Just a quick opinion from a loyal fan. This website has taken a huge leap in recruiting coverage from the past, and I expect the same from our kids in FB accordingly. The Bunting, Butch Davis and early Fedora years were loaded on "star ratings", yet very lean on field results, character, integrity and staying through their senior year. I chose to believe what Blu, docryan, Maxout, Botate and a few select other posters state currently. Our upgraded staff is recruiting true "student athletes" that rival Stanford, while setting the standard along with other schools in the Director Cup, beyond wins and loses. I can live with that, and expect that from a Top 5 public school. Fedora has to prove that his formula can win with true "student athletes" after the recent mess. I hope our base will support him and the team in 2015 as well. I will be there all season long. Our school has so much to offer ! How can you not love walking around Franklin Street in the Fall..............