I just got the urge to same something SPECIAL.

Your posts are like a breath of fresh air after hibernating all winter!

Love God, Love my family, love this country, and I love the Tar Heels!
Shun is like a bright star on a dark night, follow him and he will lead ya some place wonderful!
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I just wanted to let everybody know that I love GOD.....

I love seeing that CAROLINA BLUE on the field/court.

and if you are wondering...

!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE UNC TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!

Shun this is one of my first recruiting years as a member of this board. I have enjoyed it, but, I definitely have had to remind myself that its bball. The Lord is in control and in all truth, bball is not on His agenda. Thanks for the post.
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Shun this is one of my first recruiting years as a member of this board. I have enjoyed it, but, I definitely have had to remind myself that its bball. The Lord is in control and in all truth, bball is not on His agenda. Thanks for the post.
Hi alabamaheel, SMILE

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!
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GOD BLESS you Shun!!! Hope you are doing well!

Hi HeelBilly50, thank you for asking my brother. Thanks to GOD I have been BLESS my entire life.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!

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