Game of Thrones - WARNING - Spoiler Thread


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Gold Member
Oct 20, 2007
If you haven't seen it, not sure why you clicked. Stop reading. I'm serious. Press the back button.

If you're still reading...

Last night's episode was great and all - but I'm more pissed that they seemingly are now afraid to kill off main characters. In a huge battle like this - I expect at least one of Jamie, Brienne, Bran, Sansa, Arya, Danny, or Jon to die. It's how GoT operates.

Question moving forward - do they have 1 or 2 dragons left? I know Jon's got kinda ****ed up but did it die?
Theon was pretty main. I mean he's been there since the beginning and was a big part of the story.
Loved it athough it was so dark i had hard time following some scenes. Not sure about jon snows dragon either. If u think back to all the foreshadowing with arya we shoulda seen it coming. Esp with bran giving her the dagger that was used to try and kill him. The girl killing the giant was epic. Doesnt an ex tarheel fb player play that giant?
I thought it was pretty great, but the really dark scenes were hard to follow for me as well. I’m guessing it’s meant to make it feel as chaotic as possible for the viewer.

Arya Stark 2020. Lets put her on the iron throne.
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Still have to watch Episode 4 so it might be discussed, but I was really kinda disappointed that they offed the Night King in one episode. Might be that he's not ACTUALLY gone as he was the physical representation of death, but we shall see.