Early Coach Hot Seat for 2015


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
#s 1-3 are ACC coaches

Golden, London, and Fedora, in that order.

The author notes that Fedora has hired Chizik because the D must be upgraded, and quickly.

The author fails to note that we host Illinois this fall, which means his #3 on the Hot Seat faces his #5, Illini coach Tim Beckman.

Any such list of mine would include Purdue's Darrell Hazell. Purdue has a decent football history, much better than IU and better than Illinois, and Hazell has been 1-11 and 3-9. That is awful.

UNC grad Kevin Wilson has 4 straight losing teams at IU. That is par for the IU course, but 5 consecutive losing teams should get you fired even at IU.
LOL @ Fedora being on that list. It's like these writers live in a vacuum.

Purdue has John Shoop as their OC, so they're doomed.

Indiana is us if we don't fix the defense pronto. Fortunately, we're making great strides in that department.
Its absurd to suggest that Fedora is on the hot seat. If he were I have a hard time believing he would be able to convince the administration to go get Chizik. Bubba is obviously behind Fed 110%, and all indications are that Carolina football will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future.

He does need to work on the playcalling though. A healthy and improved o-line opens up the playbook
The thing about Fed. I could see this if it happened without us being on probation. The punishment did what it was supposed to make us worse over the three years. I did t see any mention of the probation in the article. They only want to mention it when trying to hurt the school. Again under normal circumstances I can see being on the seat. But he was given a real deal in the beginning.
Fed is in NO TROUBLE until after the NCAA mess blows over.

And hopefully by then he has us on the right track.
Bubba has pulled out all of the stops to help Larry be successful, but looking at the big picture, Larry has failed to connect with the fan base and the attendance shows it.
I figure Larry has two years....tops, to get things turned around.
Originally posted by Xlance:
Bubba has pulled out all of the stops to help Larry be successful, but looking at the big picture, Larry has failed to connect with the fan base and the attendance shows it.
I figure Larry has two years....tops, to get things turned around.
There is a whole oot of truth there. Fedora has not caught on with, much less inspired, the fans. And that costs money. I think is true for 2 reasons: the D sucks and the Fedora offense even when scoring is not interesting.

The first reason is obvious, and the Chizik hire is the answer. The second, I think, is due to the fact that our offense is QB runs over and over. UNC fans love what mostr about our offense? 1000 yard rushing RBs. And while we have never had many gunslinger QBs, we have tended to love our WRs putting up big numbers. The offense we have seen means no RB or WR can shine, can put up huge numbers.

You want to maximize UNC fan interest, fan passion, for football? Give us a solid or better D, a 1000 yard RB, and a bunch of big passing plays. It aint happening with a backyard football type offense, even with a good D.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:

Originally posted by Xlance:
Bubba has pulled out all of the stops to help Larry be successful, but looking at the big picture, Larry has failed to connect with the fan base and the attendance shows it.
I figure Larry has two years....tops, to get things turned around.
There is a whole oot of truth there. Fedora has not caught on with, much less inspired, the fans. And that costs money. I think is true for 2 reasons: the D sucks and the Fedora offense even when scoring is not interesting.

The first reason is obvious, and the Chizik hire is the answer. The second, I think, is due to the fact that our offense is QB runs over and over. UNC fans love what mostr about our offense? 1000 yard rushing RBs. And while we have never had many gunslinger QBs, we have tended to love our WRs putting up big numbers. The offense we have seen means no RB or WR can shine, can put up huge numbers.

You want to maximize UNC fan interest, fan passion, for football? Give us a solid or better D, a 1000 yard RB, and a bunch of big passing plays. It aint happening with a backyard football type offense, even with a good D.
Goods points as usual, Woad!

I think a lot of times we all seem to think Assistant Coaches are hired for one primary reason....With Coach Chizik, I along with most would tend to believe that his primary hire is for defense because afterall that seems to be where his expertise is, based on his resume'...However, I think it is perceived by alot of us fans, that he would have NO impact on offense, but do we know that to be TRUE?....I mean, he did have a mobile dual-threat QB at Auburn, and he also had an Offensive Coordinator in Gus Malsahn(sp?) who is recognized as an offensive guru for a fast-paced offense similar to what Fedora wants to run.....I think it's a bit naive of a lot of us fans to just believe that Fedora's staff is being upgraded on defense only?....Hopefully, Coach Chizit will not only impact and improve the defense, but will also share some of his vast knowledge and experience on the other side of the ball as well...

It was also good to see Mac Brown in the audience last night for the Carolina/FSU basketball game, wearing Carolina Blue?..........Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Originally posted by Xlance:
Larry has failed to connect with the fan base and the attendance shows it.
Average attendance has actually risen each of Fedora's three years at UNC.

