Is this for real???

Not in the least. These speeches have happened since time began. It's just that now everybody has a camera phone. It's hilarious to me that some people think all of this is new.
Not in the least. These speeches have happened since time began. It's just that now everybody has a camera phone. It's hilarious to me that some people think all of this is new.
Whether it's old or new, isn't the point.

Have people always been prejudiced? Of course.

Do you find what they're saying and doing to be something you wanna be involved with?
Not in the least. These speeches have happened since time began. It's just that now everybody has a camera phone. It's hilarious to me that some people think all of this is new.
Then basically they are just a bunch of dumbasses blowing smoke up the crowd's ass then....whew! Got it ;) glad they aren't going to accomplish anything other than looking like racist POS's
We're you as upset when BLM protesters shouted"Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!"? Somehow I doubt it.
Yes! That was reprehensible! It's even barbaric to call for people to fry. But, what does that have to do with this?

But, is that your first instinct? Instead of flat-out denouncing what is obviously a bunch of prejudiced people enjoying their prejudiced ignorance... You, in effect, defend this fascist behavior by deflecting to some other abhorrent behavior that, apparently, bothered you more. Can't they both be something that rational people consider to be a threat to a peaceful society?
We're you as upset when BLM protesters shouted"Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!"? Somehow I doubt it.
I never heard that. The BLM people I have spoken with are well educated and never say anything nasty about cops. They have a legitimate concern though.

I'm just ashamed that this still goes on with white Supremacy advocates.

Also, I don't find it useful to counter something by pointing out things others do. When I have a beef with other groups (like BLM), I address that. The only time I make a comparison like that is when referencing ISIS being similar to our white supremacy hate groups.
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I noticed the audience's faces are blurred-out. I guess the hoods were at the cleaners.
The acts of both groups were reprehensible. Chick's response emphasizes my point that certain groups practice their bigotry/racism with impunity while the actions of another group are highlighted.

The actions of Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, BLM, and Reverend Wright are every bit as inexcusable. But we live in a country where people are free to espouse radical views. And while I certainly don't agree with them, I'm glad they have the right to express them.

Just don't pick and choose which groups to condemn, all of them are dangerous. They're all part of the lunatic fringe of a free and open society.
The acts of both groups were reprehensible. Chick's response emphasizes my point that certain groups practice their bigotry/racism with impunity while the actions of another group are highlighted.

The actions of Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, BLM, and Reverend Wright are every bit as inexcusable. But we live in a country where people are free to espouse radical views. And while I certainly don't agree with them, I'm glad they have the right to express them.

Just don't pick and choose which groups to condemn, all of them are dangerous. They're all part of the lunatic fringe of a free and open society.
I guess I just see a reason for the black community to have a legitimate complaint and don't see one for a white group. I'm not discriminated against because I am white or part Native American but I personally witness it happening to black people.
There is no excuse for racism or hate speech, period. As for BLM, 92% of the blacks homicides every year are committed by other blacks. The percentage of blacks killed by LEO's is minute by comparison and most are justified. When there is an unjustified shooting by LEO's, punish them to the fullest extent of the law.

My problem with that group is that they only seem to care about the ones killed by LEO's, a very small percentage of the total number of blacks murdered yearly. And the vast majority who were killed by other blacks in gang wars, drive bys, domestic disputes, drug deals gone bad, or the commission of crimes, are ignored. And blacks commit an inordinate amount of the crimes committed yearly, based on the fact that they constitute less than 20% of our population.

IOW, what we actually have is a black crime problem. If BLM, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and Louis Farrakhan would address that much more critical issue, I might have some respect for them. But it's much easier to try and lay the blame at the feet of LEO's than to admit the problem lies with them and a culture that promotes violence to resolve issues.

Having elected and reelected a black President, I believe MLK would be ashamed of how group like BLM/NAACP and individuals like Sharpton/Reverend Wright/Farrakhan/Obama are intentionally being divisive. Instead of addressing issues that would help people of color succeed(very high illegitimacy rates, high school drop out rates, community violence, etc...), they ignore these issues and concentrate on minor, divisive issues. I have little respect for organizations or individuals that do that.
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And the vast majority who were killed by other blacks in gang wars, drive bys, domestic disputes, drug deals gone bad, or the commission of crimes, are ignored.
This. The media and other leaders have almost completely ignored what is going on in Chicago and other big cities. I think the fact that they are ignored is racist. If all black lives matter then lets protect the ones that are in the most dangerous areas.
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Then basically they are just a bunch of dumbasses blowing smoke up the crowd's ass then....whew! Got it ;) glad they aren't going to accomplish anything other than looking like racist POS's

