Horrible news (Bill Walton related)

Since UNC has suffered through both unprecedented scrutiny from the NCAA and injuries, please don't start a thread with "Horrible News!"

But at least it is not Pukie V or Puke Patrick or Doris Burke or Fishsticks or........the list goes on lol!
I love Bill Walton. I learn so much when I listen to him call a game - not about basketball, but about anything and everything else. The dude is a trip.

But he was better before he knew how hilarious he was. Now I feel that he plays his weirdness up a little too much because that's what people expect from him.
Manley has a little of Walton's game....I said "little", not a lot....
I love Bill Walton. I learn so much when I listen to him call a game - not about basketball, but about anything and everything else. The dude is a trip.

But he was better before he knew how hilarious he was. Now I feel that he plays his weirdness up a little too much because that's what people expect from him.
He a good example for kids that they shouldn’t do drugs. That’s all he’s good for.
Last year during the Maui Invitational he said “I love Maui” 500 times (I counted). I still replay it in my mind every time his name gets brought up n it makes me smile.
mother****er....Bill Walton is awful. Short of going to hell, hearing Walton and Doris Burke call a game together may push me over the edge.
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Bill Walton - was spot on about the UNC/Duke rivalry:

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"Bill Walton knows more about nothing than anybody I'll ever know"

I can't remember if it was Seth Greenberg or one of the other college basketball guys that said that after he called one of the PK80 games but I found that quote to be pretty funny.

1st time I heard Walton call a game was the 01 NCAA Tournament championship. Very interesting guy. Much different commentary than what you see from the other guys.
i enjoyed walton's commentary -- funny, insightful, and very complimentary toward carolina.