Mass Shootings...What's the Answer?


Hall of Famer
Aug 19, 2006
Let me say up front I don't have a clue how to fix this problem.
While I think the NRA generally plays on the ignorance of the people I generally am pro guns. So I don't think that is the answer. I do think there is no downside to making guns more difficult to buy. I've been thinking of getting one and I have no issues with it being a process where I am completely vetted or whatever, though it could be like that now as I really don't know. Of course this is coming form someone who really has no red flags and could probably easily get one. I've got an uncle I've shot with a few times who has a safe room in his basement with more guns than I can count. He has everything from hunting rifles, to pistols, to automatic weapons. Someone like him certainly should have the right to legally buy whatever he wants so I disagree with a ban. I think consequences for people who let others easily access their guns would fall along the lines of something I think could maybe help. The harder it is for someone the easier it is for people to notice red flags maybe?? Maybe not, I don't know.

I still tend to think the mental illness issue is one of our biggest problems here. Too many people either go undiagnosed or untreated. Killing in passion or whatever is one thing but I find it hard to believe anyone who would do something like this doesn't have some underlying issue going on.
SMH... (flash back to my thoughts in the previous discussion on the WDBJ7 news crew shooting). This is an "issue" for a few days while the media covers it and then it's forgotten. But, what the hell do I know -- (in best redneck twang): "We gotta git er gunz an' pr'tect r'selves."

Carry on, I guess (sadly)...
Obama and his Left wing sycophants in the media come out with the usual call for "common sense" gun laws even though Oregon( a MASSIVE LIBERAL asylum) has all the things they want and more . BTW Obama just conveniently FAILS to mention and NEVER discusses his HOMETOWN and ITS murders that have gone on and on and on all while he has been In office, and all the while that Chicago has incredibly tough' "common sense" gun laws.

My early reading of the POS that committed this attack, is that he was a skin head NAZI who singled out Christians for murder and wanted his 15 minutes of fame.
All the phony hand wringing and protests from the usual anti second amendment types mean ZERO, because it IS NOT about those "guns". It is about EVIL that resides within these losers ,whether they are skinheads, the absolute losers that committed all the other attacks or the Muslim dirt bags that shot up Ft Hood and blow themselves up all over the world.

Good luck on trying to stop the hate filled garbage that infects these minds.
Oregon( a MASSIVE LIBERAL asylum) has all the things they want and more.
Oregon is actually a very conservative state with a relatively large liberal city that is able to control its politics for the most part. As far as gun laws, Oregon just passed universal background checks for sales, which is the main reform I hear people calling for. The law just went into effect about two months ago, and many of the rural sheriffs in Oregon (including John Hanlin, sheriff of Douglas County, where UCC is) have said they won't enforce the law.

I haven't seen any indication yet as to how Mercer got the guns or whether the new law would have flagged him, if it was enforced.
There is no answer. And the notion that we can stop evil by putting more gun laws in place is downright absurd. Instead of mass shootings, we'll be asking what we can do to end mass pipe bomb murders. Outlaw the materials used to make pipe bombs, and we'll be asking what we can do to prevent laser beam mass murders. Criminals are resourceful. And sick people are sick. We need to look at how we approach mental health issues. Tackling that is far more important than blaming a tool that sick people use.

But the bottom line for me is this...I'm sorry mass shootings happen and if my family was affected by such a situation, maybe I'd think different. But I'm not willing to get on board with anything that limits my ability to protect myself or my any way whatsoever. Nor do I want the govt to have record of the weapons I choose to own for said protection. Nor do I want anyone questioning me on how or why I choose to own protection. Or hell, if I want to own a gun just to go into the woods to play cops and robbers, I should be able to do that.
  • Cut off everyone's index and middle fingers.
  • Repeal the 22nd amendment and let Obama serve for life
  • Learn to speak Arabic, Chinese, and you can communicate with whichever takes us over first.
  • Pray*