2012 - 50,286
2013 - 51,500
2014 - 54,667

Also, I don't think it's fair to use attendance as a way of measuring a coach's connection with the fan base since a lot of other variables affect attendance. For example, we've been in an economic recession the last few years. Also, the program has been on probation and under scholarship restrictions the last three years, including a bowl ban in Fedora's first year. That might partially account for the poor attendance in the first year despite it being his most successful season by record (8-4).
Originally posted by Xlance:

...looking at the big picture, Larry has failed to connect with the fan base and the attendance shows it.
actually, here's the big picture:

winning = well-liked coach

losing = coach who fails to connect with fan base
I completely understand why someone would think Fed is on the hot seat. If he had performed so poorly at many other schools, he would be. It's not just about wins and losses. It's about who you're beating and who you're losing to. It's also about how ugly your losses are.

If I was the decision maker, I'd characterize his seat as at least "warm".

This post was edited on 1/26 10:24 AM by gunslingerdick
Fedora can have a .400 season or better and keep his job.

This is is the last year though hat this can be said preseason
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
No shootings here, just a difference of opinion. As long as it stays respectful it makes for good conversation. Welcome to the board, by the way.
XLance is a UNC fan and a knowledgable one. I have known him online for years.
It's not so much that Fedora hasn't connected to the fanbase, it's that the fanbase isn't connecting to reality.

Our fanbase, by and large, sucks. We expect championships in every sport, and don't show up if that particular sport is struggling. Hell, we don't even show up for baseball games when our baseball program is a juggernaut (albeit one without a national title) most years. Spoiled, spoiled fanbase and it sorta makes me sick.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
It's not so much that Fedora hasn't connected to the fanbase, it's that the fanbase isn't connecting to reality.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
It's not so much that Fedora hasn't connected to the fanbase, it's that the fanbase isn't connecting to reality.
Maybe it's a reality that the fanbase doesn't want to connect to? In other words, get a better reality and the fanbase might connect.

I'm gonna take issue here with you on this. Of course, if any coach wins, he will be liked and at the very least, tolerated. But when he is not winning, he can still be tolerated or even liked. I don't like Fedora and here's why(in no particular order):

1) Fedora's Freak Show (and all this other kind of stuff). Dude- the program isn't about you, so don't name it after yourself, unless you are winning. And even then don't.

1a)- Fast, SMART, physical. Don't say that's what we are going to be and then be the opposite. UNC football makes now more stupid mistakes on and off the field than any time I can remember. I understand if recruiting is being hurt because of the NCAA, but there is no reason, absolutely none, for the number of stupid, personal foul or unsportsmanlike penalties that we take.

2) Those damn uniforms. I'm all for change when it works. The team neither wins more or looks better. No reason to change anything.

3) He acts like a jackass in interviews and press conferences. He never says anything or if he does, he is often condescending. Also, tell us who is hurt and how long they are going to be out for.

4) Lack of fundamentals- what exactly is he coaching?

5) Visors should only be worn on the golf course.

I loved John Bunting, even though he was a terrible coach. I knew he had to go but I still wasn't happy when it happened- I gave him the benefit of the doubt as long as possible. The only way I become a Fedora fan is him winning, because I really don't like cocky SOBs who can't back it up.

Having said all that, I have no problem with him getting another year- but he damn well better make it count.

This post was edited on 1/26 2:35 PM by UNC71-00
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

I'm gonna take issue here with you on this. Of course, if any coach wins, he will be liked and at the very least, tolerated. But when he is not winning, he can still be tolerated or even liked. I don't like Fedora and here's why(in no particular order):

1) Fedora's Freak Show (and all this other kind of stuff). Dude- the program isn't about you, so don't name it after yourself, unless you are winning. And even then don't.

1a)- Fast, SMART, physical. Don't say that's what we are going to be and then be the opposite. UNC football makes now more stupid mistakes on and off the field than any time I can remember. I understand if recruiting is being hurt because of the NCAA, but there is no reason, absolutely none, for the number of stupid, personal foul or unsportsmanlike penalties that we take.

2) Those damn uniforms. I'm all for change when it works. The team neither wins more or looks better. No reason to change anything.

3) He acts like a jackass in interviews and press conferences. He never says anything or if he does, he is often condescending. Also, tell us who is hurt and how long they are going to be out for.

4) Lack of fundamentals- what exactly is he coaching?

5) Visors should only be worn on the golf course.

I loved John Bunting, even though he was a terrible coach. I knew he had to go but I still wasn't happy when it happened- I gave him the benefit of the doubt as long as possible. The only way I become a Fedora fan is him winning, because I really don't like cocky SOBs who can't back it up.

Having said all that, I have no problem with him getting another year- but he damn well better make it count.

This post was edited on 1/26 2:35 PM by UNC71-00
Question for Waldorf and Statler: how did you two feel about Butch Davis as a head coach? Did you find him likeable?

