Just How Stupid Are the People Running UNC Football


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
WE know that Dick Baddour was at best limp wrist totally controlled by basketball interests and most specifically Dean Smith. The real and smart football boosters faced Baddour to announce that Trirbush was going because of that AWFUL 2nd season (as he should have been), and then basketball boosters aligned with certain people in University Admin to persuade Baddour not to do that because it would make it look like UNC had its priorities wrong. So football got messed up again.

Then we had the Bunting fiasco. Just the hiring marked that those in charge were either stupid as the mint possibly stupid stones or else wanted to keep slapping UNC football down. Then when Bunting delivered, in his 2nd and 3rd seasons, the two worst back to back teams since Mack's 1-10 and 1-10 (WORST in UNC history (and the Admin and basketball boosters have never stopped loving Mack since then, booster boosters almost had him fired, but the old alum card was played - if we fire an alum for doing nothing wrong but losing then we send the wrong message - Bunting got a 4the season. Anybody with basic football sense knew that with Bunting UNC was dead on arrival. He might get more 6-5 and double minor bows but he would never produce a season with having - Not One!

And then in year 4 UNC got the high upset over Top 5 Miami, and Bunting suddenly was promoted by Admin and the AD's office as the greatest possible choice for UNC football - and that one game was all the proof needed.

Was that just retarded level stupidity, or was that intentional castration of UNC football? Hard to tell, even with all this hindsight. But it most assuredly was one of them.

So how stupid or pro-medicore UNC football are today's powers that will decide what to do? And if those two camps together provide a majority of the power brokers over athletics, UNC beating GT by 1 or by 2 in 3OT will mean they will not only keep Mack but maybe give him a raise.

What could be worse than Bunting for more than 3 years? Mack assured the job at least past 75.

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