*Religion is frowned upon. By "pray" I mean think good thoughts and go buy some comfort food with your EBT credits.
It is certainly not coincidence that these types of attacks are increasing in numbers as Christ is being taken out of the public sector more and more each day. The Heart of our Nation is being changed over from a moral standard of living to an evil standard of living...and as long as things continue in that direction you will see more and more of these types of attacks occur. Our collective values have dropped below zero....any wonder that this type of thing is occurring more frequently!
There is no answer. And the notion that we can stop evil by putting more gun laws in place is downright absurd. Instead of mass shootings, we'll be asking what we can do to end mass pipe bomb murders. Outlaw the materials used to make pipe bombs, and we'll be asking what we can do to prevent laser beam mass murders. Criminals are resourceful. And sick people are sick. We need to look at how we approach mental health issues. Tackling that is far more important than blaming a tool that sick people use.

But the bottom line for me is this...I'm sorry mass shootings happen and if my family was affected by such a situation, maybe I'd think different. But I'm not willing to get on board with anything that limits my ability to protect myself or my any way whatsoever. Nor do I want the govt to have record of the weapons I choose to own for said protection. Nor do I want anyone questioning me on how or why I choose to own protection. Or hell, if I want to own a gun just to go into the woods to play cops and robbers, I should be able to do that.

Yeah, as many have said, the mental health problem is the much bigger issue. Crazy people are going to find a way to do the crazy things they do. Limits on whatever isn't stopping that.

As for guns, I don't think I've heard of any laws or projected laws that limit anyone being able to protect their family. There could be things I've missed though as I tend to not really buy into the paranoia. I'm all about guns having a record that follows them though. I don't really care if people question me or not though. I mean, answering questions isn't difficult. Those type things have been in place for years and years, whether it be weapons or dynamite or whatever. I agree that regular old citizens should be able to purchase guns though. There is no reason for banning them that makes any sense to me.
Concealed and carry with robust background checks for those carrying... If one or two had been carrying in that classroom, this punk could have been stopped in his tracks.
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Concealed and carry with robust background checks for those carrying... If one or two had been carrying in that classroom, this punk could have been stopped in his tracks.

And if those had been the first ones shot, the result would have been the same. Like the OP, I don't have a clue as to how to correct this. I really don't understand the resistance to having an open and honest discussion about the gun laws and these mass shootings. Things probably wouldn't change, but at least both sides of the issue might learn something from each other.
I have no issues with people carrying a gun. My only issue is when those people have one and push their shirt or jacket behind the gun so everyone can see it. First, it's dumb. If I was a lunatic I'd kill you first. Second, they aren't doing it for any reason other than to show they have a gun. Congrats. It is like when I was young and lifting and would walk around without a shirt. It was just to show off. I could say whatever else I wanted but I was really just being a dumbass.
And if those had been the first ones shot, the result would have been the same. Like the OP, I don't have a clue as to how to correct this. I really don't understand the resistance to having an open and honest discussion about the gun laws and these mass shootings. Things probably wouldn't change, but at least both sides of the issue might learn something from each other.
If those concealed carrying had been shot first, you're right, the result would have been the same... However, I would put my money on someone stopping the punk vice the punk shooting the concealed carriers first...

I am more than willing to have an honest discussion, that is why I included the robust background checks for concealed carriers... I would also go so far as deputizing some or all of them with some additional training. Recruit active duty, retired, or honorably discharged military personnel to conceal and carry and deputize them; same thing for retired or prior policemen, security guards, etc... I am all for background checks.