UNC71-00, you make some good points. None of them include wardrobe choices, though.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Question for Waldorf and Statler: how did you two feel about Butch Davis as a head coach? Did you find him likeable?

UNC71-00, you make some good points. None of them include wardrobe choices, though.
I liked Butch Davis. I was always worried he would get us back to the brink (like Mack Brown) and then bolt, but I never had a problem with him til everything blew up. And I did think he was (and is) likeable in general. Still do feel sorry for him on some levels, but I also wonder what really happened that is keeping him from getting another job.

Butch Davis didn't tweet pics like this though, and I appreciated that. What the hell Larry? This is just tacky (and cocky) as can be. If you want to show off a pic of you and your daughter to your friends, have a private Twitter account. If you want to show it to the world, have your head examined.


This post was edited on 1/26 4:17 PM by UNC71-00
Larry didn't tweet that photo. His daughter did, and then it took off from there. He did retweet his daughter's tweet, though, so make of that what you will.

For the record, Butch made some pretty bone-headed coaching gaffes, too. The clusterflub versus Tennessee in the Music City Bowl was the most notable one. (Seriously, how do you not have a decision made to either send in the FG unit or spike the ball there? Yates saved our bacon.) Butch also burned our final timeout against South Carolina, trailing 21-9 with 6 minutes left, when he sent out the FG unit before realizing 3 points still left it a two-possession game.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

I'm gonna take issue here with you on this. Of course, if any coach wins, he will be liked and at the very least, tolerated. But when he is not winning, he can still be tolerated or even liked. I don't like Fedora and here's why(in no particular order):

1) Fedora's Freak Show (and all this other kind of stuff). Dude- the program isn't about you, so don't name it after yourself, unless you are winning. And even then don't.

1a)- Fast, SMART, physical. Don't say that's what we are going to be and then be the opposite. UNC football makes now more stupid mistakes on and off the field than any time I can remember. I understand if recruiting is being hurt because of the NCAA, but there is no reason, absolutely none, for the number of stupid, personal foul or unsportsmanlike penalties that we take.

2) Those damn uniforms. I'm all for change when it works. The team neither wins more or looks better. No reason to change anything.

3) He acts like a jackass in interviews and press conferences. He never says anything or if he does, he is often condescending. Also, tell us who is hurt and how long they are going to be out for.

4) Lack of fundamentals- what exactly is he coaching?

5) Visors should only be worn on the golf course.
i disagree with 1-4, but 5) breaking the visors-on-golf-course-only rule, that's more than enough reason to hate the guy.
I have absolutely nothing against Fedora's visor, uniforms, tweets or anything else.

My biggest problem that has been mentioned is that he brought this script - Fast, Smart, Physical

And UNC is currently none of that.

He is just Chuck Amato wearing light blue. There is absolutely zero discipline in this program. We found it funny that UNC destroyed Duke's locker room after winning this year, but what self respecting coach allows that to happen. He allowed his players to stomp on State's logo last year. Stupid.
Originally posted by SeaHawk98:

I have absolutely nothing against Fedora's visor, uniforms, tweets or anything else.

My biggest problem that has been mentioned is that he brought this script - Fast, Smart, Physical

And UNC is currently none of that.

He is just Chuck Amato wearing light blue. There is absolutely zero discipline in this program. We found it funny that UNC destroyed Duke's locker room after winning this year, but what self respecting coach allows that to happen. He allowed his players to stomp on State's logo last year. Stupid.
fast, smart, and physical is a good slogan or philosophy for a football team. but i view it as a goal fedora is working toward rather than quick results. until a guy has his own recruits only and the sanctions are over, my judgement is deferred. it wouldn't surprise me if some of the players fed didn't recruit have some residual loyalty issues for the previous administration, just like some posters on this board. (i might add TOS is still much worse for butch davis man crushes).
I agree with most of what UNC71 said, except that visors suck everywhere, including the golf course.
I always found Butch to be very aloof.
He would often slip out of gatherings. He did a great job addressing a group, but didn't seen to want to engage in one-on-one conversations with many folks except a select few.
I think Butch spent too much time as a pro assistant to be a good college coach. He knew what he wanted to run, but never had to the level of talent to run it well and wouldn't adjust his schemes to his talent.
First off, I like Fedora, but can freely admit he couldn't hold Butch's jock strap.

As for him being on the hot seat: it seems like some people commenting here think that the Chizik hire extends his leash? How so? If anything, I think it would turn up the heat on his seat pretty quickly, having a national championship winning coach as DC just waiting in the wings to step up to HC if/when they fire Fed.

