Happy, but should we be celebrating?


Nov 15, 2006
I'm happy with the new NOA as far as MBB is concerned but should we really be celebrating and gloating?
I'm sure I will be corrected if this is wrong but isn't it a fact that many past MBB players took classes that no respectable university should offer and that those easy A's helped their eligibility? Even if the program did nothing technically wrong it still really sucks and is not something to be proud of.

I'm happy with the new NOA as far as MBB is concerned but should we really be celebrating and gloating?
I'm sure I will be corrected if this is wrong but isn't it a fact that many past MBB players took classes that no respectable university should offer and that those easy A's helped their eligibility? Even if the program did nothing technically wrong it still really sucks and is not something to be proud of.


What really sucks is supposed fans who Gloat in not so subtle ways. Then again, I don't know too many of those fake beasterds. Glad that they do not hang around here indeed...
In NO way am I excusing what went on at Carolina... NO WAY But PLEASE

There is ONE group of people that did not say ONE word about this whole mess at Carolina over the last few years...wanna know who that group is??? ALL the D 1 football and basketball coaches were quiet as church mice. WHY??? because they KNOW that this stuff in one form or another occurs at THEIR schools.

Look this thing went on for WAYYYYYYYYYYY too long at Carolina and for those honest enough to face the truth it is because of ONE reason and one reason alone..the fact that it was a black dept that the higher up's in the Carolina academic admin. refused to supervise in the same manner they would normally supervise any other academic dept
These liberals simply did not want to intrude or step on any toes, ruffle any feathers or be seen as picking on the Black studies dept. It was left to run itself with disastrous consequences for the university and its reputation. Crowder and Ngoro did exactly what they wanted with NO supervision for many many years.

this type of stuff goes on all over the place in colleges everywhere . Every college has the EASY As courses., for athletes and non athletes alike. The form and degree that it went on at Carolina ,plus the LENGTH of time it was allowed to continue ( By ACADEMICS who should have and could have STOPPED IT long ago) make our case stand out.

I am FAR more disgusted and revolted by the utter and complete lack of accountability and the massive failure of Deans, administrators, including the Chancellors at the time and other faculty, NOT doing what THEY were supposed to do in supervising this AFAM dept.

The athletic dept, on behalf of its athletes, took advantage as many many students also did of this rogue academic dept. The fault and blame lies with the academic side at Carolina above all else.
I think the reason a lot of fans,myself included, are celebrating is because this scandal has been blown so out of proportion its not funny. It has dragged on & on & on. UNC did investigation after investigation & yet there was no end to it.
Rival coaches used it against us for years.
While I'm happy MBB & football are in the clear. I hate the black eye the university has received & the punishment that's coming to WBB & other sports.
But let's be honest, the State UK & Dook fans were after one sport & one sport only. That's why those fans get a middle finger from me because the greatest program in basketball history has been cleared !!!!!!!!
I'm happy with the new NOA as far as MBB is concerned but should we really be celebrating and gloating?
I'm sure I will be corrected if this is wrong but isn't it a fact that many past MBB players took classes that no respectable university should offer and that those easy A's helped their eligibility? Even if the program did nothing technically wrong it still really sucks and is not something to be proud of.

There is nothing "technical" about it. What the department did was wrong, and what Boxill did was wrong. However NONE of that has any effect on men's basketball players, whether they took certain classes or not. No one did their work for them. There have been semesters in which star dook players took nothing but "correspondence" courses.
No one is proud about what went on. I haven't seen any UNC fan say they were happy. The happiness/celebration is because all of these dumbasses that kept talking trash and spreading incorrect info have just been put in their place. They have wasted years of their life on this with no payoff for them. Seeing all of them go crazy about the new NOA is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Keyser, aside from the political bs you spouted at the beginning, I agree with the last two paragraphs. Are you disgusted with Rec10? How about Geo11, "Rocks for Jocks" was its name when I attended UNC. The Afam/ Afri department used to have one of the most rigorous curriculums offered in the Colleges or Arts and Sciences. It seems to me that your second to last paragraphs summed it up best and it really didn't have nothing to do with the political bs you are trying to make it out to be. Thorpe, Dean of Arts and Sciences, at the time was not doing his job. That slapd&$), Jay Smith also didn't do his job since the head of the Afam/Afri department was under his direction as well.