You're exactly right! Those people actually ARE the deplorables. Freaking idiots. You're always going to have some fringe kooks out there. The sad part is that the media and some on the left try to insinuate that since these people support Trump, then ALL Trump voters are Nazis and support these people. It's patently absurd. No one on the right is trying to insinuate that since the Communist Party endorsed Hillary, all of her supporters are communists.
You're exactly right! Those people actually ARE the deplorables. Freaking idiots. You're always going to have some fringe kooks out there. The sad part is that the media and some on the left try to insinuate that since these people support Trump, then ALL Trump voters are Nazis and support these people. It's patently absurd. No one on the right is trying to insinuate that since the Communist Party endorsed Hillary, all of her supporters are communists.
I haven't heard any media saying that Trump or the majority of his supporters agree with this idiot but it's scary that they have been allowed a platform in which to be seen and heard now. It's sad that Trump is even associated with this but he needs to put a stop to them riding his coat tails to promote this stupidity.
We're you as upset when BLM protesters shouted"Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!"? Somehow I doubt it.
I never heard that. .

Can't they both be something that rational people consider to be a threat to a peaceful society?

But they both aren't something that rational people consider to be a threat to a peaceful society. If they were, then @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue would have poasted that she had a problem when Obama invited BLM to the White House for dinner. Or people on my Facebook newsfeed wouldn't be trying to explain how they're different. Or media outlets would be just as excited to talk about the rioting and the unrest that happened under Obama's watch as they are the acts of vandalism that have (to hear the liberal media tell it) "empowered" white supremacists.

All this talk about racism is asinine. Rational people understand it's bad. But realistic people also understand that nothing can be done about it. There is no policy that can be put in place to eliminate it. You cannot legislate thought. It will always exist. So in my opinion, the best thing we can do is ignore it. Of course I'm for prosecuting those that act on their racism. And of course I'm for all laws that protect people from discrimination. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about people that hate other people for whatever reason. There is no end to that. So when I see something racist (and I don't feel like pointing out the hypocrisy of the left), I usually say to myself, "what a bunch of morons", and then I move on. That's that.
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But they both aren't something that rational people consider to be a threat to a peaceful society. If they were, then @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue would have poasted that she had a problem when Obama invited BLM to the White House for dinner. Or people on my Facebook newsfeed wouldn't be trying to explain how they're different. Or media outlets would be just as excited to talk about the rioting and the unrest that happened under Obama's watch as they are the acts of vandalism that have (to hear the liberal media tell it) "empowered" white supremacists.

All this talk about racism is asinine. Rational people understand it's bad. But realistic people also understand that nothing can be done about it. There is no policy that can be put in place to eliminate it. You cannot legislate thought. It will always exist. So in my opinion, the best thing we can do is ignore it. Of course I'm for prosecuting those that act on their racism. And of course I'm for all laws that protect people from discrimination. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about people that hate other people for whatever reason. There is no end to that. So when I see something racist (and I don't feel like pointing out the hypocrisy of the left), I usually say to myself, "what a bunch of morons", and then I move on. That's that.

I agree with you but not sure about ignoring it either. I think that is part of the problem. We need to address all of these issues with race but no one has enough sense to shut up and listen (both sides) so we get nowhere.
I agree with you but not sure about ignoring it either. I think that is part of the problem. We need to address all of these issues with race but no one has enough sense to shut up and listen (both sides) so we get nowhere.

What's to address? A racist isn't going to be talked out of being racist. Those efforts are futile. Why waste the time and effort towards something like that when it's a dead end? And the only thing that usually comes out of it is more hate because people feel attacked.

Ignore it. Don't give racist the platform they desire. That won't end it. But it won't help it grow either.
What's to address? A racist isn't going to be talked out of being racist. Those efforts are futile. Why waste the time and effort towards something like that when it's a dead end? And the only thing that usually comes out of it is more hate because people feel attacked.

Ignore it. Don't give racist the platform they desire. That won't end it. But it won't help it grow either.
well you make a good point there. I guess we should just live in the peace we want to see in the world. That's about all we can do I suppose.
I haven't heard any media saying that Trump or the majority of his supporters agree with this idiot but it's scary that they have been allowed a platform in which to be seen and heard now. It's sad that Trump is even associated with this but he needs to put a stop to them riding his coat tails to promote this stupidity.
They've always had a platform, this is America where free speech is allowed. We allow Communists, Socialists, Conservatives, Progressives, deists, atheists, agnostics, racists, bigots, and hate mongers a platform from which to espouse their views. It's then up to individuals to determine which are worth listening to and which are part of the Lunatic Fringe.

