1... memphis, georgia, dook, washington, ky, usc, florida, iu
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In a way, the fan who agonizes for their team is "the best kind" of fan. You're not a fair-weather fan, if you're paying that close attention!

Anyone who posts here is a pretty die-hard fan, and a fan who follows the team very closely. We all want the team to be successful.

I cannot remember a time when the roster was as empty as it is now and with no ringers to take their place... or, at least one or two ringers.

I prefer the recruits Roy gets. I like the players who are in it for more than just one year. I'd much rather see players progress and improve, and see the upper-classmen lead and show their skills. I think Roy and his staff will continue to do it that way. That may, eventually, bring about a season that is a struggle because of lack of elite talent. I don't know. But, I know that being aware of the situation, and having an opinion about the upcoming season that is NOT optimistic, doesn't make a person a "bad fan." There are some perennial cry-babies here, sure. But, UNC's recruiting hasn't been what is was in the past. I'll personally be thrilled once the OAD's can go straight out of high school. I'm sick of the way they are affecting the college game.

Cole Anthony has always struck me as the type of player that doesn't fit the UNC system and style. I don't care if he comes to UNC or not. I, personally, feel very sure that he will not choose UNC. Kids who want to come to Chapel Hill aren't usually as hesitant about that decision as Anthony has been. Since he is so unsure, I'd rather he went somewhere else. Gimme a kid who KNOWS they wanna come to Chapel Hill, and doesn't require the grandiose show of "wait and see."
In a way, the fan who agonizes for their team is "the best kind" of fan. You're not a fair-weather fan, if you're paying that close attention!

Anyone who posts here is a pretty die-hard fan, and a fan who follows the team very closely. We all want the team to be successful.

I cannot remember a time when the roster was as empty as it is now and with no ringers to take their place... or, at least one or two ringers.

I prefer the recruits Roy gets. I like the players who are in it for more than just one year. I'd much rather see players progress and improve, and see the upper-classmen lead and show their skills. I think Roy and his staff will continue to do it that way. That may, eventually, bring about a season that is a struggle because of lack of elite talent. I don't know. But, I know that being aware of the situation, and having an opinion about the upcoming season that is NOT optimistic, doesn't make a person a "bad fan." There are some perennial cry-babies here, sure. But, UNC's recruiting hasn't been what is was in the past. I'll personally be thrilled once the OAD's can go straight out of high school. I'm sick of the way they are affecting the college game.

Cole Anthony has always struck me as the type of player that doesn't fit the UNC system and style. I don't care if he comes to UNC or not. I, personally, feel very sure that he will not choose UNC. Kids who want to come to Chapel Hill aren't usually as hesitant about that decision as Anthony has been. Since he is so unsure, I'd rather he went somewhere else. Gimme a kid who KNOWS they wanna come to Chapel Hill, and doesn't require the grandiose show of "wait and see."

...strumming, I feel what you are saying dude... It is not simple here. This one has all of the time in the world to make a decision. Sometimes, shocking the college basketball world brings media pops as well. From that angle, this one is still hard to read. However, RW did not go to Virginia for no reason either. I think that is a safe bet. On the other hand, Cole is a ONE and done kid. Therefore, getting a 6-3 combo guard would indeed be a good thing to do at this time. We need at least one graduate transfer. Hold on and this should all be clear in about 7-10 days from now. If not, we can probably forget Cole...
In a way, the fan who agonizes for their team is "the best kind" of fan. You're not a fair-weather fan, if you're paying that close attention!

Anyone who posts here is a pretty die-hard fan, and a fan who follows the team very closely. We all want the team to be successful.

I cannot remember a time when the roster was as empty as it is now and with no ringers to take their place... or, at least one or two ringers.

I prefer the recruits Roy gets. I like the players who are in it for more than just one year. I'd much rather see players progress and improve, and see the upper-classmen lead and show their skills. I think Roy and his staff will continue to do it that way. That may, eventually, bring about a season that is a struggle because of lack of elite talent. I don't know. But, I know that being aware of the situation, and having an opinion about the upcoming season that is NOT optimistic, doesn't make a person a "bad fan." There are some perennial cry-babies here, sure. But, UNC's recruiting hasn't been what is was in the past. I'll personally be thrilled once the OAD's can go straight out of high school. I'm sick of the way they are affecting the college game.

Cole Anthony has always struck me as the type of player that doesn't fit the UNC system and style. I don't care if he comes to UNC or not. I, personally, feel very sure that he will not choose UNC. Kids who want to come to Chapel Hill aren't usually as hesitant about that decision as Anthony has been. Since he is so unsure, I'd rather he went somewhere else. Gimme a kid who KNOWS they wanna come to Chapel Hill, and doesn't require the grandiose show of "wait and see."
Good post and after some thinking maybe Roy should just abandoned the say 1-15 or so and focus all his efforts on those 15-60 kids have experienced juniors and seniors every year. If an in state recruit is top 15 then offer him to try and keep those kids if Coby was coming back I wouldn't even be really concerned. 2020 should be a grand slam year if we land no one else hopefully
Good post and after some thinking maybe Roy should just abandoned the say 1-15 or so and focus all his efforts on those 15-60 kids have experienced juniors and seniors every year. If an in state recruit is top 15 then offer him to try and keep those kids if Coby was coming back I wouldn't even be really concerned. 2020 should be a grand slam year if we land no one else hopefully
I was thinking along those lines, too. Or at least don't go all in for those guys.

