Don't underestimate Wake


Hall of Famer
Aug 5, 2009
The Old North State
It seems to me that many, if not most of our fans, are assuming we'll beat Wake. Here are a few sobering stats from the FSU/Wake game:

TOP: Wake 35:56
FSU: 24:04

First downs: Wake 27
FSU 14

Rushing yards: Wake 142
FSU: 127

Passing yards: Wake 215
FSU 202

Total plays: Wake 79
FSU 52

Wake drove to the FSU 20 before throwing an interception in the end zone with seconds left on the clock. In other words, Wake gave FSU and their 4th ranked pass defense all they wanted and then some. I sure hope our staff has the team ready to play and that we don't overlook Wake. It would be a shame to negate the Tech win with a loss to Wake.
Personally, I wouldn't be shocked if any team left on our schedule beats us. Do I think we'll beat Wake? Yes. But I won't be one bit surprised if we stub our toe.
Wake scored one TD....

Ramsey, FSU DB, said in presser that the game plan was to lay back on Wake's passing because film showed Wake using the double move a lot....FSU felt confident that in the compressed space of the Red Zone, that Wake would not make TD's.

The Wake QB was hitting the quick patterns before pressure could reach him. He looked pretty good to me...banged up as he was, he looked real good.
**EDITED TO ADD: Okay so Jimbo made those comments before the Wake Forest game. I'm not sure if WFU used this play at all or not. Sorry about that guys. Anyone watch any of the FSU - WF game?**

^^ I have a good buddy who's an FSU fan. He reads the Rivals FSU board religiously.

Apparently, what we need to watch out for against Wake is what Jimbo calls "pop passes." They run a lot of zone read pass (similar to the play Mitch threw a TD to Bug on against Delaware) but here's the kicker.....they run block on that play.

So in other words, the QB has one pass read (a slant or quick-hitter route) in addition to keeping it or handing it to the RB who he comes to a mesh point with. If he sees the receiver pop open right away, he hits him. Sounds good right? Well meanwhile, Wake's OL is run blocking, meaning they can be 4, 5, 6 yards down the field by the time the QB releases the quick pass. That's very illegal (can't block that far up the field on a pass play) but in college football it is never, ever called.

I'm sure Chizik will see this on film and address it. But that's a pretty lethal play to run if the refs aren't going to call illegal man downfield.
**EDITED TO ADD: Okay so Jimbo made those comments before the Wake Forest game. I'm not sure if WFU used this play at all or not. Sorry about that guys. Anyone watch any of the FSU - WF game?**

^^ I have a good buddy who's an FSU fan. He reads the Rivals FSU board religiously.

Apparently, what we need to watch out for against Wake is what Jimbo calls "pop passes." They run a lot of zone read pass (similar to the play Mitch threw a TD to Bug on against Delaware) but here's the kicker.....they run block on that play.

So in other words, the QB has one pass read (a slant or quick-hitter route) in addition to keeping it or handing it to the RB who he comes to a mesh point with. If he sees the receiver pop open right away, he hits him. Sounds good right? Well meanwhile, Wake's OL is run blocking, meaning they can be 4, 5, 6 yards down the field by the time the QB releases the quick pass. That's very illegal (can't block that far up the field on a pass play) but in college football it is never, ever called.

I'm sure Chizik will see this on film and address it. But that's a pretty lethal play to run if the refs aren't going to call illegal man downfield.

If the entire line is 5 yards downfield when the ball is released and they don't throw a flag I may pop a blood vessel.
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During pregame. Fed need to talk to all the officials he can and casually mention that to look out for that happening. At least then maybe they will at least look for it.
Clawson is a sound HC. He will lead to wake to upset teams and, I think, reach bowls. So we better be prepared.
At Jimbo's post game presser he talked about the lack of enforcement of the three yard rule for the O line....

