Just spoke with Kyree Campbell about all of his summer visits. He's been to Tennessee, Alabama, UNC, Virginia Tech and Auburn. I'll have a full update fairly soon but in short the trips to UT and VT were brief. Alabama was impressive and an offer he wanted. The Freak Show was unlike anything he's ever been to and he really enjoyed Carolina. Honestly, it sounded like Auburn helped their chances the most. Based on his tone it sounded like Auburn might be at the top with UNC and Alabama just behind. I could be wrong about that but he acknowledged, when I asked him, that Auburn's chances went way up because of the number of defensive linemen their coaches have put into the NFL and the time he was able to spend with Muschamp. However, UNC sent Chizik and Scott after him at the Freak Show, in addition to Fedora, and I'm hearing they still think they have a pretty good chance.