Just when u thought it couldnt get better. Bilas confronts kane on twitter about misrepresenting him and forces an apology. Nice journalism there slime ball.
I think UNC should get real aggressive and go after the N&O and Kane. The point of journalism is to seek the truth and not take everything out of context to match your wanted narrative. They relied on a liar like Mary W. They take everyone out of context, and they only report and talk to people who support their narrative. Yes, UNC screwed up majorly on some things, but it was always academic. These scumbags need to get what is coming to them. They are liars.
I almost have no hope of this happening. It's more likely they hold a rewards ceremony in his name and present him with a medal for courage.At what point does the N&O take a strong look at ending Kane's relationship with that paper? He has after all committed the cardinal sin in his world of not properly vetting his sources on multiple occasions. Mary & Jay had their agendas to snag a book deal, he ought their bull and he was recently cat fished and he bought that hook line and sinker. He should be fired for that.
yeah, love that title. Bilas clarifies my butt. Kane took it out of context. What a bunch of scum. How come he hasn't written a story about be catfished on twitter.Looks like Kane's boss made him write an article about it. You know he wouldn't have wrote this without being forced to. Hilarious!