For me, when we are in basketball season what I am thinking about is this current season and even more specifically the last game we played and the next one we will play. I will look back in a compare and contrast mode and consider how what I see now compares to the past but I live and think in the here and now. There is always plenty of time in the off season to reflect on the past but during the season I am locked in on the present.
Yes, I have been very critical of Hubert's decisions this season, I think it reflects more of a learning curve in Hubert than I expected, this feels a lot like learning on the job. I am not, don't think I have at any point called for Hubert to step down but I am not built to bury my head in the sand when I see something that I don't either understand or agree with. "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining"...
Sometimes I wonder, like after nearly every loss in the post game I hear the coach and players say, when asked what went wrong the reply is we need to communicate better? Ever wonder how many of these kid's major in school is actually COMMINUICATIONS? LOL
I have watched the Wake game post game from Hubert several times and frankly I found it harder to take than the game itself, it did anything but inspire in me the confidence to feel this can be turned around. Rather than confident it took me to an even more concerning place than I was just after that game, it sent serious shock waves of "they don't know what to do". Yes, there does appear to be a very serious disconnect but that disconnect seems to be between the staff and the players in that the staff seems to not understand at all where their players heads are? You, as UNC head coach have a team with now publicly known very serious chemistry issues and when asked when this started the reply is "I don't know"? I am sorry but that is an admission that the coach does not know his players and it is well in to February? I am not suppose to recognize that when I see it, I am not suppose to discuss it when I see it, sorry but this ain't that movie man. This is exactly, as I have shared many times before, why the UNC is one of the worst jobs in the country for a coach that is not rock solid ready. If you are having to learn OTJ as it appears Hubert is, then the questions are going to be asked and what you were able to do last season just is not going to explain away what is happening now.
I am NOT calling for Hubert to be fired or to step down nor do I want to see that but I promise you this, if come next Feb we are stilling watching the same nonsense happen, my stance there WILL change! I want Hubert to be wildly successful as our head coach, last season gave me hope that could happen, this season is slowing ripping away that hope.