I wonder how many of those top guys actually become OADs. Presumably some don't, but what's the actual probability? Below is the list of 5 star players in the 2017 recruiting class (from 247) and their draft status in the 2018 draft. For those who weren't drafted, I show the school they attended (or were supposed to attend). Some, like Duval and McCoy, stayed in the draft and weren't drafted but were picked up by NBA teams. Most, like PJ Washington, Nick Richards, and Quade Green at UK "chose" not to be OAD - although Quade ditched UK.

Player Draft
01 Bagley 3
02 M Porter 14
03 Bamba 6
04 Ayton 1
05 Sexton 8
06 Duval Duke
07 Carter 7
08 Jackson 4
09 Robinson 36
10 Diallo 45
11 Knox 9
12 Vanderbilt 41
13 Brown 15
14 McCoy UNLV
15 Washington UK
16 Walker 18
17 Trent 37
18 Richards UK
19 Bowen LVL
20 Preston Kansas
21 Wilkes UCLA
22 Hands UCLA
23 Young 5
24 Akot AZ
25 J Porter MZ
26 Green UK

Fourteen of the top 15 were OAD. That includes Duval and McCoy who stayed in the draft but weren't drafted.

If other years show a similar preponderance of top 15 players leaving after 1 season, that would support @MJUNC 's argument that Roy should ease back from that top 15 group. They not only think they are going to be OAD, but they usually are.

That's not to say never offer those guys. But put out offers in the next tier, too, and pull the plug early unless you are getting really strong signals.
Love your take on why Roy seems to have struggled this year on the trail
Dunno if I have a take on what I think is a misdirected premise, i.e., "struggled this year on the trail". At this point anyone who cares enough about UNC hoops to post on here should know by now the way Roy recruits and the realities surrounding it --- that he recruits for need and fit (not volume) and has a smaller universe of prospects to choose from than others. Now, I could offer a take on the effects of that, but the tiresome responses sure to follow leave me less than motivated.
Dunno if I have a take on what I think is a misdirected premise, i.e., "struggled this year on the trail". At this point anyone who cares enough about UNC hoops to post on here should know by now the way Roy recruits and the realities surrounding it --- that he recruits for need and fit (not volume) and has a smaller universe of prospects to choose from than others. Now, I could offer a take on the effects of that, but the tiresome responses sure to follow leave me less than motivated.
Dunno if I have a take on what I think is a misdirected premise, i.e., "struggled this year on the trail". At this point anyone who cares enough about UNC hoops to post on here should know by now the way Roy recruits and the realities surrounding it --- that he recruits for need and fit (not volume) and has a smaller universe of prospects to choose from than others. Now, I could offer a take on the effects of that, but the tiresome responses sure to follow leave me less than motivated.
You should I love to hear it...
I just want to know who's on our roster next year so I know who to pull for.
I think a lot of the angst about Roy and recruiting is over blown. Other than dook or Cal Shady's bunch can any of you honestly say that you would take any other teams players over ours. We have been in a golden era of Carolina basketball. In the last 4 years we have had 2 final fours, 2 NC games, 1 NC, 3 number 1 seeds, multiple regular season ACC championships and lost in the tourney twice because of a bad matchup after a 5 start big man decided to go to the NBA, and playing with sick players against arguably the hottest team in the country that drained 17 three pointers a lot of which were contested. Roy managed to recruit(Cam counts) at least 3 NBA players in this years draft. Stop comparing us to the rat and the inbreeds. We will be fine without or without Cole.
You're just wrong there.

Cole is the next great UNC PG if he comes here. His style, attitude, and will to win are everything our great PGs have had.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug. You are spot on. Cole Anthony will thrive in Roy's system. Point guards and big men are Roy's bread and butter. Don't know where he got that from.
Greg Anthony is in Portland... DSPN just showed him in the stands
He was in portland just not at oregon university
Unfortunately, both parents are there and getting an extended tour of the university. Per article on TOS.

But don't worry, Cole really isn't that good. Here's some info on him from that article:

As a senior this season, Anthony averaged 19 points, 10.5 assists, 10.1 rebounds, and 34 per game at Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Virginia. He is the first player ever to average a triple-double for the powerhouse program.

Ahead of the Hoop Summit, Anthony was named to the 2019 Naismith High School Boy's All-American first-team, the MVP of the 20McDonald'sd's All-American Game, and the 2019 Gatorade State Player of the Year.​

I mean who would want a loser like that?

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