Heels @ Jackets game thread

Paul Johnson loves to beat UNC. I bet he has prepared his team to make us pay for their choking to Tennessee.
The announcers began by noting for GT to have a good shot to win the Coastal, the Jackets must beat UNC.

That's what PJ would have stressed to his team.
Was wondering if anybody was gonna start one.

We've actually beaten these clowns 3 straight years. So it could happen. Not likely this year but GO HEELS!

Its usually me or Woad that starts it. I woke up six minutes ago soooo... lol
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So far . . so good.

It'd be nice to put some points up on the board on our 1st possession . .

C'mon Heels . . !
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Brown's run on 1st down again reinforced how much the offense needs a LARGE RB to bust through.
Crap - Fedora has told the media to expect Brandon Harris some at QB.

At this point I think it is probably wise to get him a little bit of playing time at least, just to mitigate the odds of Surratt getting hurt by the end of the year. If our o-line is getting blown up then I'd rather Harris take the shots. That sounds terrible but oh well...
At this point I think it is probably wise to get him a little bit of playing time at least, just to mitigate the odds of Surratt getting hurt by the end of the year. If our o-line is getting blown up then I'd rather Harris take the shots. That sounds terrible but oh well...
Play the youngsters. Harris is what he was at LSU, and that is not good at all. So play to get our youth game experience.
Play the youngsters. Harris is what he was at LSU, and that is not good at all. So play to get our youth game experience.

No I completely agree. But if Surratt is getting hit every play and it looks like he might not make it through the game, then I'd rather bring Harris in and protect Surratt since he is the guy with the future.
Is it just me or does it look like the defense look like they came to play today?
No I completely agree. But if Surratt is getting hit every play and it looks like he might not make it through the game, then I'd rather bring Harris in and protect Surratt since he is the guy with the future.
Make Harris a 230 pound RB (which we need badly) and let Elliott relieve Surratt from getting drilled too much.

Harris playing QB is a waste for us.
Make Harris a 230 pound RB (which we need badly) and let Elliott relieve Surratt from getting drilled too much.

Harris playing QB is a waste for us.

Good point. I forgot about the other young guys like Elliot
Clarke should have had him, and then Ross got faked out of his drawers.

7-0 Jackets
Had about five different opportunities to get off the field. Defense snatched a touchdown from the jaws of a stop on that one.
18 play 9 minute 90 yard drive.
4/4 on third down, including a 3rd and 13 run!
Good thing is, if they do a few more of those long drives, this won't last long.

C'mon offense. Do something!

Go Heels!!
I'm absolutely sick of Larry Fedora and Carolina football. I'm as patient as I can be but game after game and year after year I see the same thing. A defense that is always out of position,poor tackling,and can't get off the field on 3rd down. A offense that calls terrible plays 75% of the time. At some point it's not the players but the coaching staff. If 7 wins a year and the independent bowl is good enough keep Fedora. This year we won't even play in a bowl game. I'm tired of watching the same thing year in and year out.
Wow, that was disgusting.
We followed their drive with a 3 and out, with 2 penalties and a sack allowed.

3 plays, 55 seconds, -28 yards
Lol poor kid just wanted to drink a little whiskey, and ESPN had to out him to the entire world hahaha
Well we got them off the field.

For the life of me, I don't see why GT would ever even attempt a pass against us. They could run it every play, regardless of down and distance, and move the chains.
Well we got them off the field.

For the life of me, I don't see why GT would ever even attempt a pass against us. They could run it every play, regardless of down and distance, and move the chains.
Thinking the same.
3 sacks in the first quarter against this offense?!
Play calling is atrocious on offense. Defense is giving us a chance and the offense can't do shit. This is pathetic
An old story - playcalling not what we need.

We know Fedora is capable of better. That is what is so annoying. Even when they put it together for a drive, they end up going away from what is effective.

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