This was an exercise of the academic side trying desperately to pin their failings on the athletic department. In fact, our system in which no athletic personnel had a say into the academic side of things was held as a model at one point.
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I went to Carolina in the 70s before the AFAM dept was even created .Rocks for jocks was well known at that time and you are also correct about the

the rigors of the AFAM dept pre Ngoro and Crowder.

The point is NOT the political persuasion of these admins, although I strongly believe they are clearly left of center. No the POINT is that they did NOT do their friggin jobs in supervising this dept .WHY NOT??? Tell me then what your explanation may be for their utter failure to supervise this dept and DO THEIR JOBS!! If it is not what I believe, then give me your explanation why they did not do what they should have done
One other point that really needs to be mentioned and that is in your last sentence you mention about the academic side trying to pin all this on the athletic dept etc
Well that really is what the Wainstein report was all about. That was made quite clear in the days following the release of the report and the presser with Wainstein i

if you recall there was a meeting/conference at Carolina, with ALL the key players such as jay Smith and I believe Willingham was there as well.

SO too was the man who was critical to getting out the TRUITH to counter the BS that flowed from the Willingham, Smith/Kane side...Brad Bethel. He was there and HE was completely sickened by the obvious attempt by the academic side to throw the athletic side under the bus and shift total responsibility for AFAM and all the mess onto the athletic depts,. especially the football and BBall depts.

I remember him saying he wanted to walk out of the meeting it was so bad and filled with such lies and obvious attempt to wash their hands of the responsibility and accountability they should have accepted.
As far as I am concerned, I am not gloating. I am feeling vindication for defending UNC bball with factual evidence over and over as people around me whether IRL, on radios, TV, or forums continually laughed and ridiculed our team and over and over said our banners should come down and a death penalty instituted.

Try listening to stupid Ferrel on the radio while updating the Championship game at work over and over. And finding out we lost. Then that loser on the radio saying "He made it. Suck it Tar Heel nation. Suck it you bunch of cheaters. One less banner for you to take down." I mean, that is a radio personality saying that.

So. Am I gloating? No. But, I feel vindicated as I felt justifief defending our team the whole time.
Canuck, it is more than likely student/athletes took classes that were "easy" in the past and, yet again, those same classes were offered to all students at the University, then what is the problem. Happens at, um, about 360 or so D1 schools every day. Easy classes helped every week night partier at UNC for a long time. Nothing new here.
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In NO way am I excusing what went on at Carolina... NO WAY But PLEASE

There is ONE group of people that did not say ONE word about this whole mess at Carolina over the last few years...wanna know who that group is??? ALL the D 1 football and basketball coaches were quiet as church mice. WHY??? because they KNOW that this stuff in one form or another occurs at THEIR schools.

Look this thing went on for WAYYYYYYYYYYY too long at Carolina and for those honest enough to face the truth it is because of ONE reason and one reason alone..the fact that it was a black dept that the higher up's in the Carolina academic admin. refused to supervise in the same manner they would normally supervise any other academic dept
These liberals simply did not want to intrude or step on any toes, ruffle any feathers or be seen as picking on the Black studies dept. It was left to run itself with disastrous consequences for the university and its reputation. Crowder and Ngoro did exactly what they wanted with NO supervision for many many years.

this type of stuff goes on all over the place in colleges everywhere . Every college has the EASY As courses., for athletes and non athletes alike. The form and degree that it went on at Carolina ,plus the LENGTH of time it was allowed to continue ( By ACADEMICS who should have and could have STOPPED IT long ago) make our case stand out.

I am FAR more disgusted and revolted by the utter and complete lack of accountability and the massive failure of Deans, administrators, including the Chancellors at the time and other faculty, NOT doing what THEY were supposed to do in supervising this AFAM dept.

The athletic dept, on behalf of its athletes, took advantage as many many students also did of this rogue academic dept. The fault and blame lies with the academic side at Carolina above all else.

I totally agree Key, I know I and I suspect most of us are not laughing at what actually happened, what you capsulized in the above, that is not funny what so ever. BUt we are and deserve to laugh (OP) at the manor of what actually happened was spun out of control and made this fan base the laughing stock of the entire nation. We few tried to tell everyone, none but our own were in any way willing to listen to the facts, why listen to facts when the spin is more what you want to hear, they clung to that out of control yellow dawg media spin like it was their last drop of life and it has now been taken from them, we tried to tell them, they refused to listen so now we laugh, now we know who was right and who was cheating the truth.