Evil exists in this world. This punk who I refuse to call by name is a prime example. He welcomed going to Hell for his actions and wanted to be embraced by Satan. Maybe we could have an honest discussion about that as well...
I have no issues with people carrying a gun. My only issue is when those people have one and push their shirt or jacket behind the gun so everyone can see it. First, it's dumb. If I was a lunatic I'd kill you first. Second, they aren't doing it for any reason other than to show they have a gun. Congrats. It is like when I was young and lifting and would walk around without a shirt. It was just to show off. I could say whatever else I wanted but I was really just being a dumbass.
You're right. Those people showing their guns off are dumb and shouldn't be doing that. If they do it, they should be reported and their concealed and carry permits should be yanked, and fined heavily. That would be the point. You conceal the weapon because you don't want peaceful, law-biding citizens to be intimidated or offended. And, the lunatics don't know who is packing heat... The lunatics would have to be incredibly lucky to pick off the conceal and carry guy first...
I carry concealed. Only once in the 6 years of obtaining a permit have I every come close to needing personal protection.
My church is on a semi-private road. It has a t intersection. Had a guy cut me off with absolutely no regard for oncoming traffic. I almost hit him. I blew the horn at him. He becomes extremely aggitated and leans out his windows communicating severe threats. I stay about 80' behind him to avoid having an altercation. He then sits at the stop sign still gesturing and threatening me. After a minute of wait he then gets out his vehicle and proceeds my way. I lay my pistol on the dash as a warning to him. He stops about 20' from my truck, says a few more choice things, goes back to his vehicle and leaves. Later that evening, the leo's come to our church and put us on lockdown . this same guys shot his house up with the girlfriend in it. I really feel that having personal protection kept this wack job from coming up to my vehicle that day.
Some people are not responsible enough to coceal carry. I don't think owning the weapon makes me more of a man, just better able to protect my family.

As to the op, there is no fixing what's wrong. This is the direction society is heading. Identifying people prone to these issues is next to impossible. Sometimes people just snap. I really think the internet being so open fuels the fire. For people to egg this latest killer on is horrible
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You're right. Those people showing their guns off are dumb and shouldn't be doing that. If they do it, they should be reported and their concealed and carry permits should be yanked, and fined heavily. That would be the point. You conceal the weapon because you don't want peaceful, law-biding citizens to be intimidated or offended. And, the lunatics don't know who is packing heat... The lunatics would have to be incredibly lucky to pick off the conceal and carry guy first...
Actually, open carry is legal in most places, while you need a permit for concealed. You can walk down the street with it in a holster in full display and there's nothing anyone can do about it
Actually, open carry is legal in most places, while you need a permit for concealed. You can walk down the street with it in a holster in full display and there's nothing anyone can do about it

I have lived 44 years on this earth and never felt the need to have a gun in my possession. This is coming from someone who spent 6 years in the Navy. Maybe I am not that paranoid like others. I also didn't grew up in one of best neighborhoods. It's your choice to buy one, I would never get one or anyone in my family would never buy one.
It is certainly not coincidence that these types of attacks are increasing in numbers as Christ is being taken out of the public sector more and more each day. The Heart of our Nation is being changed over from a moral standard of living to an evil standard of living...and as long as things continue in that direction you will see more and more of these types of attacks occur. Our collective values have dropped below zero....any wonder that this type of thing is occurring more frequently!

Actually, open carry is legal in most places, while you need a permit for concealed. You can walk down the street with it in a holster in full display and there's nothing anyone can do about it
I know, and many people are intimidated and/or offended by that... Not me, but others... I'm just trying to throw out ideas about how we can stop turds like this in their tracks while accommodating legitimate 2nd amendment rights of law-biding citizens...
OK, so Obama openly admits he will politicize tragedies like Oregon and New Town... Brazenly and unabashedly even before the families have had a chance to bury the dead...

But, Obama had complete control of the government for his first two years in office and spent his political capital on Porkulus, ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank vice going out and "getting the guns"... He blew his wad on a few things, but I thought he said he could walk and chew gum at the same time, inferring he could get it done. He fails to recognize that the things he decided to concentrate on in his first two years directly resulted in him losing control of the House in 2010 in a blowout and losing the Senate in 2014...

So, now, he wants to talk about it. OK, fine. At least he's honest about it now when he and his detractors criticized him for it and his defenders denied it earlier in his presidency...

So, OK, let's politicize it... The shooting in Oregon was nothing more than an average weekend in Obama and Rahm's hometown of Chicago... In fact, Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and that does not stop the carnage, mostly gang related. What are these "common sense" actions that could be taken nationwide that haven't already been tried in Chicago and that have failed miserably there??? Aside from advocating repealing the 2nd Amendment (which some of his loonier supporters are pulling for, read 'boy...), what would he and his "progressive" buddies do that wouldn't ultimately be considered UNCONSTITUTIONAL?

