Leaky Black's Season

Wishing Leaky well, he gave it his all while at Carolina. Most knew when he was being recruited that he had certain limitations, but could turn out to be a solid contributor. Hopefully, he will be able to continue his dream which he stated was playing pro-basketball one day. 👏👏👏👏👏
I wish Leaky well and thank him for his effort during his 5 years with us. He was what he was offensively, but I never doubted his will to compete. He always seemed to have winning effort and a winning attitude which will pay off for him in life, whatever his career path may be. Good luck Leaky!
I guess my premium account ran out. Oh no, I'll never get the answer to me question to Sisk in the mailbag!
Thinking the coaching staff dis-served him by using him as a defensive go to and by not developing his offensive potential. He had a really good handle for a guy his size with almost elite athleticism and length yet he never used it to attack the rim and his shot mechanics were damn near ugly for the entire 5 years. I wish him well and I'm sure there's someone that see's his potential and his ceiling is likely as high or higher than anyone currently on the roster with a few exceptions.
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