It is on this 4th of July that we celebrate what was once a few ships of explorers and adventurers that formed themselves in to a collection of colonies under British rule. And those seeds grew from such unlikely ground to facing off against the strongest nation in the world at the time by that rag tag collection of colonists who wanted nothing more than their own freedom from tyrannic rule. From the very beginning to this day we celebrate as a people that hunger for only 1 thing, our freedom. It is this 4th of July that we celebrate that hard earned freedom and remember all that it has taken to preserve it.
But that cost of our freedoms has been steep, many have died to protect it, many more will die to protect it, our freedom is never free. I worry that so many now days seem to take our freedoms for granted and to often seem all to willing to give up some of our freedoms our founding fathers wanted us to have and that so many have died to protect. I do not worry as much about those forces from other nations taking away our freedoms as I do forces within our own nation that look to take them from us. They tell us, we want to keep you safe so we just need to take this tiny little freedom away fro you. They want to convince you that the foundation this great country was built upon, our constitution is a document ripe for change as we want to change it. But as you remove the foundation of anything everything begins to crumble and we can not allow that.
So many of us get so wrapped up in our every days lives that we don't really follow what is going on with and within our government, so many feel well, there is not much I can do about it and really it doesn't effect me all that much any way. So many look at a holiday like the 4th as not much more than the weekend we take our vacation, more concerned with fishing than the constitution, more concerned with getting that dark tan than forces that want to take away our freedoms from outside and those from within.
WE seem to have gotten comfortable and secure in the notion that what we have can never really be threatened so we don't really engage as a people, as Americans, to be on guard for those threats that want to take away the very freedoms this country was founded upon, those very freedoms so many seem to think are secure forever. When I look at things coming from our politicians and when I see how our once trusted media seems to craft things to fit their own agendas I realize these people are looking to take away our freedoms. WE can not allow that, not as individuals and not as a nation of the free.
I challenge each and every one of you, don't take this holiday and why we celebrate it for granted. Don't allow those politicians to keep on sipping away at your cup of freedoms, stand up and say as one no more of that. Make your voice heard from the ballot box, stand up and be counted, don't just accept even the most small taking of any of your freedoms. For me there are only 2 written documents that do not need to be changed, that should never be changed and those 2 being The Holy Bible and the American Constitution. Those are living documents that are just as important today as the day they were first written and are the foundation stones of who and what we are as a nation and as a people.
While there may be room to add to our constitution there should NEVER EVER be any room for taking away from it what already exists. And yet there are some, some within our own nation, some in elected political office that want to do that. That, we can not allow, that we can not accept, that we have to be on guard for and ready to stand up to. I want us all to take time this 4th of July to think about what it means to be an American and just how important the things our founding fathers put in place really are and commit to doing all we as individuals can do to protect those vital freedoms we all depend on.
"One nation, under God, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL" !