"On the lack of pass rush, Jimbo said a big part of the problem at Wake was that the Deacons were throwing out of running plays like a lot of spread offenses do. The defense was getting run reads, but then the QB would pull up and throw. That's why he hates that rule about OL being 3 yards downfield."
We have to beat team's like WF just no excuse not to. FSU's offense has struggled all year but there is no reason for us not to put a lot of points on the board against Wake..
I want to stomp 'em into a mud hole. My first UNC FB game was WF in '66 and I carry a grudge like a MoFoe'r.
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**EDITED TO ADD: Okay so Jimbo made those comments before the Wake Forest game. I'm not sure if WFU used this play at all or not. Sorry about that guys. Anyone watch any of the FSU - WF game?**

^^ I have a good buddy who's an FSU fan. He reads the Rivals FSU board religiously.

Apparently, what we need to watch out for against Wake is what Jimbo calls "pop passes." They run a lot of zone read pass (similar to the play Mitch threw a TD to Bug on against Delaware) but here's the kicker.....they run block on that play.

So in other words, the QB has one pass read (a slant or quick-hitter route) in addition to keeping it or handing it to the RB who he comes to a mesh point with. If he sees the receiver pop open right away, he hits him. Sounds good right? Well meanwhile, Wake's OL is run blocking, meaning they can be 4, 5, 6 yards down the field by the time the QB releases the quick pass. That's very illegal (can't block that far up the field on a pass play) but in college football it is never, ever called.

I'm sure Chizik will see this on film and address it. But that's a pretty lethal play to run if the refs aren't going to call illegal man downfield.

The refs will call it...if UNC does it.
Let's not forget 31-0, the blown 24-0 halftime lead, and their assistant coach Adam Scheier taking shots at our student-athletes. Yeah, f*** Wake.
Wake's fan bases is filled with ABCers. I'd like to see a final score of 45-0.
Wake has my full, undivided attention. They played great against FSU and then won a grinder against BC. Wake passes the ball great and their defense is for real. Will be a great test for our guys. let's go Heels!!!
We'll get their absolute best shot; we always do. They can play D, no doubt the best D we've seen to date. Offensively, they pass it better than they run it. Didn't have much success on O vs. BC, but who does this yr.?

Indiana is pretty similar to us in style; high powered O w/ bend don't bread D. I expect we'll have to win a 1 TD or 10 pt. game that will be competitive the entire game. We must protect the ball and not give them anything cheap. Ideally, jump them early and often when we have the ball.
We must protect the ball and not give them anything cheap. Ideally, jump them early and often when we have the ball.
Yeah I think how we start on the first couple series will dictate how stressful the game will be. If we can jump out to like a 14-3 or 10-0 lead in the first quarter, we can just boss them the rest of the way. But if we start out like with like a 6-3 score or -- heaven forbid -- fall behind early, it could be a long night.

I'm so glad this is a night game because playing Wake Forest is an IMPOSSIBLE game for players to get up for, especially those not from NC. You're like "who are we playing? Wake Forest....?" They just have no clout or cachet or anything like that. Obviously the coaches will hammer into them what WF does well and to not overlook them, but it's human nature. Heck, I chalk up probably 25% of Duke's wins in their recent spree to this same factor. Now teams don't overlook them and can "get up" for them, but they used to not be able to.
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Wake Forest is an IMPOSSIBLE game for players to get up for, especially those not from NC.
Just show them this:

Wow,...what a dick. A little unbecoming of a college football coach. Maybe if he spent a little more time practicing his craft instead of tweeting, he would be more than a nobody special teams coach at a program no one gives a shit about.
Isn't the first time he's done it either. He did it over the summer too.

Also, in general, I LOL when Wake people talk up their school like it's Harvard. IMO, it's much more expensive than it is prestigious. *shrugs* Seriously, who can afford that school? SERIOUS TUITION HIKE
Isn't the first time he's done it either. He did it over the summer too.

Also, in general, I LOL when Wake people talk up their school like it's Harvard. IMO, it's much more expensive than it is prestigious. *shrugs* Seriously, who can afford that school? SERIOUS TUITION HIKE

Couldn't agree more. Incredibly overvalued. I visited it from out of state - campus looks nice, but W-S is a dump that would suck as a "college town".

And on top of that, it's not even as good of a school academically as UNC - where 80% of the students have to be from NC (being private WF can take the best of the best from wherever).
Wow,...what a dick. A little unbecoming of a college football coach. Maybe if he spent a little more time practicing his craft instead of tweeting, he would be more than a nobody special teams coach at a program no one gives a shit about.
He knows his audience. The average Wake fan is a whiney twerp eaten up with Carolina envy crossed with Dook envy. But they will side with Doook to bash UNC virtually 100% of the time.

