CNN's poll had it 48-42 for Governor Pence, hardly a landslide.
Senator Kaine pounded Trump with his own words over and over again with Donald's own words, which Pence had absolutely no answer for. There were no Sarah Palin moments last evening, so, I doubt that the needle will move much at all, if any, for Trump after last night's VP debate.
Kaine helped continue the Democrat's defining of DT as a bigot that is completely out of touch with the middle class. Speaking of CNN, they have a poll that reveals that 73% of voters want Trump to release his tax filings, which he isn't going to do, and that will hurt him.
In another poll, 70% believe that senator Kaine would do a good job as President should that need arise.
In my opinion, Trump is not going to win this election, there is simply not enough angry white men votes to catapult him over the finish line ahead of HC. For the first time since 1956, college educated men are in Clinton's corner . .