Describe your race in one word…..


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2004
The whole Eldrick Woods discussion got me thinking about race…and in an effort to get to know everyone just a little bit better…..what one word would describe your race?

My dad always called me and my brothers coyote's…although he did it in his spanish dialect it sounded more like coy-yo-thes'! Basically we are Spanish (Paternal Grandma) Polish (Paternal Grandpa) How they together is another thread altogether…...hahahahah. Navaho and Irish (Maternal Grandpa) and Welsh/Oklahoma Redneck(Maternal Grandma and that is how my mom described her mom so I am OK using that description) You mix all that together and you have a mangy old mix breed wild dog who has a little attitude……about right I would say!!!

As a descendent of Pocahontas, I am seeking proper retribution for the suffering my people went through all those years before I was ever born. :)

In all honesty, all I've ever heard I'm a part of is Powhatan indian and Irish...though looking at me, I have zero resemblance to any native american tribe whatsoever, but when I was a kid, I do remember my great-grandfather was very much so.
My wife ask me the other day if I would like one of those DNA ancestry test for my birthday. Sounds like it might be fun.
A long time ago in a place far away (fictitious names but actual ancestry) Herr Fritz Von Stubin and Lassie Eileen Flanigan got together.
Referring to "the human race" is not proper?
I don't think so, but like I said I could be wrong. The word is used to sub-divide humans (and only humans) into different groups. The term "human race" makes no sense.
I don't think so, but like I said I could be wrong. The word is used to sub-divide humans (and only humans) into different groups. The term "human race" makes no sense.
I would say that human race puts us all in one pile (which we are all in one pile) and the divisions come by trying to use aesthetic attributes to try and make us aware of those trivial differences, and therefore plant the seeds of superiority/inferiority in our conscious and subconscious mind. Human Race makes plenty of sense to me.
I would say that human race puts us all in one pile (which we are all in one pile) and the divisions come by trying to use aesthetic attributes to try and make us aware of those trivial differences, and therefore plant the seeds of superiority/inferiority in our conscious and subconscious mind. Human Race makes plenty of sense to me.
I don't agree but lets drop it....
I would say that human race puts us all in one pile (which we are all in one pile) and the divisions come by trying to use aesthetic attributes to try and make us aware of those trivial differences, and therefore plant the seeds of superiority/inferiority in our conscious and subconscious mind. Human Race makes plenty of sense to me.


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