But espousing violence against others is not an American right and should not be allowed under any circumstances.
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You cannot legislate thought.
Yes, I agree. I know that. I never made any reference to any legislation, or even any government involvement at all. All I would ask would be for a person like Trump to publicly denounce it and therefore distance himself from it. Otherwise, you enable it and passively advocate it.
So in my opinion, the best thing we can do is ignore it.
Well, I'm not ignoring it. To me, when a person sees this and shows no emotion of disdain, then you're either enabling it, or passively advocating it, or both... or, at the very least, you lack any and all empathy for the people that could be affected by the outcome if it continues to grow.

It's like these wildfires burning up here. The weather is dry, the leaves and landscape is dry... then, a spark and you have a little fire here and there. Along comes a big, strong wind, and they're burning out of control. I want to be a rainstorm for these kinds of movements. I don't need the government telling me what is good or bad. I see this is bad without a professional lair's help. Now, that scenario not a perfect equal (metaphors rarely are), but ignoring it is not a good strategy.

ETA: I'm not going to sit-up at night worrying about it. But, I'm not going to simply ignore it. I understand the idea of not giving it any attention. But, when it is getting attention, I want my opinion about it to be well known.
They've always had a platform, this is America where free speech is allowed. We allow Communists, Socialists, Conservatives, Progressives, deists, atheists, agnostics, racists, bigots, and hate mongers a platform from which to espouse their views. It's then up to individuals to determine which are worth listening to and which are part of the Lunatic Fringe.

But espousing violence against others is not an American right and should not be allowed under any circumstances.
You're right, violence against others is wrong and should not be allowed at all, as well as punished for doing such. Shouting something (like kill the pig or whatever they said) is not being violent, it is being hateful and nonproductive. So I guess they are just like the ones shouting Hail Trump. All the same mindset, both getting no results.
You're right, violence against others is wrong and should not be allowed at all, as well as punished for doing such. Shouting something (like kill the pig or whatever they said) is not being violent, it is being hateful and nonproductive. So I guess they are just like the ones shouting Hail Trump. All the same mindset, both getting no results.
It goes far beyond being hateful and nonproductive, it is actually promoting violence. If these idiots in the video were shouting "n*****rs on a cross, hang 'em high", they would rightfully be universally condemned. Promoting violence against other individuals is not part of the right to free speech, and should not be tolerated. Period.
Yes, I agree. I know that. I never made any reference to any legislation, or even any government involvement at all. All I would ask would be for a person like Trump to publicly denounce it and therefore distance himself from it. Otherwise, you enable it and passively advocate it.

ETA: I'm not going to sit-up at night worrying about it. But, I'm not going to simply ignore it. I understand the idea of not giving it any attention. But, when it is getting attention, I want my opinion about it to be well known.
I couldn't agree more, and he immediately did. It's why I think our current President should have disavowed himself from Al Sharpton, Reverend Wright, and all the other racist hate mongers he has frequently associated with during his tenure. Unfortunately, he chose not to and the decline in race relations is the direct result.

I also agree that you cannot afford to ignore hate speech, it must be pointed out for what it is in no uncertain terms, and publicly condemned, regardless of who the perpetrators are.
It's like these wildfires burning up here. The weather is dry, the leaves and landscape is dry... then, a spark and you have a little fire here and there. Along comes a big, strong wind, and they're burning out of control. I want to be a rainstorm for these kinds of movements. I don't need the government telling me what is good or bad. I see this is bad without a professional lair's help. Now, that scenario not a perfect equal (metaphors rarely are), but ignoring it is not a good strategy.

That's beautiful.
It's like these wildfires burning up here. The weather is dry, the leaves and landscape is dry... then, a spark and you have a little fire here and there. Along comes a big, strong wind, and they're burning out of control. I want to be a rainstorm for these kinds of movements. I don't need the government telling me what is good or bad. I see this is bad without a professional lair's help. Now, that scenario not a perfect equal (metaphors rarely are), but ignoring it is not a good strategy.

What if the water you thought you were dumping on the fire, was actually gasoline? Then ignoring it might be the better route, no?
What if the water you thought you were dumping on the fire, was actually gasoline? Then ignoring it might be the better route, no?
I'd make an effort to take a whiff before I pour it.

I'm not sure how realizing this is potentially dangerous, and pointing-out how this is unacceptable racially-prejudiced behavior is pouring gasoline on it. Sharing it, and having as many people as possible see it, and agree that it's unacceptable is also not pouring gasoline on it. I think it's keeping it contained.

"Everyone agree that this is messed-up? Okay! Let's move on."
I couldn't agree more, and he immediately did. It's why I think our current President should have disavowed himself from Al Sharpton, Reverend Wright, and all the other racist hate mongers he has frequently associated with during his tenure. Unfortunately, he chose not to and the decline in race relations is the direct result.

How does one go about disavowing and distancing one's self from one's inner circle? He invites them to the White House and provides them legitimacy. The double standard is appalling and sickening.
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