Do you have any tattoos?


I have a guy leaning on a wall playing a guitar on my left upper arm. And, the UNC Strutting Ram on my right upper arm (my avatar sans the guitar).

The guitar player tattoo is older. I got it in Richmond, in about 1993-ish. The Ram was done in Charlotte at Ace Tattoo on Central Ave. in '95. The ram has faded more. I need to rejuvenate him somehow.

I'm going to get a tattoo of some of the leather tooling patterns that I have come to do really well. Sort of an homage to myself!

Some variation of the pattern on the guitar below. I finished this for a client last week.




They still use needles, so it will probably hurt again.
That was one of the dumbest, self righteous and repetitive articles I've ever read.

1. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, four.

2. When did you get them (what year)? Don't remember the exact years. I'm guessing 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2017.

3. How old were you when you got them?
I was born in 1984. You do the math.
Why? What is the significance of your tattoos?
It was a short story about how much better he is than people with tattoos. How people with tattoos were dumber than those without and it makes no sense to get a tattoo. It was radar level sanctimony and he just kept repeating the same points. It could have been reduced to three paragraphs and nothing would have been lost. My tattoo meanings:

1- Mom's initials with DOB and DOD- That should be self explanatory
2- silhouette of me and my kids- self explanatory
3- a sun that has a tribal inspired design- drawn by my childhood friend and represent a lot of good memories at the beach. My mom also collected things with suns on them, so it represents that memory as well.
4- Chinese symbol for birth year (kind of like an astrological design)- it represents a period of my life where I was dealing with a lot of issues. I came across the symbol and the meaning behind it. It was a perfect meaning for me and just kind of represented getting through some of the issues that were happening at the time.
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Not that I have anything against them. It’s mostly that I don’t have anything that I feel so strongly about where I want it to become a permanent fixture on my person.

Same here.

Something about my dad would be the only thing I’d even think about but he hated tattoos so that wouldn’t make much sense.

Just not my thing but judging people based on having vs not having them seems short sided. One exception...face tattoos, gonna judge you heavily there.
I have my wedding band tattooed on my finger. Did it 2 years ago. Needs to be touched up. It didnt take on the callous side of my finger
No joke... today, I was at Chik-Fil-A and a guy had the hatchet man on his hand.
