Just wow...what a BUFFOON!

Mike London makes John Bunting look inspiring. What a totally contrived bunch of nonsensical BS! And then top it off by getting flogged 56-14 at home on nat'l TV....couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of Snobs! (unless it was moo or dook)

Ah, a kindred spirit. I grew up in Va and lived there from 81-98. Had to put up with the Sampson era, Terry Holland, Richard Morgan and that jackass George Welch. Went to most of the games at Scott Stadium during our absurd losing streak. I remember Keldorf's int like it was yesterday.

I cant stand UVa. Pompous ass fans are the worst bandwagoners that exist in the ACC. Every one of those bow tie wearing trust fund punks need a sharp jab to the face.

That being said, I have grown more tolerant of them living in NC. I think I dislike Tech fans more now, actually.