Dook/K slammed by CBS

Love it!

Won't make a difference once the spin masters morph it into some kind of "woe is me, the world hates on us because we are good" scenario though.

Puke sux!
Gotta love this. The LOM always has been a bit of a coward.

"The sooner college basketball can get its top 25-level programs playing marquee games more frequently -- and in true home/road environments -- the better the sport will be for it. It's going to take schools like Duke to catalyze that change. I figure we won't see that happen until Krzyzewski retires, and maybe not even then."
This is kinda old news to us ... what is it 25 YEARS(at least) that we have been telling the world about this phony at LTCC and his stacked deck he LOVES to deal from????.

I guess it is better late than never that some in the a$$kissing dook media have woken up to this con game and seen the light.
This is the time of year that you miss the Duke poster (Rosh). He would make sure it was not a dull summer on the back and forth on the rivalry. He would defend this Duke "true road game"strategy in a 5-page thread and you still loved the guy when it was all said and done. The guy would wear you down with his For any Duke posters out there, any word on Rosh? Disagreed with 99% of his posts, but was one of the most respectable Duke posters ever on this board.
Who cares what them Dheads do....I know I don't.... Their time is almost over...see dook is k...just like IU was Knight and UCLA was Wooden....When k leaves their will be no more dook....just another afterthought in college basketball...Meanwhile UNC will still carry on....Mark it down....They know it's coming....

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