That is why we are laughing, thats why we deserve to finally be able to...
Keyser, aside from the political bs you spouted at the beginning, I agree with the last two paragraphs. Are you disgusted with Rec10? How about Geo11, "Rocks for Jocks" was its name when I attended UNC. The Afam/ Afri department used to have one of the most rigorous curriculums offered in the Colleges or Arts and Sciences. It seems to me that your second to last paragraphs summed it up best and it really didn't have nothing to do with the political bs you are trying to make it out to be. Thorpe, Dean of Arts and Sciences, at the time was not doing his job. That slapd&$), Jay Smith also didn't do his job since the head of the Afam/Afri department was under his direction as well.

This was an exercise of the academic side trying desperately to pin their failings on the athletic department. In fact, our system in which no athletic personnel had a say into the academic side of things was held as a model at one point.

"The Afam/ Afri department used to have one of the most rigorous curriculums offered in the Colleges or Arts and Sciences." <-- Well clearly that did not continue did it? We all realize several people did not do their jobs, pointing that fact out is not needed, we have a multi year lesson on that fact. Key is offerring his opinion, mine as well, for the reasons those jobs were not done properly and that dept allowed to become a rouge program from what it was not in its beginning. There have always been easy grade classes available at every college in the nation and scholarship athletes find those easy grade classes, as do pretty much every other student.

Are you suggesting the AFAM was not an embarassment that should have never been allowed?
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if you watch the Bethel film Unverified, he makes the point as well about race as a factor in all of this.

Bottom line is the academic admins and all the muckety mucks that populate the South building completely failed in their duties . A TOTAL failure on their part for over 20 years.
UNC failed academically big time and no one should gloat about the NCAA amended NOA. It was and always will be an academic issue, not athletic. All colleges have their easy courses and if anyone actually investigated would find that athletes take and are probably driven to them to keep them eligible. UNC got caught, owned up to it and is correcting the problem. Other places better be careful, the NCAA is going to amend their rules.
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DSouth... turn it down and yes, I am suggesting that complacency had everything to do with the downfall of the AFAM/AFRI department and its oversight; not some political bs you guys are pointing to. Both of you have acknowledged that the department was one of the most rigorous curriculum at Carolina and since I took a course my sophomore year in 87, I can attest to that truth. Complacency can easily explain why it fell off. Things slip when you feel you are on top and people that govern the quality feel like oversight is not needed since the department always had a rigorous program. As I stated earlier, UNC's student-athlete academic program was once was held to great esteem and look upon as the gold standard because no contact between the athletic side and academic side with regard to the student-athlete studies. What happened? Complacency, not some PC BS reason you guys are trying to promote.
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Wish it was simple complacency, but sorry it was not. There were ample warnings for years and they were ignored. That had nothing to do with sitting on your butt and doing squat.

WoW to the "interesting"theories, lol!

I'm disappointed in the fraudulent behavior of a few individuals at UNC. I'm disappointed in the failure to properly oversee the academic rigor of UNC by its administration. I'm sickened by the tarnish on my beloved U's reputation, but

I'm proud that we were determined to get to the bottom of it!
I'm proud that we did not cover up infractions once we discovered them.
I'm impressed by the swiftness with which the cheating peeps were fired.
I'm impressed by the stringent measures UNC has implemented campus-wide to ensure this NEVER happens again.
I'm relieved that the NCAA actually got something right.
I'm amused by the sheer number of fools that actually base their happiness of the prospect of UNC being punished.
I'm laughing at pukies, kitties, and puppies in their faces and with no restraint.
I'm hopeful that recruiting will now pick up.

I'm STILL deeply in love with UNC!
DSouth... turn it down and yes, I am suggesting that complacency had everything to do with the downfall of the AFAM/AFRI department and its oversight; not some political bs you guys are pointing to. Both of you have acknowledged that the department was one of the most rigorous curriculum at Carolina and since I took a course my sophomore year in 87, I can attest to that truth. Complacency can easily explain why it fell off. Things slip when you feel you are on top and people that govern the quality feel like oversight is not needed since the department always had a rigorous program. As I stated earlier, UNC's student-athlete academic program was once was held to great esteem and look upon as the gold standard because no contact between the athletic side and academic side with regard to the student-athlete studies. What happened? Complacency, not some PC BS reason you guys are trying to promote.