OBTW, I am all in for robust background checks. But, there is absolutely no way you are ever gonna stop a lunatic if the lunatic hasn't been identified before he's able to buy guns...
Ok lol 'boy, why is this type of thing happening more and more these days? What is your 'boy guess?

Well, I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with superstitious nonsense.

Its largely because we stigmatize mental health disorders, and have shut down almost all of the mental health facilities in favor of... shiny new private prisons. Combine that with a culture that seems to worship guns and policies that say it should be easier to get a gun than a car and you're going to have problems. That's just common sense.

How do we solve it? Hell if I know, but I bet if we used more of our police resources to protect our children instead of using them to kick down people's doors for drugs or writing BS traffic tickets we'd be doing better.
It is certainly not coincidence that these types of attacks are increasing in numbers as Christ is being taken out of the public sector more and more each day. The Heart of our Nation is being changed over from a moral standard of living to an evil standard of living...and as long as things continue in that direction you will see more and more of these types of attacks occur. Our collective values have dropped below zero....any wonder that this type of thing is occurring more frequently!
I disagree.

People who obey religions have been happy to kill other people for millennia. They do it now, every day. People who obey religions, instead of God, are quite fond of killing people. Even when their Deities (savior, prophets, pastors, holy ones) plead with them to do the opposite.

This has nothing to do with a detachment from "Christ." Human beings are all a part of God. There's no choice in the matter. It's just a struggle for all of us to realize, or remember it. None of us has the right to maliciously end the life of another one of us. Mutual respect is not found in religion. As much as it tries to teach it, humans are too obsessed with "being right" than being empathetic and respectful. This decision to separate into religious groups is a mystery to me, but I can't stop it. I try to just my best tolerate it, and maybe get some to see that no specific way is the "only way" or the "right way". It's merely a DIFFERENT way.

I like TarHeelMark's Jimi Hendrix quote :


The "Power of Love" is a prime example of God manifested. It didn't die on a cross 2000 years ago. It's right here, right now, all the time.
Well, I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with superstitious nonsense.

Its largely because we stigmatize mental health disorders, and have shut down almost all of the mental health facilities in favor of... shiny new private prisons. Combine that with a culture that seems to worship guns and policies that say it should be easier to get a gun than a car and you're going to have problems. That's just common sense.

How do we solve it? Hell if I know, but I bet if we used more of our police resources to protect our children instead of using them to kick down people's doors for drugs or writing BS traffic tickets we'd be doing better.
So, how do you account for the kind of evil in the world that would possess a man to target specific individuals because of their religious beliefs? Do you see yourself in this scenario when you hate on Christians on this message board?
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Well, I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with superstitious nonsense.

Its largely because we stigmatize mental health disorders, and have shut down almost all of the mental health facilities in favor of... shiny new private prisons. Combine that with a culture that seems to worship guns and policies that say it should be easier to get a gun than a car and you're going to have problems. That's just common sense.

How do we solve it? Hell if I know, but I bet if we used more of our police resources to protect our children instead of using them to kick down people's doors for drugs or writing BS traffic tickets we'd be doing better.

COMMON sense, if u had a clue about it, would tell someone that owning a car isnt a constitutional right skippy. And since the thread asks "whats the answer" and u admit u dont know the answer then obviously your only motivation in posting is to bully those who attach religous beliefs to good and evil. Quite the bigoted response i would say.
I disagree.

People who obey religions have been happy to kill other people for millennia. They do it now, every day. People who obey religions, instead of God, are quite fond of killing people. Even when their Deities (savior, prophets, pastors, holy ones) plead with them to do the opposite.

