if anyone has any connections to a storage company that can house items being sent in, it would be awesome.
i'm coordinating the entire elementary school relief effort and i'm getting word that we have been sponsored by three other sc schools filling up trucks, ready to send next week.
guys, what i've seen, and delivered to the last two days has broken me...went to an apt community today where we had three students that were registered living in...we get there and the water line is up past their unit, second floor...i yell up the last name, nothing...i yell again, a kid comes out smiling...my wife yells, "hey, i know you...you're in zander's class"...this kid is in my son's 4th grade class and he lost everything...he was there though, helping his family carry out whatever was salvageable...i immediately started crying, i mean damn...we live less than three miles from this kid.
anyway, just wanted to say this...i feel better...thanks tar heel illustrated.