Turn it down? Your time in those classes was 1987, 29yrs ago? Are you telling me to "turn it down" because I realize this political correct world we live in TODAY was different in 1987? LOL

I am sorry that you can either not understand or accept that colleges across this country have become politically correct bastions afraid to upset anyone. Can you not understand how a school like UNC, who many of us see are far way to far to the left and getting worse every day would shy away from dropping the hammer on AFAM?

Man, you tell me to "turn it down" how about you turn down that level of denial just a touch or has it now become illegal for me to express an opinion that does not fit politically correctness?
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Turn it down? Your time in those classes was 1987, 29yrs ago? Are you telling me to "turn it down" because I realize this political correct world we live in TODAY was different in 1987? LOL

I am sorry that you can either not understand or accept that colleges across this country have become politically correct bastions afraid to upset anyone. Can you not understand how a school like UNC, who many of us see are far way to far to the left and getting worse every day would shy away from dropping the hammer on AFAM?

Man, you tell me to "turn it down" how about you turn down that level of denial just a touch or has it now become illegal for me to express an opinion that does not fit politically correctness?

Man, cry me a freaking river. Denial? Denial of what? A department that slipped and the lack of oversight is to be blamed on Political Correctness? Man, get the H out of here. Always the point the finger and blame game. I listen to people spout this stuff and shake my head in disbelief. By the way, to answer your question with regard to too much PC in the world today.... yes, I agree. Dude it is your opinion, just like it is my opinion and not believe what you are saying. Differing opinions do occur and you do not have to attack an individual if that individual doesn't go along with what you have to say. Funny how you rush to classify why I didn't join in the party and shout you are right. I understand fully. There is right and there is wrong and you sir, are wrong. Just my opinion.

The way you spouting off about political correctness, I really wouldn't be surprised that you support Trump. Next time you put on that "Make America Great Again" cap, check the label and see where it is made. Yeah, Trump really into making America great again by shipping his business off to China and Mexico. SMH.
I totally agree Key, I know I and I suspect most of us are not laughing at what actually happened, what you capsulized in the above, that is not funny what so ever. BUt we are and deserve to laugh (OP) at the manor of what actually happened was spun out of control and made this fan base the laughing stock of the entire nation. We few tried to tell everyone, none but our own were in any way willing to listen to the facts, why listen to facts when the spin is more what you want to hear, they clung to that out of control yellow dawg media spin like it was their last drop of life and it has now been taken from them, we tried to tell them, they refused to listen so now we laugh, now we know who was right and who was cheating the truth.

That is why we are laughing, thats why we deserve to finally be able to...
I'm laughing and gloating and proud of it. Every rival who said the Heels were going down can kiss by AZZZZZ..
All depends on how you view this .............................


I'm drinking from my saucer because my cup has OVERFLOWED!
It's not celebration. It's return serve of all the "Nostradamus" like predictions that didn't come to fruition.
DSouth... turn it down and yes, I am suggesting that complacency had everything to do with the downfall of the AFAM/AFRI department and its oversight; not some political bs you guys are pointing to. Both of you have acknowledged that the department was one of the most rigorous curriculum at Carolina and since I took a course my sophomore year in 87, I can attest to that truth. Complacency can easily explain why it fell off. Things slip when you feel you are on top and people that govern the quality feel like oversight is not needed since the department always had a rigorous program. As I stated earlier, UNC's student-athlete academic program was once was held to great esteem and look upon as the gold standard because no contact between the athletic side and academic side with regard to the student-athlete studies. What happened? Complacency, not some PC BS reason you guys are trying to promote.
face it some times the truth just isn't PC.
Man, cry me a freaking river. Denial? Denial of what? A department that slipped and the lack of oversight is to be blamed on Political Correctness? Man, get the H out of here. Always the point the finger and blame game. I listen to people spout this stuff and shake my head in disbelief. By the way, to answer your question with regard to too much PC in the world today.... yes, I agree. Dude it is your opinion, just like it is my opinion and not believe what you are saying. Differing opinions do occur and you do not have to attack an individual if that individual doesn't go along with what you have to say. Funny how you rush to classify why I didn't join in the party and shout you are right. I understand fully. There is right and there is wrong and you sir, are wrong. Just my opinion.

The way you spouting off about political correctness, I really wouldn't be surprised that you support Trump. Next time you put on that "Make America Great Again" cap, check the label and see where it is made. Yeah, Trump really into making America great again by shipping his business off to China and Mexico. SMH.

