Man Crush Monday

My first nomination for this thread will be Dudley Do-Right of the Canadian Mounties.

I'm going with my uncle Thompson "Tom" Dillin, who passed away at his home in Idaho on Thursday. He was U.S. Army Special Forces (Airborne, aka Green Beret) who later worked for the CIA. He eventually joined the private sector at Merrill Lynch, where he blew the whistle on illegal activity well before any legal protections existed for whistle blowers. The man certainly had some interesting stories to tell. RIP.

Yeah, it's Tuesday. Deal with it.
Are @toophly1124 and @ticket2ride04 using some kind of code to debate which of them is more ghey? Because outside of that, I have no guesses as to what their poasts are supposed to mean.
I'm still trying to figure out what the whole thread means. What exactly is a man crush? Just some guy you think is really cool or is it a guy I wish I could be?
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I'm still trying to figure out what the whole thread means. What exactly is a man crush? Just some guy you think is really cool or is it a guy I wish I could be?

Maybe both? Not sure. @gteeitup would have to answer that. For me, I just picked a guy I hope wins the VA senate seat, a rapper from Maine that I kind of recently discovered and the Supreme Court for protecting our religious freedoms.
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I'm still trying to figure out what the whole thread means. What exactly is a man crush? Just some guy you think is really cool or is it a guy I wish I could be?

whatever you think a dude does that’s cool and looks great doing it...and it doesn’t have to be a good deed, so keep that in mind.