Female Refs!

I've seen some games this year with excellent refs who were female. But that gal tonight looked like her Carolina boyfriend just dumped her and she was looking to get even. Every single call she made went against us some that were so obvious I'm not sure why she was not overruled.
She made 6 calls in tonight's game, and 4 were incorrect. Actually, Raymie Styons had a conference with her during the 3rd TV timeout. The blocking call against RJ was certainly the wrong call, and the call on Nance during a rebound action was being held by an armlock. The crowd let her know just what they thought of her officiating.
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I noticed that the ref with long hair made bad calls against Davis (block) and Nance (offensive rebound), but I would have been just upset if the ref had short hair or was bald. They were flat-out bad calls. Just curious, do these refs get graded somehow on their missed calls ? I would like to know if there is any accountability in these nonconference games. Thanks in advance.
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Refs from the various conferences do indeed get "graded" on their performances. It is import to them as the higher rated refs through the season get the plumb stuff in the NCAA's or the FF.
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Not sure how long she has been officiating which may account for some of the indecision on her calls. Heck maybe she was nervous with the surroundings?
I don’t mind female ref’s but I concur that last nights ref was absolutely atrocious. I usually don’t spend a lot of time talking about ref’s but her calls were extremely bad last night. In fact the calls were so bad that I was watching the game with my dad last night and he is a conspiracy person especially when it comes to the Tar Heels in any sport. But he was pretty calm and I found myself being the one who was commenting on it. I did think to myself at one point, had she had been bought off (really kidding about this one) or did she have a personal bias with UNC. I’m thinking she gets reevaluated pretty hard after this game. Could you imagine if she was making those kinds of calls against a formidable opponent or in the tournament? Lol, I wonder if we will have her services again down the line
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Yeah, she was bad, that block/charge call was right in front of her, it was a easy charge call and she totally blew it. The other ref looked at her like she was out of her mind. Clearly the ACC head of officiating needs to review her calls in this game and address it with her in strong terms.
leI noticed that the ref with long hair made bad calls against Davis (block) and Nance (offensive rebound), but I would have been just upset if the ref had short hair or was bald. They were flat-out bad calls. Just curious, do these refs get graded somehow on their missed calls ? I would like to know if there is any accountability in these nonconference games. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, she was bad, that block/charge call was right in front of her, it was a easy charge call and she totally blew it. The other ref looked at her like she was out of her mind. Clearly the ACC head of officiating needs to review her calls in this game and address it with her in strong terms.
Yes, there is an individual that is on site for most games and especially if they have a green one calling a game. As I stated in another post Raymie Styons who was the lead referee last night had a long conversation with her during a TV T/O last night. I suspect he wanted to know how she made two of her calls when she was screened out of both plays.

It's called anticipatory officiating where you make calls when you anticipate what MAY happen and those calls are usually 100% wrong as they were with her call(s). I saw the look on Styons face when she made the block call on RJ. He
actually, was in the process of calling a charge from his vantage point and stopped mid call and let her call stand, but you could tell, he did not like the call.

This female official may go on to be a very good official in time, you never know.
However, she won't last long if she continues making those type of calls.
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Leaky hated that ref. She called a foul on him and he couldn't believe it. She made a make up call on the other end, but Leaky again eye rolled her assuming she made the wrong call (despite it being in our favor). She sucked.
I'm a little uncomfortable that we are assuming that individual's gender. Have we not learned anything in 2022? Do better people.
For me it isn't about her gender but that simply she did a poor job last night. Now maybe being more used to call women's games played in to that, much more is called in the women's game but the men and womens games are very different. If you called every foul in a men's game there would never be anyone left to finish the game. RJ drew a text book charge and frankly, her call should have been over ruled.
FlaTard seems to have some unworked out issues in regards to women. First he's referring to men as women now this. I think he's trying to tell us something.
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It must be because she's a female. You never see male refs make lousy calls on a frequent basis.
It's because she was pitiful, and just happened to be female.
She looked totally out of place last night and I suspect if it doesn't improve fast you won't see her doing many more men games.
It is what it is, like it or not.
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Not sure how long she has been officiating which may account for some of the indecision on her calls. Heck maybe she was nervous with the surroundings?
Good point, she was as indecisive as any game I have seen in 40 years and her mechanics was a telling sign.
She was about to give a charge sign before thinking about it for a split second and calling a block. She looked like a fish out of water.
First he's referring to men as women now this. I think he's trying to tell us something.
That would certainly be fitting for you. I don't know anyone else on here playing another gender role, although it's possible.
It's because she was pitiful, and just happened to be female.
She looked totally out of place last night and I suspect if it doesn't improve fast you won't see her doing many more men games.
It is what it is, like it or not.
I agree that they were bad calls. I don't think she looked "out of place." She looked like a referee at a basketball game! lol

