How many times a week/month do you eat out?

Never. I make everything from scratch with only the finest of ingredients.
We eat out frequently. My boys are involved in so many after school activities that we have to if we want to eat before 9:00 pm. I'd say about 8-10 dinners a month are "out".
About 6 maybe. Every Saturday night and now and then throughout the week (not often though).
a week, once...we order to go once or twice, pick up on the way home...then cook/make the rest.

the kids love sushi, so that's getting to be rough.
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I usually eat out for lunch every day. I've found it's good for my mental health to get out of the office. Lately, though, I've been packing my lunch to see what life is like and how much money I can save by not eating out. The dollars saved don't seem to be worth it.

Very rarely do I eat out for dinner. Lunch is usually my biggest meal of the day, and it's not uncommon for me to not be very hungry at dinnertime. On those days I can have a snack an be just fine. Most days I cook something. Every one in a while, I'll order a pizza or get takeout but that's maybe 2-3 times a month.
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