Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
What used to make the US the greatest country in the world was that we were all from other places but we were invested in America.
Sheesh, I read the rest of that post with "America the Beautiful" playing in the background. However, you completely ignored the reality that many major cities in the U.S. developed ethnic enclaves like Chinatowns or Little Italys or dozens of others. There were also phenomena like the Amish in rural areas. What those immigrants all had in common is that their members resisted assimilation into American culture and were fiercely self-sufficient.
That last part is what's different today. They still resist assimilation, but now they want to be accommodated instead of self-reliant. That's a sweeping generalization, but based on the rest of your post I think we agree.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Not to sound smartassy, but isn't that the beginning and end of any discussion on immigration centered around whether or not they're here legally or illegally?
It's not smartassy at all. The problem is that the executive branch is trying to grant wholesale amnesty instead of enforcing the existing laws. They know they can't get the existing laws changed, so they're attempting an end-around on the legislature. I think that's garbage.