You can cool your freakin jets right now boss! YOU FREAKIN TOLD, not ask, YOU FREAKIN TOLD ME turn it down, you are welcome to your opinion but I will have mine and I really do not give a crap if you like it or agree with it. I need to keep THIS in mind dude, you came at me FIRST and you darn right I answered. I didn't rush nor did I classify you in any way but trust me, I get you now, Mr politically correct and in denial that it exists!

By the way, I could care less for your ultro liberal BS and for the record, no, I do not support Trump but I will vote for him if my only choice is him or Hillary! And truth is, as much as I would prefer not to vote for Trump, knowing it would piss you off gives me extra incentive to vote for him just to neutralize you! By the way dude, Trump is doing as well as he is because of people just like you, those that feel political correctness should be the norm. Thank yourself and those just like you for Trump, you actually deserve him...
You can cool your freakin jets right now boss! YOU FREAKIN TOLD, not ask, YOU FREAKIN TOLD ME turn it down, you are welcome to your opinion but I will have mine and I really do not give a crap if you like it or agree with it. I need to keep THIS in mind dude, you came at me FIRST and you darn right I answered. I didn't rush nor did I classify you in any way but trust me, I get you now, Mr politically correct and in denial that it exists!

By the way, I could care less for your ultro liberal BS and for the record, no, I do not support Trump but I will vote for him if my only choice is him or Hillary! And truth is, as much as I would prefer not to vote for Trump, knowing it would piss you off gives me extra incentive to vote for him just to neutralize you! By the way dude, Trump is doing as well as he is because of people just like you, those that feel political correctness should be the norm. Thank yourself and those just like you for Trump, you actually deserve him...

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Man, cry me a freaking river. Denial? Denial of what? A department that slipped and the lack of oversight is to be blamed on Political Correctness? Man, get the H out of here. Always the point the finger and blame game. I listen to people spout this stuff and shake my head in disbelief. By the way, to answer your question with regard to too much PC in the world today.... yes, I agree. Dude it is your opinion, just like it is my opinion and not believe what you are saying. Differing opinions do occur and you do not have to attack an individual if that individual doesn't go along with what you have to say. Funny how you rush to classify why I didn't join in the party and shout you are right. I understand fully. There is right and there is wrong and you sir, are wrong. Just my opinion.

The way you spouting off about political correctness, I really wouldn't be surprised that you support Trump. Next time you put on that "Make America Great Again" cap, check the label and see where it is made. Yeah, Trump really into making America great again by shipping his business off to China and Mexico. SMH.

Stick to the topic,take Political crap to OOTB board.
I'm not in the least bit ashamed of the scandal, classes, or anything else. The NCAA and college athletics is a multi-billion dollar industry. Athletes are catered to based on their athletic abilities before they ever reach a college campus. Every college in the United States has easy courses and every college helps its star athletes out in their own way. Pretending it doesn't happen is indulging in hypocrisy. Personally, I don't care if "student athletes" go to class at all. I'm sure they do, and I'm sure they always will.

I used this example on OOTB: Brandon Ingram. Do you think Brandon Ingram ever sniffs the Duke campus if not for his basketball talent? Nope! Duke turns away valedictorians every year. Nothing against Ingram, personally. I'm glad he got to play for the team he grew up supporting. If Ingram had to rely on his academic/scholastic prowess, he never goes to Duke.
I think you could solve some of these issues by having an "athletics major." It could consist of courses that they could use if they wanted to play in the pros, go into the front office or have a career in sports broadcasting. Courses like financial planning, journalism courses and business management courses all with a sports focus. I think a lot of athletes would be more interested in that type of major, which would result in more effort put into their work.
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Canuck, it is more than likely student/athletes took classes that were "easy" in the past and, yet again, those same classes were offered to all students at the University, then what is the problem. Happens at, um, about 360 or so D1 schools every day. Easy classes helped every week night partier at UNC for a long time. Nothing new here.

Totally agree, but we aren't talking about one or two easy classes. The scope of this is the problem. I did not attend UNC but if I graduated in the late 90's or early 00's I would be pissed that this scandal now puts my degree under a microscope. "Oh you graduated with honors, how many of those AmFam electives did you take to earn that?"

