"I was assigned male at birth due to biology," [Jamie] Shupe told The Oregonian. "I'm stuck with that for life. My gender identity is definitely feminine. My gender identity has never been male, but I feel like I have to own up to my male biology. Being non-binary allows me to do that. I'm a mixture of both. I consider myself as a third sex."
Live and let live, I suppose, but I take exception with this quote from the article (emphasis mine): "In 2013, Shupe began to transition, changing their name to gender-neutral 'Jamie' and petitioning to legally be recognized as female."
No. If you want to be non-binary, you need to use the single possessive pronoun "its," not the plural possessive "their." You're not actually two or more people.
Live and let live, I suppose, but I take exception with this quote from the article (emphasis mine): "In 2013, Shupe began to transition, changing their name to gender-neutral 'Jamie' and petitioning to legally be recognized as female."
No. If you want to be non-binary, you need to use the single possessive pronoun "its," not the plural possessive "their." You're not actually two or more people.