It's happening again

Nothing happing again…Ex Boyfriend mad..
UNC locking down the entire campus with sirens going off because of a dangerous person with a gun DID IN FACT HAPPEN AGAIN.

Students were locked in the exact same classrooms as last time, scared for their lives. Parents, including Deja Kelly's mom and Elliot Cadeau's mom, were once again on social media publicly expressing their fear and anger that their children are being put at risk to gun violence.

But hey, thanks for trying gaslight everyone with the generic account you created a few months ago.
Generic account you got the wrong guy..Been on these boards since 04…No shots were fired and the guy already had outstanding warrants for assault…He was not a UNC student…

As far as the Moms of those 2 players I understand but it is nothing UNC can do about it…The World is a dangerous place with bad people…Can’t live in a panic room your whole life…