This has nothing to do with a detachment from "Christ." Human beings are all a part of God. There's no choice in the matter. It's just a struggle for all of us to realize, or remember it. None of us has the right to maliciously end the life of another one of us. Mutual respect is not found in religion. As much as it tries to teach it, humans are too obsessed with "being right" than being empathetic and respectful. This decision to separate into religious groups is a mystery to me, but I can't stop it. I try to just my best tolerate it, and maybe get some to see that no specific way is the "only way" or the "right way". It's merely a DIFFERENT way.

I like TarHeelMark's Jimi Hendrix quote :


The "Power of Love" is a prime example of God manifested. It didn't die on a cross 2000 years ago. It's right here, right now, all the time.

Show me where I mentioned religion in my post? And I disagree with has EVERYTHING to do with a detachment from Christ! and I disagree with you again....I am not a part of God....instead it is HE who lives in me....and there absolutly is a choice....God has given us free will to make the choices we make...hence my comments about the morals standards of our Country...we have gotten away from God....HE has not gotten away from us!!!
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I disagree.

People who obey religions have been happy to kill other people for millennia. They do it now, every day. People who obey religions, instead of God, are quite fond of killing people. Even when their Deities (savior, prophets, pastors, holy ones) plead with them to do the opposite.

This has nothing to do with a detachment from "Christ." Human beings are all a part of God. There's no choice in the matter. It's just a struggle for all of us to realize, or remember it. None of us has the right to maliciously end the life of another one of us. Mutual respect is not found in religion. As much as it tries to teach it, humans are too obsessed with "being right" than being empathetic and respectful. This decision to separate into religious groups is a mystery to me, but I can't stop it. I try to just my best tolerate it, and maybe get some to see that no specific way is the "only way" or the "right way". It's merely a DIFFERENT way.

I like TarHeelMark's Jimi Hendrix quote :


The "Power of Love" is a prime example of God manifested. It didn't die on a cross 2000 years ago. It's right here, right now, all the time.

I also don't understand Strum why you would have a problem with a Country that is living a morally strong lifestyle with good values......what is your issue with good morals and values?
I also don't understand Strum why you would have a problem with a Country that is living a morally strong lifestyle with good values......what is your issue with good morals and values?
Where did you get the idea that I have a problem with it?
Heres my take. The toothpaste is out of the tube re people with guns. There is no way in hell to change the fact that there are millions of guns out there avail And certainly no way to keep them out of the hands of criminals. Aint gonna happen. "Common sense legislation" is fine to throw the public a bone and allow the politicians to posture for their respective fan bases but it will not prevent mass shootings. I've yet to see a single example of how a law that doesnt violate constitution would have prevented a single mass shooting. what could have prevented several is people turning in wackos who post threats on social media! Last year i came across a tweet from a kid saying People were coming to his school in butte montana to shoot it up the next day. (Anniv of 9/11) I immediately contacted the butte police dept and NOONE KNEW HOW TO GET ON TWITTER! NONE OF THEM WERE MONITORING IT! I literally had to talk a lieutenant through signing up and finding the tweet. turns out the kid himself had weapons and a history of mental illness and school probs. they never said he planned on doing anything but he had THOUSANDS of followers on twitter, mentioned his school by name and gave a specefic date and threat and a person in nc was the only one to express concern. THATS why mass shootings occur.
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So, how do you account for the kind of evil in the world that would possess a man to target specific individuals because of their religious beliefs? Do you see yourself in this scenario when you hate on Christians on this message board?

Good men will do the best they can, bad men will do the worst they can. But if you want a good man to do evil, you need religion.

Its no secret people with mental health disorders often dont seek help because of the known stigmas of having a mental health disorder. Our society views them differently than other medical conditions. And its no secret we've closed an absurd amount of our mental health facilities in favor of biological medical treatments that are self administered.
Yes that good ole biblical morality. I hope none of you are wearing clothing made of blended fabric. Or have daughters that had premarital sex.
Its no secret people with mental health disorders often dont seek help because of the known stigmas of having a mental health disorder. Our society views them differently than other medical conditions. And its no secret we've closed an absurd amount of our mental health facilities in favor of biological medical treatments that are self administered.

No, you stated that we're closing mental health facilities in favor of opening private prisons. I don't see the logic there.

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