Looks Like Shillary Won Nevada Today...

What does this mean for the DUM Party nomination process?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You have a crush on this lady don't ya Nukeee . . ? LOL

Isn't it obvious? I imagine the real reason he hopes she does prison time is so they can become pen pals.

"Everyone gets the devil he deserves." - Arturo Perez-Reverte, The Club Dumas
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Caucuses are irrelevant and easy to fix.
I agree about the caucuses. I think Colonel Socio-Sanders would have won if there had been a straight-up vote. The Byzantine-caucuses are run by DUM party bosses who overwhelmingly favored the soon-to-be indicted liar Clinton...

Sanders campaign is complaining that younger voters were turned away from caucuses for a variety of reasons. If they had been allowed to vote for the openly socialist Sanders, the closet socialist Clinton would have been defeated in NV.

Sanders overcame a 50 point lead to lose by only 4 points. Clinton should be shitting herself, but she's too stupid to realize how screwed she really is...
The WHOLE thing is "easy to fix." Not only is it easy to fix, it is fixed.

Clinton is also not a "closet socialist." She's a corporatist that is playing the game exactly as she's told.
Clinton is on record as telling DUM voters that anything Sanders can do, the Shill can do bigger and better. I think she will be doing much bigger in the Big House...
Nuk I love ya.... BUT this corrupt pile of human debris is NOT gonna get indicted!!! The regime and Hillary are dedicated Leftists who LOVE POWER!!!!!! That is ALL they care about and the Obammy DOJ will in no way threaten that continuation of Left wing Power with an indictment, especially now with a lifetime Supreme Court appointment in the balance . NO way they will VOULNTARILY put her in a position where she could lose. That is Never gonna happen
Don't underestimate the integrity of the FBI. If the evidence strongly points toward prosecution, the FBI will not be swayed by political power brokers and will push for an indictment. If DOJ doesn't indict, there will be mass revolt within the FBI and you would probably see the Director resign in protest along with many career law enforcement officials working the case. Such a development would be bigger than Watergate...
nuk Do you honestly think Obama, Hillary and the rest of these corrupt jerks give a rat arse about the FBI??? or its integrity?? hell these people care about one thing only POWER They couldn't care less about the FBI, regardless of what it says does or thinks. Revolt???? They will laugh that off and bury it, with total cooperation from their pals in the LWM. What exactly HAS happened with the FOUR repeat FOUR major scandals during Obammy terms???? Fast and Furious, Benghaz,i, the WORST by far the IRS scandal, and now the Queens Emails . I will tell you NOTHING
I would be shocked if nothing happened to the Shill... As the FBI dude in National Treasure movies said, "Someone's got to go to prison..." You may be right. Shill may escape an indictment. But, some - if not all - of her aides will face the music... And, that will have political ramifications.
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