If she makes poor calls, she doesn't need to be a referee.
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She had a bad night, she may not be up to par to work this level. Then again she may improve and be solid like many refs have done after a crap night. There are female NBA, NFL, etc. refs no difference with the male refs, some suck, some are OK, some are good.
She was VERY bad last night though. The one instance that stood out to me as someone who has reffed, that was an oh my moment, was after a few other calls she missed, a clear moving screen on Nance occurred on her side, then the ref across the court made up and hit Mando with an a offensive foul 5 seconds later right in front of her, it wasn't a foul, and it wasn't his call. Was not his call from across court, and as a ref she should have recognized that was a HEY GET IT TOGETHER.
I guess I am too old school and politically uncorrect for this world these days. But the sudden wave of making sure we have female refs in basketball, and the NFL, is beyond the pale. Our society has suddenly reached the point where I actually think that as unqualified as I am, that I could flaunt some victim status and be able to seriously attempt anything as the cornerstone of today's thinking is that everybody is equal across the board no matter their talents. Are there bad male refs that should be run? Of course. But the lady trying to officiate the Citadel game the other night was so far out of her depth that it was egregious at points. Not that it mattered in the game one bit. But was very obvious on many calls that she felt sorry for the Citadel and was just subconsciously trying to give them extra breaks. Fine. But if they foster this stuff she will one day, in the name of diversity, be promoted up the ladder and call a game that does matter. But with the thought patterns of the day, and yes those same thought patterns that often engulf the University, they would probably adopt the stance that it is more important to be inclusive to a stupid fault, than to put the best people in certain positions.
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I guess I am too old school and politically uncorrected for this world these days. But the sudden wave of making sure we have female refs in basketball, and the NFL, is beyond the pale. Our society has suddenly reached the point where I actually think that as unqualified as I am, that I could flaunt some victim status and be able to seriously attempt anything as the cornerstone of today's thinking is that everybody is equal across the board no matter their talents. Are there bad male tens that should be run? Od course. But the lady trying to officiate the Citadel game the other night was so far out of her depth that it was egregious at points. Not that it mattered in the game one bit. But was very obvious on many calls that she felt sorry for the Citadel and was just subconsciously trying to give them extra breaks. Fine. But if they foster this stuff she will one day, in the name of diversity, be promoted up the ladder and call a game that does matter. But with the thought patterns of the day, and yes those same thought patterns that often engulf the University, they would probably adopt the stance that it is more important to be inclusive to a stupid fault, than to put the best people in certain positions.
Now Midline you can’t use common sense. You know better. Lol
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The ref was as bad as I have ever seen! I hope she never refs another UNC game, but I do recommend she do all puke games that don't include UNC! The game would have been better if we let the players call their own fouls, pickup style! I feel the same about TV Teddy to keep it "Fair and Balanced"! I think both should be demoted to High School games (or puke games) until they either figure out what a good call looks like or how to remove themselves from the show!
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There’s a whole lotta angst on this thread about a few missed calls by a horrors…female ref.
Yes, she missed some. Obviously, she’s new on the job. Hopefully, she will improve as she
gets more experience and learns from her mistakes.
I’ll give her credit for getting this far in a profession dominated by men. I hope she gets very good at
her job. Maybe, down the line she won’t miss calls like the joker who didn’t call the jersey grab/hold
of Leaky at the conclusion of the Bama game.
PLENTY of refs have screwed the Heels throughout history; some long gone (Pete Pavia, Lennie Wirtz,
Dick Paparo) some still effing with us: TV Teddy Valentine, and Jamie Luckie among others.

I’m guessing that not one male on this thread that criticized her ever refereed a Division One College Basketball game.
l could be wrong, but hey…..At least we won by 33 points so her incorrect calls weren’t too costly.
I couldn't care less about her gender and I make the same type of complaints when one of the ones listed above blows obvious calls. The biggest problem was how egregious her bad calls were and that she clearly wasn't ready for this level. At least those other bums look like they are ready so they simply have agendas whereas she looks unprepared!