This coach is not the one that worries me. Wake's DC Mike Elko is a good coach, and he should have some surprises for us. If he had better horses, he could cause our offense trouble.
I guess I should be upset that "The Oldest College Football Rivalry in North Carolina" was a sacrifice to the expansion gods........but I've never really been broken up about it. I'm glad we avoid Wake 5 out of every 6 years -- they always seem to have our number in football.
I guess I should be upset that "The Oldest College Football Rivalry in North Carolina" was a sacrifice to the expansion gods........but I've never really been broken up about it. I'm glad we avoid Wake 5 out of every 6 years -- they always seem to have our number in football.

Agree that I could care less about playing them more, other than the fact that they more often than not represent the weakest crossover opponent. And I don't know about how they "always seem to have our number in football", either. They've had some recent success due to the spottiness of how often we play (12, and 07 before that), but we've gone 11-6 vs. them since 1990.
I guess I should be upset that "The Oldest College Football Rivalry in North Carolina" was a sacrifice to the expansion gods........but I've never really been broken up about it. I'm glad we avoid Wake 5 out of every 6 years -- they always seem to have our number in football.

Agree that I could care less about playing them more, other than the fact that they more often than not represent the weakest crossover opponent. And I don't know about how they "always seem to have our number in football", either. They've had some recent success due to the spottiness of how often we play (12, and 07 before that), but we've gone 11-6 vs. them since 1990.
I guess I should be upset that "The Oldest College Football Rivalry in North Carolina" was a sacrifice to the expansion gods........but I've never really been broken up about it. I'm glad we avoid Wake 5 out of every 6 years -- they always seem to have our number in football.

Agree that I could care less about playing them more, other than the fact that they more often than not represent the weakest crossover opponent. And I don't know about how they "always seem to have our number in football", either. They've had some recent success due to the spotiness of how often we play (12, and 07 before that), but we've gone 11-6 vs. them since 1990.
Holy moly, your "post reply" button stuck on you haha. And yeah, even 11-6 isn't a good enough mark against them though, IMO. We should beat them darn near every time we play them. I guess 2012 is just too fresh in my mind.
Holy moly, your "post reply" button stuck on you haha. And yeah, even 11-6 isn't a good enough mark against them though, IMO. We should beat them darn near every time we play them. I guess 2012 is just too fresh in my mind.
Wake is a No Win game for us, every time we play. Even when Wake is good, when we lose, we lose to a teeny school and so lose doubly. And as it is in NC, we gain zilch in recruiting from playing the Deacs.
What is the overall series record? 66-75% winning % vs. them should be the minimum goal. That would allow for the occasional upset and down periods at UNC.
Couldn't agree more. Incredibly overvalued. I visited it from out of state - campus looks nice, but W-S is a dump that would suck as a "college town".
Winston-Salem is hardly a dump. There are some ugly parts of town near the campus but it's also bordered by Reynolda which is gorgeous. The campus is pitifully small, though, and it definitely takes a concerted effort to find things for college-aged kids to do for fun.

I'd tell you the types of students who are attracted to Wake but my sister-in-law is one of them so I'll just shut my mouth. :cool:
And yeah, even 11-6 isn't a good enough mark against them though, IMO. We should beat them darn near every time we play them.
Agreed. When comparing recruiting and resources, we should be beating them 80%+ of the time. Of course we endured some of our worst coaching regimes during the Jim Grobe golden era and simply got outcoached more times than I care to count.
Yeah I've got family in WS, the part they live in is really nice actually.
It's true that we don't gain much by having to play them, other than (hopefully) a conference W. But have you heard that we've signed up to play them as an OOC opponent in the future during seasons when we aren't scheduled to play in conference? I believe it's a home and home in 17, 18.
It's true that we don't gain much by having to play them, other than (hopefully) a conference W. But have you heard that we've signed up to play them as an OOC opponent in the future during seasons when we aren't scheduled to play in conference? I believe it's a home and home in 17, 18.
Yes and it's effing stupid. Starts in 2019. I pray divisions are gone by then so we can avoid stupid "OOC" games against conference teams.