And with Mack Brown sticking his nose in around the program now as well? If he gets involved in the program that would make 2 national championship winning coaches (one offensive minded, one defensive minded) playing second fiddle to a coach that hasn't produced anything above barely scraping into a couple crap bowl games. Maybe Bubba is putting a lot of weight on the sanctions hindering Fed's success, but I would have to imagine that excuse is starting to wear out.

An ACCCG birth would save Fedora's job for sure...hopefully we see that this year!
I've never understood the visor. Not on a golf course, not at a card table, not on the football field. Wear a hat like a normal person.
Originally posted by Hark_The_Sound_2010:

...the Chizik hire extends his leash? How so? If anything, I think it would turn up the heat on his seat pretty quickly, having a national championship winning coach as DC just waiting in the wings to step up to HC if/when they fire Fed...
fedora has at least two more years, probably three, to turn things around at carolina. if he is fired in three years, chizik will be evaluated for the opening for what he has done at carolina, not what he did at auburn years ago. if he has done an excellent job at carolina that means his defenses have helped fedora win games, which removes fedora from the hot seat. see the paradox?
Originally posted by Hark_The_Sound_2010:

...And with Mack Brown sticking his nose in around the program now as well? If he gets involved in the program that would make 2 national championship winning coaches (one offensive minded, one defensive minded) playing second fiddle to a coach that hasn't produced anything above barely scraping into a couple crap bowl games. ...
mack brown? in recent years at texas mack brown fielded pathetic teams despite being in one of the richest areas in america for high school talent. you could make a case that mack brown is one of the great underachievers in college football. also, mack's pretty old now, but fedora gets at least 2/3 more years so mack will be even older then. mack brown head coaching candidate at UNC???? uh, i don't think so.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

I've never understood the visor...
i never understood the obsession with a visor on this message board. you want to slice and dice fedora's coaching -- cool, but please no fashion critiques.
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

I've never understood the visor...
i never understood the obsession with a visor on this message board. you want to slice and dice fedora's coaching -- cool, but please no fashion critiques.
Well, win 10 games and I won't criticize his visor or his choice of uniforms. Lose by 30 to your biggest rival on your way to a pitiful 6-7 season and it's open season on pretty much anything...including his mom.
in my opinion, Fedora simply hasn't connected well with the fan base. he's an over the top personality but frankly has done very little to improve our football team since taking over. I've heard the analogies that he's a used car salesman, or he has a lot of sizzle and no steak. I tend to like the latter. He tells you how good he is and how good we are going to be then continues to go out and hover around the .500 mark and look pitiful in many games we've lost. He won some early on with Butch's kids but has since put together a nice offensive unit, paired with about as bad a defensive unit as you will find in major college football. It's simply not a recipe for success. he's also been quite a bit of a jerk to some of our tarheelsports radio guys along the way in interviews.

put me in the category of not a fan.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

I've never understood the visor...
i never understood the obsession with a visor on this message board. you want to slice and dice fedora's coaching -- cool, but please no fashion critiques.
Well, win 10 games and I won't criticize his visor or his choice of uniforms. Lose by 30 to your biggest rival on your way to a pitiful 6-7 season and it's open season on pretty much anything...including his mom.
Exactly. He better win big next year or else he will be up against the wall hard in 2016. But if he weren't such a dick (no offense Dick), people would be willing to cut him some slack.

Alls I can say is that he better not name the Spring practices after himself again this year.
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

I've never understood the visor...
i never understood the obsession with a visor on this message board. you want to slice and dice fedora's coaching -- cool, but please no fashion critiques.
Ok Jimmy- I will bite. What is it that you like about Fedora?
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

I've never understood the visor...
i never understood the obsession with a visor on this message board. you want to slice and dice fedora's coaching -- cool, but please no fashion critiques.
Ok Jimmy- I will bite. What is it that you like about Fedora?
nothing really. i just don't think it's fair to pass ruthless judgement on a guy who stepped into a mess, and is trying to coach some kids he didn't recruit along with his own recruits which certainly doesn't help team unity. when the scandals settle down and all the players are fedora recruits then i'll join the attack if he doesn't produce. he's going to be here another two seasons, maybe three no matter what so what's to be gained by turning against him now?
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:

I've never understood the visor...
i never understood the obsession with a visor on this message board. you want to slice and dice fedora's coaching -- cool, but please no fashion critiques.
Ok Jimmy- I will bite. What is it that you like about Fedora?
nothing really. i just don't think it's fair to pass ruthless judgement on a guy who stepped into a mess, and is trying to coach some kids he didn't recruit along with his own recruits which certainly doesn't help team unity. when the scandals settle down and all the players are fedora recruits then i'll join the attack if he doesn't produce. he's going to be here another two seasons, maybe three no matter what so what's to be gained by turning against him now?
Wait- so if he hasn't done anything you like, then why did you disagree with me on the things I don't like? Maybe we have different definitions as to what constitutes "ruthless judgement"

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