Expected: Chansky goes after Chizik


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
I am posting selections from the article to avoid providing the link, which when hit pays Chansky.

"...sources close to the university and athletic department say the vetting process for the former Auburn head coach is still going on."

Chizik's getting fired: "The problems included the arrest and conviction of several players, behavioral issues, some players not going to class and skipping workouts and others reportedly smoking synthetic marijuana."

On vetting: "Thus, Chancellor Carol Folt is asking for more information on Chizik and checking more deeply into his associations than was done with Davis and Blake under former Chancellor James Moeser and Athletic Director Dick Baddour."

Note how Chansky links Blake and Butch, though Butch is the coach who cleaned up Miami (the badder forner players despised Butch for cleaning house at Miami) and was cleared by the NCAA in the UNC mess, Chansky wants to link Butch to Blake in order to smear not merely Butch but any serious attempt by UNC t upgrade its football coaching staff.

'"This could be a seminal moment in UNC's definition of institutional control," said one prominent alumnus close to the situation. "Had some of the things that Folt is doing now been done in 2006 [when Davis was named head coach], John Blake would have likely never been hired. "'

Butch could not see Blake for what he is because Butch met John Blake when Blake was in 8th grade and then got know Blake's parents well. Butch kept seeing Blake as the son of good ole Oklahoma folks who maybe had made some questionable friends. But I could have vetted Blake out with common sense and knowledge of college football. Barry Switzer is pure trash, and Blake was one of Barry's al time favorite players and assistant coaches. Barry backed Blake to be OU HC. Blake has always adored Switzer.

I never would have touched Blake because I know what Switzer is. But Chizik is married to the daughter of his high school coach, who was a major influence in every way. He is a protegee of Tomnmy Tuberville, who is as low key a class act as has coached an undefeated team over the past 25 years. Chizik is also a protegee of Mack Brown.

I know all that and that the Auburn boosters have been rather dirty back to at least the 1950s.

Art Chansky is the kind of punk who should be a Dook basketball-only.
Started an article on premium about this same POS article from a POS writer. Not sure I have the energy to point out all of the idiocy of the article, but three things stand out.

1) Chansky says twice in the article that John Blake was fired. He wasn't fired; he resigned. But of course in Art's mind, his perverted memory of events is all that matters when it comes to UNC football.

2) As you pointed out, Woad, no amount of vetting would have turned up anything on Butch Davis. His time at Miami strongly suggests the opposite. Yet Art insinuates that if only Carolina had dug deeper before hiring BD, none of the last five years would have happened. What an intellectually dishonest asshat that guy is.

3) As already pointed out in the other thread, the process of Chizik's hiring is taking no longer than that of Littrell last year. Nice try, though.

Art, if you're reading this, you can go to hell.

This post was edited on 1/6 4:43 PM by Raising Heel
Here's your evidence on what a hypocritical, basketball-first piece of human excrement Art Chansky is.

On December 15, 2010 he was fired after 18 years at Tar Heel Sports Properties. Why? An FOIA request from ABC 11 revealed that he had written an email to Chancellor Thorp suggesting what to do if UNC decided to fire Butch Davis.

Then, on July 18 of the following year, he wrote that Davis should be fired because of the academic problems "for which he bears responsibility as the head coach and CEO of the football program."

But what happened when the basketball program became linked to the academic issues? He defended Roy Williams, claiming that "if a violation of any sort occurred, it was on the University. Not the basketball program."

Those are direct quotes, folks. Seriously, Art, you can go straight to hell.
I feel like we are even closer now, our hatred of that POS Chansky binds us together.
I love UNC football and basketball equally. I am not sure how a POS comes off like this. He, like many others has some kind of agenda or bias. You can say what you will about the problems at Auburn, but they are nothing different than many other football programs. Hell look at our basketball problems. Graves? Hairston? Seriously Chansky is a POS.
Also, Chizek's father was a US Marine, and GC is a hard worker who loves to teach. He taught 3rd grade down in Florida when he first started working as a High School coach.
Originally posted by UNC_Blue:
I feel like we are even closer now, our hatred of that POS Chansky binds us together.
It's like we are pledging Delta Tau Chi and Chansky is the Omega Theta Pi faculty rep who happens to have been Niedermyer's big brother.
Originally posted by gteeitup:
chansky clearly isn't familiar with the facts
He doesn't care about the facts. Nor does BobLee. They have an agenda, and facts and logic will be contorted as needed to promote that agenda: which is - keep UNC football small and mediocre.

BobLee spent much of Butch's time here trashing him, linking him to all the bad that had gone down there under Johnson and Erickson (and it was much worse under Erickson). He and those like wer waiting for any opportunity to attack.
Originally posted by UNC_Blue:
I feel like we are even closer now, our hatred of that POS Chansky binds us together.
Umm.... Who is Chansky? An admin/faculty at the school? Vocal booster? N&O writer that you all hate now?
Originally posted by Raleigh2Miami:
Umm.... Who is Chansky? An admin/faculty at the school? Vocal booster? N&O writer that you all hate now?
C'mon know we don't hate anyone but you.
Originally posted by Raleigh2Miami:
Umm.... Who is Chansky? An admin/faculty at the school? Vocal booster? N&O writer that you all hate now?
Art Chansky is Larry David's retarded brother.


He was part of the inspiration for the film Revenge Of The Nerds
Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by Raleigh2Miami:
Umm.... Who is Chansky? An admin/faculty at the school? Vocal booster? N&O writer that you all hate now?
Art Chansky is Larry David's retarded brother.


He was part of the inspiration for the film Revenge Of The Nerds
That inspires me: we could have a sitcom, with Jason Alexander playing Chansky and Michael Richards playing BobLee. Wayne Knigtht (Newman), Steve Hytner (Kenny Bania), Phil Morris (Jackie Chiles), and Peter Crombie (Crazy Joe Davola) will play Wuffies.