I had one of these my jr. year in football. It is not something you can tough through. After "hiding" it the 1st 2 games, and playing through, on Saturday, my dad, Coach Purcell, and I went to the Wake game in the upper deck at BKS (UNC 21-0). Coach noticed my stiff-legging up the steps, and directed that I go to Dr. Alan Lee, our team physician instead of practice on Monday. Dr. Lee told me about another player who tried to tough it out.
David Underwood was an all-state tackle on the '57 MPHS as a jr. He too, developed a thigh contusion and played through it that season, then played basketball. 'Tho he received an fb schollie to UNC, he never played again. I played basketball frequently with him in the '70s & '80s -- marvelous hook shot, but it was sad watching him try to get down the court. He looked like a polio victim, with his shriveled leg.
This type of injury is very frustrating, b/c you feel like you can, and should be playing, but the leg muscles need time to drain fluid and rehab; else they can calcify irreparably. Kennedy needs to do everything the trainers tell him, NOTHING that they don't.
In my case, I felt it tightening during summer practice my sr. year, sat out the 1st game after escalating my stretching regimen & wrapping my legs in heat salve & thermal pants under my game stockings. and was able to play out. At UNC, when Mike Richey, the 6'4"/240# tackle, [biggest guy on the Heels] beat me in wind sprints, I hung 'em up.
David Underwood was an all-state tackle on the '57 MPHS as a jr. He too, developed a thigh contusion and played through it that season, then played basketball. 'Tho he received an fb schollie to UNC, he never played again. I played basketball frequently with him in the '70s & '80s -- marvelous hook shot, but it was sad watching him try to get down the court. He looked like a polio victim, with his shriveled leg.
This type of injury is very frustrating, b/c you feel like you can, and should be playing, but the leg muscles need time to drain fluid and rehab; else they can calcify irreparably. Kennedy needs to do everything the trainers tell him, NOTHING that they don't.
In my case, I felt it tightening during summer practice my sr. year, sat out the 1st game after escalating my stretching regimen & wrapping my legs in heat salve & thermal pants under my game stockings. and was able to play out. At UNC, when Mike Richey, the 6'4"/240# tackle, [biggest guy on the Heels] beat me in wind sprints, I hung 'em up.
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