Even with the poor outings of late, kid can play but Nickel just got his offer from us, just played outstanding in front of our entire coaching staff and is an inch taller and 10lbs heavier than Taylor at the same small forward position? Is Taylor popping now thinking that waiting Nickel takes the spot? Does he feel his primary spot went away due to his poor performances late and decided to go to his back up option? Has communication from UNC dwindled to the point he feels the bloom no longer on the rose from the UNC end?
Not really a ton of PT for an incoming freshman in that class at the 3 IMO, even if Leaky leaves (Leaky would still have 2yrs eligibility as of now because last season did not count). Walton, Puff, Styles (who will get some 3 and 4 PT) and even Dunn and Ant can swing down to the 3. The 1-3 spots to me just are not real critical areas of need, assuming we do get Trimble but a Walton like sweet shooting wing, yeah, I take that if for no reason other than greed LOL! That may fit Nichel more than Taylor at this point.