UNC opens its season next Tuesday and I thought it would be fun for a bunch of us to get together on a zoom call Sunday evening to discuss the Heels. We did this for football about a week before the opener and it was a huge success, so let's do the same with hoops.
If you'd like to be on board, post so in here and ALSO send me a DM with your email address so I can send you the zoom link once it's set up. We want to limit this to only THI subscribers.
I hope many of you join us. Looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say.
If you'd like to be on board, post so in here and ALSO send me a DM with your email address so I can send you the zoom link once it's set up. We want to limit this to only THI subscribers.
I hope many of you join us. Looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say.