decision to make K USA coach

Dec 1, 2007
I'm a long time reader but never post. Lifetime fan and UNC grad. I came across an interesting tidbit last week that I thought the board might be interested in.

I listen to several hoops podcasts each week and Bryan Colangelo was on Woj's Yahoo podcast recently.

Colangelo, who was brought in to fix the USA basketball program after the debacle in '04, said that at that time they had a meeting of previous coaches and USA basketball officials. At that meeting, Colangelo says that Dean was outspoken in his recommendation for K to be the next coach.

I doubt Dean thought that K would go on to coach the team for as long as he has. I know Dean only coached the one team because he believed other people should have the opportunity.

For me, a younger fan, who watched Dean's teams a kid, its always great to hear stories about him, and the kind of man he was. Its also interesting to look at how Dean handled his time with team USA compared to how K has chosen to.
These two men only have 2 things in common: Bball coaching and gender!

I appreciate ratty being involved in the resurgence of USA bball, but I wish he also had the decency to share the wealth!
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