When i was at unc "political science" was the crip course major for all the athletes. Now theres an oxymoron for ya "political science". Heh heh. Indeed.
I think you could solve some of these issues by having an "athletics major." It could consist of courses that they could use if they wanted to play in the pros, go into the front office or have a career in sports broadcasting. Courses like financial planning, journalism courses and business management courses all with a sports focus. I think a lot of athletes would be more interested in that type of major, which would result in more effort put into their work.

YES YES YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been calling for just that for years, do away with the sham of trying to believe these kids are just your typical college students and offer them something that they not only could use but would be interesting in learning about. All the types of classes you mention and would add physical conditioning for sports, injury rehab for sports, social media, Shoe deals, what to look out for with sports agents, the trap of investing your money in schemes and scams, ect.

I would LOVE to see the NCAA develop the curriculum to insure it is equally taught through all member D-1 institutions. All instructors would have to be approved by the NCAA and pass back ground checks.

You give a kid something he needs and wants and the interest will be there, if the interest is there the kid will work to learn. We are asking to many kids to learn and do well in classes they have zero interest in being in.
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Totally agree, but we aren't talking about one or two easy classes. The scope of this is the problem. I did not attend UNC but if I graduated in the late 90's or early 00's I would be pissed that this scandal now puts my degree under a microscope. "Oh you graduated with honors, how many of those AmFam electives did you take to earn that?"

Lol well I fit this to a T. I graduated in 2002 with Honors from UNC. I took Afri40 for one of my general education requirements, primarily because my fratter roommate said his brothers had told him it was easy. I had plenty of tough classes; it certainly wouldn't hurt to have one I didn't have to stress over as much. In my experience it was like any other class. It required reading, regular assignments, papers and exams. I did the work and got an A. Possibly I could have mailed it in with subpar work and still gotten a good grade, but that's not how I rolled.

I can guaran-damn-tee you I am not one whit less proud of the diploma hanging on the wall behind me in my office as we speak. And I will not hesitate to put my degree in bold on my resume and speak proudly and fondly of my time at UNC. Anyone who would question the value of a UNC degree is a moron, plain and simple.
I would like to add 2 things more to this thread.

First 0910, please don't stop discussing this topic, I really feel it is a discussion that should be held nationally about creating a program that is geared toward the athletes and I hope this discussion can drive others to want to talk about it. It deserves its own thread and not be buried deep in this one.

Secondly, I want to apologise to the posters and staff here for going off last night on a poster, my apology extends to everyone EXCEPT that poster. I got over the top enraged and I allowed politics to enter a basketball discussion and I should not have done that. I had tried to contain my "political correctness" reference to a potential reason the AFAM program was allowed to run amuk for so long but allowed the poster to bait me in to a deeper political topic that has no place in a basketball discussion.
I think you could solve some of these issues by having an "athletics major." It could consist of courses that they could use if they wanted to play in the pros, go into the front office or have a career in sports broadcasting. Courses like financial planning, journalism courses and business management courses all with a sports focus. I think a lot of athletes would be more interested in that type of major, which would result in more effort put into their work.
also car shopping , posse maintenance , bling selection maintenance and care.
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I think you could solve some of these issues by having an "athletics major." It could consist of courses that they could use if they wanted to play in the pros, go into the front office or have a career in sports broadcasting. Courses like financial planning, journalism courses and business management courses all with a sports focus. I think a lot of athletes would be more interested in that type of major, which would result in more effort put into their work.
There ya go.
Lol well I fit this to a T. I graduated in 2002 with Honors from UNC. I took Afri40 for one of my general education requirements, primarily because my fratter roommate said his brothers had told him it was easy. I had plenty of tough classes; it certainly wouldn't hurt to have one I didn't have to stress over as much. In my experience it was like any other class. It required reading, regular assignments, papers and exams. I did the work and got an A. Possibly I could have mailed it in with subpar work and still gotten a good grade, but that's not how I rolled.

I can guaran-damn-tee you I am not one whit less proud of the diploma hanging on the wall behind me in my office as we speak. And I will not hesitate to put my degree in bold on my resume and speak proudly and fondly of my time at UNC. Anyone who would question the value of a UNC degree is a moron, plain and simple.

Totally agree. I took AFAM 41 for one of my history electives. Although it was back in '87, it was an amazing class taught by an incredible professor. It was not an easy course and although it broke up the monotony of Genetics, Cell and Organic Chem, it wasn't for individuals who thought they could just show up. Rec 10 was my crip course and although it was easy, you still had to do the work.

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